
Sterling silver

Silver has been used in jewelry since ancient times. Its large-scale mining began in Europe in the 18th century. Until this time, due to the lack of known deposits, it was mined in limited quantities.

By appearance, sterling silver is dazzlingly white, with an amazing brilliance that romanticists compare to the shining of the moon. Most likely, this comparison comes from antiquity, when silver was considered a symbol of the moon, while gold is a symbol of the Sun.

This is a jewelery alloy of the highest strength, very durable and practical. He put in one happy with platinum and white gold, while the cost of white silver is much lower.

Products made of such silver have a special marking. This is the very word "sterling" or a certain sign (depends on the country in which the products are manufactured).

Today, this alloy is the leader in popularity in the production of jewelry from precious rocks. Silver is beautiful, refined, durable and, importantly, hypoallergenic.

However, not everyone can imagine what sterling silver is. It is an alloy of silver and copper. Metals are mixed at a very high temperature (over one and a half thousand degrees), resulting in a very durable material that does not lose its external beauty for a long time. It produces jewelry and cutlery, religious accessories, cufflinks, tie clips, etc.

In its pure form, silver is never used to make any products, because this metal is rather soft and too light. Therefore, other metals with valuable properties are always added to it to give strength: zinc, copper, nickel, germanium and even platinum.

The percentage of this alloy is as follows: silver - 92.5% and copper - 7.5%. It is these proportions that should be present in an alloy called 925 sterling silver.

The presence of copper in the alloy can lead to the fact that when it comes into contact with air, it eventually grows tarnished and darkens. To return the product from silver the original color and shine, it must be properly stored and cleaned in a timely manner.

Keep sterling silver in closed containers or tissue bags, in a cool and dry place. Occasionally, the products need to be cleaned with hot water using a conventional dishwashing detergent. After this, the decoration needs to be wiped with a soft cloth. Also, silver can be cleaned with means that do not include phosphates. If it so happens that the decoration is still significantly darkened, then it is better to entrust it to a professional. Jewelers have a large arsenal of means by which products can return the original radiance. Also for the protection of silver it can be covered with a thin layer of rhodium.

Sterling 925 silver is a classic version of this alloy. In its composition, there is always a standard mass of silver: 925 parts per 1000 parts of the finished alloy.

Sterling silver according to English data contains classic 11 ounces and 48 grains of noble metal. For recounting use such a measurement system: one pound is equal to 12 ounces, that is, in the amount of 373.24195 grams; One ounce is 20 pennies, in total - 31.1035 grams; One penny is equal to 24 grains, a total of 1,555 grams.

The name of the alloy is due to the family of Easterling, who lived in the north of Germany in the XIII century. His Edward the First granted the honorary right of coining silver coins, which historically became famous for their impeccable quality. Then a common noun "sterling" was formed. Since that time, this word has been called the highest degree of reliability and quality. However, this is not the only version of the origin of the word "sterling" in relation to silver. However, the most beautiful, like the noble metal itself.

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