
The most popular folk remedies for headaches

Most people of the modern world from time to time suffer from painful sensations in the head. Of course, in pharmacies, you can choose a drug that is suitable for quality and price range. But more and more people prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle and categorically deny any tablets and potions. It is for them that the folk remedies for the headache are listed.

In order to completely eliminate the uncomfortable sensations of this kind from their lives, it is necessary to identify their cause. It can be in constant stress or overwork at work. Frequent pain can occur against the background of the development of infection in the body or hormonal failure. For women, the onset of the menstrual cycle is usually associated with uncomfortable sensations, in particular, with pain in the head. If it lasts for several days, you can talk about having a migraine.

Headache: treatment with folk remedies

If it is caused by a common cold due to hypothermia, then you can remove the symptom with the help of menthol oil, lightly brushing the temples and forehead, the same effect is possessed by the pulp of the lemon. A remarkable effect is the usual tincture of cinnamon. In order to remove the headache, 1/8 of a teaspoonful of powder should be poured with a tablespoon of boiling water and put in a dark place for 30 minutes. This tincture should be taken two sips every hour, in addition, you can make a lotion on the whiskey.

Every day a person is overcome by stressful situations, from which it is not always possible to get out without consequences. Some folk remedies for headaches also help to calm the nervous system. Widely distributed infusion of valerian, tincture of a peony flower. It is enough to buy a herb of St. John's wort or thyme in a pharmacy, 250 ml of hot water should be used for a tablespoon of the mixture, close the broth and insist for twenty minutes. As a preventive measure, you can take it one tablespoon before meals: 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts one month.

With frequent headaches, it is possible to administer juice therapy, for example, freshly squeezed juice of potatoes, viburnum or blackcurrant with the addition of a spoonful of honey to use half a cup several times a day. If the attack caught you unexpectedly, then such a folk remedy for a headache, like a strong green tea with the addition of cinnamon and mint, will help. Relief can be expected after half an hour. They say that painful sensations pass if you massage whiskey and forehead, garlic or radish region with light massage movements.

In a separate group, we can distinguish folk remedies for headaches, which save from migraines. This condition is characterized by the duration of the attack for several days, and in a certain part of the head, in addition, there may be nausea, overcome the vomiting. Migraine can be triggered by spasm of cerebral vessels or a sharp increase in intracranial pressure. A basic way to get rid of an attack of pain is the contrast shower, it is possible to use warm foot baths. To reduce the pain you should do a head massage. The impact on certain points on the face and neck gives amazing results.

Habit of many tea or coffee should be replaced with herbal decoctions and infusions, especially fine twigs of melissa and mint, oregano, dogrose, nettle, and even plantain. A person can, on the basis of his own preferences, mix these or those herbs and brew sweet-smelling tea. One cup of boiling water is sufficient for two tablespoons of the mixture. Eat half a cup of tea before meals. Such simple folk remedies for headaches will help get rid of unpleasant sensations in the shortest possible time.

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