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The groom constantly grinds and groans. Why does the newborn groan and push in a dream, during feeding?

With the advent of the long-awaited baby, parents feel not only indescribable joy, but also a huge responsibility for a small "lump of happiness." Each respectable family tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for their child and does everything possible to ensure that his health is not threatened. But without difficulties, as is known, it is not possible to raise a child.

The subject of concern most often are crying, colic and abdominal pain. Many are concerned that the babe constantly grinds and groans, even while in a dream. To identify the main reason, it is necessary at least a little to understand what this may be related to. Our task is to deal with this problem and find out why this happens.

The newborn groans and groans: the reasons for this behavior

All babies during defecation begin to make strange sounds and are very strained. Terrible and frightening in this there is nothing, if there are no other signs of discomfort (temperature, crying, screaming, convulsions, bloody mucus). If this behavior is observed constantly - and day and night, accompanied by grunting and straining, then, most likely, the child has something to worry about. Thus the baby expresses emotions and sensations. The most common reasons include:

  • The appearance of dried crusts in the nasal passage, which prevent the penetration of oxygen - the baby tries to breathe and can not, all this is accompanied by different sounds and strong tension. Mom should regularly clean the nose with a nasal aspirator.
  • Pediatricians believe that the babe constantly grinds and groans after overeating. This is a normal reaction to discomfort in the intestines (digestion). If the chair does not change and the emptying takes place in a timely manner, then you can do a tummy massage or exercise "bicycle", which will contribute to the rapid activation of the digestive tract.

Intestinal colic

Colic usually appear in the third week of a child's life and can last up to a year. These cramping attacks in the abdomen are combined with the following symptoms: poor appetite, frequent regurgitation, stiffening of the legs, altered bowel movements, vomiting, flatulence, weight loss, belching. The child grunts and tights all night, and also cries for pain.

Every second parent faces this problem, because the baby has not developed the intestinal tract. Nursing mothers need to carefully select the menu, so as not to provoke colic. It is necessary to exclude products that cause strong gas formation. It is advisable to give your baby a drink that improves digestion.

Ingestion of air

The baby constantly struts, makes grunting sounds and regurgitates if air gets into the intestines with food. It is recommended to keep the baby in a vertical position after each feeding. Then put it on its side so that when belching the baby does not choke on the milk mixture. Periodically, put it on your tummy, it is in this position that gas formation takes place, and the peritoneum muscle tissue strengthens.

Stool retention

The problem of changing the normal rhythm of defecation becomes common. As a rule, the emptying of the intestine is carried out every few days and with great difficulty. The breastbone constantly grinds and groans, while it blushes and cries. The root cause is inappropriate milk formula (for artificial persons), broken diet in the mother (eating prohibited products), frequent use of laxatives, use of enemas and pathology of the intestinal tract.

Diagnosis can only be performed by a doctor with a full examination. Independently solve it and find out why the newborn groans and stiffens in a dream, it is dangerous for the child's life. Do not get carried away with enemas, candles and laxatives, as they wash away the beneficial substances from the growing body.

How to prevent constipation?

Always pay attention to the behavior and habits of your child. If you notice that the child is constantly pushing, crosses the legs and strains heavily during emptying, then this is the first alarm about possible abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid this, strictly monitor the diet, watch the amount of liquid drunk, do not inject the lure before six months.

If the baby is on mixed or breastfeeding, the mom should keep track of her menu. Adapted mixture is better to choose on the advice of a doctor and try not to change it. Also, physical activity and massage also help to get rid of the baby from constipation. Neuropathologists and pediatricians advise daily to do the child gymnastics: podgibanie legs, "bike", stroking the tummy (clockwise). The right technician will be taught by a specialist.

Many doctors recommend giving crumb means containing lactulose. The drug normalizes the microflora and has a mild laxative effect. In the first months of life, you can treat a baby with carminative medications, but only according to the appointment of a specialist.

Why does the newborn groan and push in a dream? Norm or pathology

The infant spends most of the time in a dream, and this is considered the norm. In this case, sleep should be calm and not intermittent. It is quite natural that when a child sobs, groans and snores. Bad signs are tension, constant crying and pinching of the legs.

This indicates the presence of intestinal problems. The cause may also be infectious and nerve diseases. It is possible that he was simply overfed or vice versa - he wants to eat. For a quiet and full sleep of the child maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

Regularly ventilate the room, maybe the baby is just stuffy. Absence or lack of fresh air, physical activity and emotional heat negatively affect a child's condition. Try to observe the regime of rest and feeding, especially up to a year. Do not forget to keep an eye on hygiene: after each emptying, do the washing, change the diapers and lubricate the creases with cream.

Often, snuffling and groaning are caused by tingling of the hair on different parts of the body. This irritates the baby's delicate skin, provokes discomfort and anxiety. Wash the baby with a decoction of broth, chamomile or manganese before going to bed, wear clothes made of natural cloth. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the irritated areas with honey. This advice is not for everyone. Better consult with the pediatrician.

When to contact a pediatrician?

If the baby grunts and tights all day long for a long time, then, without hesitation, contact the district pediatrician. Try to remember how long all the sound of the baby's sounds sound, how much it strains and when this is most often observed. Also pay attention to the attendant signs or their absence. All this information is extremely important in the survey.

It is possible that the newborn's body adapts to the new conditions of life. Usually, groaning stops when digestive work is established. But even if your baby is cheerful, cheerful and well eats, postpone visit to the doctor is not necessary. It will not be worse. The pediatrician will recommend suitable means for the prevention of intestinal disorders and colic.


So we found out why the newborn groans and tires, and also describes the main reasons that lead to such a problem. No child is immune from illness and discomfort, but in the power of parents to help the baby cope with gas, colic and constipation. Correct the food, take care that the air does not enter the baby's intestines, drink it with plain water, do not allow hypothermia.

And of course, spend daily gymnastics, pay attention to the kid and walk more. Remember that even minor symptoms can pose a huge problem if you do not see them in time. Well study the behavior of your child, because the baby constantly grinds and groans when experiencing new emotions or expressing discontent.

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