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How to write an essay on history. A rough outline of an essay on history, topics
Style recommendations in writing essays
When asked how they write an essay on history, one should answer that the academic style is still predominant in them. This is important - do not lower the level of presentation before the spoken language. The topic of the essay is revealed with the help of elegantly selected arguments. (This will be discussed in more detail later in the article.) The personality of the narrator, his individual opinion on certain events, the impressions, the logic of reasoning is of great importance. Therefore, the academic nature of the presentation should not be absolute, but author of artistic means that allows creative use .
Genre features of the essay
As should be understood from the foregoing, the retelling of history by this genre is different from what we can see in textbooks. There is no desire to present the subject of the volume in a systematic and systematic manner. The essay on history has a clearly expressed focus on the disclosure of a certain plot, an episode of history. The author must present his original view, style of thinking, and present weighty arguments.
How much should an essay
The volume of the essay should not be large, commensurate, for example, with a novel. Rather, it has a compact, limited nature, if only because of the coverage of a rather limited topic. After all, before this genre is the task - to highlight a specific historical plot, to show a certain vision of the role of an individual. Usually, depending on the author's intention, it is commensurate with the story or a small story. Volume - from a few to 20-30 pages. There is no single recommendation on how to write an essay on history. There is, as we have already mentioned, only a recommendation to adhere to a non-colloquial, but academic style. The narration of the plot can be the most varied and even paradoxical. The main thing is another: to make the story "talk", make it "alive", to awaken the reader's emotional attention to the events of "long gone days". It should be emphasized that the subjectivity of the author is within certain limits: it can not contradict real facts and events.
An essay on history: how to write?
Many of us like certain stories from history. They cause associations and emotions, allow one to be proud of their country. How do they write an essay on history?
After receiving the topic, make a selection of material for it. Make sure that you can express it brightly and out of the box. If the collected material does not allow you to do this - the topic is better to change. Make, based on your sample, your plan of reasoning. This is very important - rigid adherence to the chosen logic.
Structurally, the essays on history begin with the introduction, where the main question defining the direction of the presentation is formulated. Then - the main part, which is a detailed author's response, reflecting his personal point of view on the proposed topic. The author should in advance provide for the argumentation, all possible pros and cons. They must appear in the work. In the main part, at its intermediate stage, an additional brief, concentrated answer to the question presented in the introduction, as well as several alleged sublevels, is additionally positioned. This is one of the genre features. The conclusion is the final deciphering of sublevels.
Argumentation of an essay on history
The answer to the question of how to write an essay on history will, of course, not be complete without specifying how to use the argument in it. The essence of this genre is the proof of the author's views. It uses not only logical reasoning. Also in it appear associations that are associated with the existing in society moral norms and the feelings and emotions that they engender, people's emotions. Well-known logical terms are used: induction (the method of proof, assuming logic: from the private to the general conclusion); Deduction (a general conclusion is formulated from the general inference); Analogy (a comparison of the logic of the passage of two historical events: the standard and studied, followed by the formulation of conclusions). These are just some of the logical techniques that are used in the essay on history. "How to write the proof of his main thesis?" - this question presupposes multivariance, including proof by contradiction, logical refutation, indirect proof.
Planning an essay on history
First, you need to thoroughly study the material about the historical situation in which the historical personalities-figurants, the details, circumstances and chronology of the main events of your essay on history took place. "How to write about the course of historical events?" - you ask. The most common presentation is in chronological order. It is usually recommended for novice authors. Speaking about historical characters, one should present their personal characteristics: on whose behalf they stand, what views they have on society, whether they personally contributed to progress or vice versa. Themes of the essay on history often contain a brief hint of the thesis substantiated by the author.
The personality of the protagonist is an important element of the essay
What else can a historical hero say in such a composition? His moral character, preferences, intellectual level, organizational abilities. Is his personality contradictory? What is its significance: to improve the quality of life of the people, for the further development of the country. Especially valuable in the essay is the emotional author's moral characterization of his main characters. It should logically follow the general thread of the narrative and be its most beneficial element in terms of influencing the reader. Essays on the history of Russia, therefore, are often dedicated to charismatic historical personalities, real heroes and prominent statesmen - Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, Alexander Suvorov.
The genre of the historical essay considered in the article is currently experiencing its revival. He, educating patriotism, helps to look at the bright pages of history with fresh eyes, to interest the history of his country a wide range of people and especially young people. And as you know, without the past there is no future. It is important to remember who we are and where, to honor and remember our great countrymen. This is the guarantee of continuity and the fact that the great and important affairs initiated by our predecessors will continue.
As we can see, the plan for an essay on history is, of course, an indispensable element for writing it, but it is far from sufficient. In addition to it, the harmonious logic of the presentation, the powerful undeniable documents in the proof and the basic civil moral principles, delicately delivered to the reader, are important for the writing of such a work.
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