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The image of Stolz in the novel Oblomov: a fiasco Goncharova or creative find?

The outstanding Russian classic writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov portrayed the image of Stolz in a special way in the novel "Oblomov". A literary critic, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov, ex- pressed this clearly. The idea of the image, in his opinion, is a new person capable of telling contemporaries "what to do". Corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences Goncharov for ten years carefully, step by step, wrote a novel in which he solved a super task. It was obvious that with the replacement of the feudal foundations of society with the bourgeois nobility, it finally lost its aura of progressiveness.

A new "hero of our time"?

Contemporaries of the writer no longer saw in Pushkin's image the nobleman Eugene Onegin, nor in Lermontov's image of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin as a light for imitation. These heroes became literary and historical. In the Russian culture, a clear, unfilled niche was formed. The history, and the interests of the development of society, demanded a new insightful look, fresh ideas. In the XIX century, a new social stratum of people - raznochintsy. Not having a hereditary "blue blood", these people were brilliantly educated, tremendously efficient, penetrated into all spheres of social development and moved them. It was such a hero, who could reasonably say compatriots "forward", became the image of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov."

Goncharov with the utmost clarity, just tastily displayed in it those new qualities that fundamentally distinguished him from Onegin and Pechorin. At the same time, the classic points to simply "genetic" differences: ideals, aspirations, activity, personal values are different. That's what Ivan Alesandrovich shows by the origin of Stolz. His father Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz came to Russia and serves as a clerk, managing the estate. sane. Andrey's mother is an educated Russian lady, a man of a subtle soul, who belongs to a wealthy estate. The image of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" is indicative. Goncharov thus "sculpts" the essence of the future man from German clearly oriented education, purposefulness, efficiency, activity and the Russian spiritual world (Andrew Stolz - Orthodox), openness and sincerity towards friends, propensity to conform to the domestic way "in the Russian style."

Stolz is an active member of the society

Andrei Stolz, thanks to his first teacher - his father, received together with the primary education the main thing: an active life position. Then, university education. Then he made a brilliant career (and even up to 32-33 years). We learn that according to the table of ranks, its result is equivalent to the rank of colonel in the legal sphere. The image of Stolz in the novel Oblomov is both a lawyer and a businessman. In a few years he has multiplied his father's capital tenfold. Having retired, he is successful in commercial activities, skilfully representing the trading company both in Western Europe and in Russia itself. Moreover, the fact that Stolz is attracted to the development of projects is evidenced by the fact that colleagues listen to his thoughts and suggestions.

Stolz appreciates friendship, family relations

In addition to business qualities, Andrei Ivanovich is a true friend. He does not throw at the mercy of Ilya Oblomov. Helps practically, not with advice, talking. He manages to literally pull the lazy and lazy from the Petersburg apartment, so that he sees people, talked, found a woman who would change his life. At first, it would seem, Stolz's plan worked: Oblomov fell in love with Olga Ilyinskaya. She also had reciprocal emotions. However, just barely grown love needs to be watered like a tree, not only by the movements of the soul, but also by kind, romantic actions and deeds. But just this Ilya Ilyich was unable to. All the efforts of Andrei Ivanovich, aimed at improving the life of a comrade, prove to be in vain. Disappointed and Olga. Andrei Ivanovich, seeing the wealth of the soul and realizing the depth of the spiritual world of a woman, marries Olga. When Oblomov dies of the disease, Stolz's spouses take on the education of his son Andryusha.

Criticism of the image of Stolz

However, the major Russian writers and critics, including Chekhov and Dobrolyubov, on the whole expressing admiration for Goncharov's work, sharply criticized the image of Stolz in the novel Oblomov. They saw that this character does not actually serve the development and ideals of Russia, all his activities are aimed at his own personal well-being. He is an individualist, building his own theory and not listening to others. "Such people will not be able to save the Fatherland", such is the severe verdict of the classics. By the way, Goncharov himself admitted that the ideas underlying this image remained unfulfilled.


However, do not forget that Goncharov's time was the time of the Titans from literature. His work was evaluated by real classics according to the highest criteria. Therefore, it would be correct to sum up the above as follows: the image of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz organically intertwines in the plot, he gracefully shades himself with Ilya Oblomov. Goncharov's game on the contrasts between the images of Oblomov and Stolz forced and makes many people think about and overestimate their lives. In addition, this is the most famous novel of the classic. Therefore, the greatest creative success that the writer Goncharov achieved was Oblomov. The image of Stolz plays the role of a good contrast for the protagonist - one of the most unsurpassed "sloths" in all world literature.

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