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The meaning of phraseology "dashing trouble is the beginning"

Everyone knows what it's like, to start something first, how difficult it is to start in any business. Folk wisdom did not ignore this phenomenon and labeled it as "a famine is a trouble beginning". We will discuss it today.

The mythological roots of the expression and the meaning of the word "famously" in the saying

There was such a creature in Slavic mythology - famously. It symbolized those misfortunes and hardships that occurred with man, that is, evil fate. Accordingly, the speech turnover of "famine trouble beginning" means that starting to do something is already half the battle. The beginning is the most difficult part of anything.

Why? It's very simple, if you use a metaphor, then the following will happen: when a person starts to comprehend something (knowledge or business), he traces the rails, which will roll in the future. The undoubted advantage of the phraseology under consideration is its universality. Let us verify this with examples.


Everyone knows how difficult it is to learn, especially at the very beginning. We will not take the first class of the school, but take, for example, the first course of the institute. In higher education everything is different in comparison with the school: attitudes, requirements, terms. The person entering the university is afraid of everything first of all, worries about every test, exam, even the control one. But then, when yesterday's entrant becomes older, and the sessions turn into routine, he already feels more confident than before.

But if one of the older comrades went to the frightened freshman and said: "Come on, calm down, dashing trouble is the beginning, the main thing here is to get used to how it's done here", it could be much easier.


Human life is characterized by different cycles, periods. The modern man studies about 11-16 years. But then all the same it is necessary to leave the student institutions and boldly rush into the waves of adulthood. I must say that the sea of maturity is quite cold. However, we again got distracted.

Imagine an almost incredible situation: a young specialist comes to the office, and the authorities are interested in him. Well, if only because he is fresh blood for the organization.

And suppose, the head of the department, where the new frame works, the first days closely follows him and cheers, but does not swear and screams. You can support in many ways, you can say the following: "Nothing, nothing - dashing trouble begins." After all, when a person feels the right to make mistakes, it is much easier to work. Then even the most difficult work becomes a habit: there are their own techniques, methods, their own algorithm of work.

Phases of life and phraseology

We mentioned earlier about the universality of phraseology and about the difficulty of any undertakings, and this is the true truth. Because it can be applied not only to various forms of social activity (work, study), but also to entering into successive age periods and getting used to them (and it is quite the same whether it is old age or youth).

It is not necessary to get used only to childhood, because at this age there are no special obligations, there is protection and support of adults under the normal circumstances. When a person enters the other periods of development, everyone, probably, would like to sometimes hear: "Hold on, it's no more trouble!" (The meaning of phraseology was disassembled a little higher).

If we allow the possibility of a posthumous existence, then our highly respected expression can be useful there too. Let's turn to the production of Hollywood - the movie "Ghost".

There, as you know, the main character dies a violent death. All the most interesting happens in the film after this mournful event. At the very beginning of his posthumous existence, Sam Whit meets a more experienced ghost, which tells him how things are in the other world. Despite the rather ironic nature of the conversation between the experienced deceased and the inexperienced one, one can easily imagine that in one of the translations into Russian, the phrase sounds in their conversation: "It's all right, son, you will get used to your position, the more you do not know how you are here (meanwhile Peace and this) is stuck. As they say, dashing trouble is the beginning! ". The meaning of phraseology all our famous translators probably knew, but none of them had the courage to insert this expression into their translation. Although it would have been very handy.

Moral of phraseology

In this case, it is very simple and easy to extract. Phraseology says that even if it seems that it is very difficult and scary to start, it is still worth trying, because no one knows how it will end up, which will give an effort in the end.

For example, there are countless examples of how the path of illustrious athletes started with the fact that they were brought to the section by their parents almost by force. When the great athletes were small, they rested and did not want to practice, understanding, probably, implicitly, how difficult it is to start, but then they got involved in the training process, and they even liked them. If you do not believe us, then read any interview of the famous figure skaters. Few of them say that they were attached to the ice on the first training session. By the way, the same is true for musicians, for example violinists or pianists.

We hope that after our analysis the reader will not have a question: "Leah's misfortune began - what does it mean?". Examples we tried to find not only simple, but also close to each person.

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