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The Greatest Sorcerer Salazar Slytherin

One of the founders of Hogwarts. The darkest and most ambiguous of them. His faculty and many years later will remain with a double meaning - the thoroughbreds will proudly call the name of their House, and the others only with contempt to respond about "snakes". What was he, this greatest sorcerer? And what is behind his majestic name? Salazar Slytherin is the founder of the same school of the School of Sorcery and Magic Hogwarts.

Basic information

Salazar Slytherin is a magician who is one of the four founders of Hogwarts. According to the legend, each of the four, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, and himself Salazar, after the establishment of the School of Sorcery and Magic decided to take students to his place at the faculty, given their outstanding character traits. Slytherin agreed to teach those who were cunning, purposeful and resourceful. These qualities openly overlap with the properties of the symbol of the Faculty of the same name and its founder, the snake.

It is known that Salazar Slytherin, among other things, was the first registered serpent. He perfectly mastered the art of Legilimency. These same abilities were also shown by his heir, Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort), who later, with the help of a particle of his soul, passed them to Harry Potter.

Attributes of the Slytherin Faculty

In addition to the fact that the symbol of Slytherin, as already mentioned, is a snake, Salazar, like the rest of the Founders, had his own colors. For this faculty, it is emerald green and silver. Salazar is often portrayed in dresses of this color, they also carry the coat of arms of Slytherin.

Disorder among the Founders

Not for nothing that Salazar and his faculty are considered to be the Dark Side. Such glory has been preserved for them since ancient times.

Salazar Slytherin was an ardent supporter of pure blood. He did not want to accept half-bloods and even more Muggle-borns, even if they fit his criteria, and the rest of the Founders initially reconciled themselves to this order of things. But the tension between them grew. More and more, the passion between Slytherin and its main rival, Gryffindor, began to get worse. Gathering a joint council between Godric, Rowena and Helga, the three founders of Hogwarts forced Salazar to leave school for good. The magician was forced to obey, but he could not leave without a murmur.

Chamber of Secrets

Those qualities that Slytherin appreciated from his students, fully manifested themselves. He was a proud cunning, power-hungry and cunning. He left Hogwarts at the request of the other Founders, but could not restrain himself from leaving a small gift.

This gift was the Secret Chamber, hidden deep in the castle. And in it, Salazar imprisoned his terrible monster, designed to kill non-pure-witted wizards within the walls of the School. Slytherin nightmare - basilisk, a huge snake, born from a hen's egg, hatched by a toad, could only be called the Heir of Slytherin (another version of Heiress Salazar Slytherin is considered), and the Secret Chamber itself was also open only to him.

That's why the legend of the story turned into a fairy tale, which frightened the kids. Secret Chamber tried to find more than once and not two, and could not. Salazar's spell worked flawlessly - only the Descendant of Salazar Slytherin could be a serpent, and only he could open the Room and release the Slytherin Horror to crawl around the castle, killing the non-pureblood.

This is what happened when Tom Reddle (Lord Voldemort) not only fulfilled the prophecy, but also used it for his own purposes. His plans, as always, prevented Harry Potter.

Slytherin Relic

Salazar Slytherin medallion, despite what an outstanding magician he belonged to, could remain just an ancient ornament, if it had not been used to create Horcrux by Lord Voldemort on the path to immortality.

It is not known for certain what properties were in the medallion, but after the transformation, of course, he began to possess all the characteristics of the horcrux.

For example, to destroy an ancient relic was possible only with the help of very powerful means: the poison of the Basilisk or the spell of the Wild Flame. In addition, the medallion of Salazar Slytherin contained a particle of the soul of the Dark Lord. By itself, the decoration was already a threat - it affected the will and mind that Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley were fully experienced when they wore it. This tiny part of the soul possessed a truly great power, subjugated itself and broke.

Harry Potter and the Salazar Slytherin

The connection between the Boy Who Survived and the most famous powerful snake-tale is very strong and it is, among other things, easy to follow. Slytherin influence persecuted Harry Potter from the first year - even then the Spill Hat indicated how much the boy is suitable for this faculty. It had enough qualities that Salazar Slytherin valued, but, as Albus Damboldor rightly noted, the director of Hogwarts School of Sorcery and Magic: "It is not the character property that determines the person, but the choice made by him." Harry made a choice in favor of Gryffindor.

But the connection did not stop there - not for nothing because it is called so strong. In the second year, Potter discovered that he was a parasite, and for a while there was even the possibility that he was Slytherin's heir. In the end, it turned out that this was not entirely true, although the ability to speak serpentargo was passed to him precisely from the Founder, although this happened indirectly.

Another notable property of Salazar is the Legilimency, the Boy who survived, however, did not possess. Harry did not have the energy and effort to master it. Ultimately, the Legilimency ("the ability to read minds," as Muggles say) is not an innate talent.

For the strong connection between Potter and Slytherin, most likely the part of Voldemort, settled in the boy's soul, is responsible, when Tom Reddl did it inadvertently made him his horcrux.

Myths and Reality

The name of Salazar Slytherin is shrouded in many legends and tales. The magician lived so long ago and became famous for so many that it is difficult to say what actually happened and what was not. The article describes who in the canon of the book series of Joan Rowling was Salazar Slytherin. The fanfic of any authorship can offer even more clarifications, stirring the minds of fans. Unknown relics, novels with Founderes - Rowena and Helga, sudden resurrections and yet Merlin knows what. None of this will be true, but can be very entertaining.

In turn, the final result can be added the version of the origin of the name of Salazar Slytherin. Perhaps Joan K. Rowling chose this name for a very controversial hero in honor of the Portuguese dictator Antonio de Oliveira Salazar (tyranny from 1932 to 1968). The writer, as is known, lived at one time in this country and, undoubtedly, was familiar with her history, including her bloody pages.

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