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The finger on the leg hurts, a crack: the reasons, treatment

In a person everything should be beautiful. For sure, everyone remembers this saying and strive to match it, starting from the fingertips and ending with the tips hair. But no matter how a person tries to look good, there are some factors that contribute to the development of various diseases, including fungal ones, which reduce all efforts and aspirations almost to zero. This is especially true of the feet, because every day they have to withstand heavy loads - tight shoes, high heels, long movements and the like. As a result, the finger on the leg may suffer, the crack forms suddenly and begins to cause a lot of inconvenience.

Causes of cracks

Ideal stops can be considered those in which the smooth skin is tender pink. If the legs have a different appearance and they are corns, piles, too many coarse keratinized cells, cracks in the toes, treatment should be carried out depending on the degree of injury. If it is not in a very neglected stage, then most likely, it will be enough to take a foot bath several times a week, followed by the use of foot softening agents.

Very sensitive to the appearance of callus on the big toe , the crack in this case indicates that there was one of the types of such a disease as dermatitis. Most often, it can hit the foot in the summer, which is considered the most favorable time for the development of various fungal diseases.

Typically, a crack on the big toe occurs when the skin on the foot becomes too dry, while its upper layer is broken and the microbes are able to penetrate deep into the inner layers, which leads to their damage.

Among the main reasons for their occurrence, the following are distinguished:

  • The appearance of a fungal infection.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Constant wearing of unsuitable footwear.
  • Inadequate hygiene of feet.

Methods for treating cracks in the toes

To make the feet normal again, the finger on the leg stops worrying, the crack should be treated based on the cause of its occurrence. If this is a fungal lesion, then special drugs should be used, the action of which is directed to its elimination. Foot baths also help in soda solution.

If the cause of cracks is a disease such as diabetes mellitus, then the treatment will consist in softening the keratinized skin with special means intended for people with such a disease.

When cracks appear due to excessively dry skin, they can be cured by using hot baths containing soapy water and soda in the amount of one spoon of a dining room (per liter of water). After softening the skin on the feet, a tool is applied that is based on petrolatum.

Prevention of the appearance of cracks

In order to never disturb a finger on the leg, the crack does not appear any more, it is recommended to do a foot massage, which has a beneficial effect on the majority of the reflex zones responsible for the normal functioning of the organs.

Regular foot baths should be carried out from decoctions of medicinal plants, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and make various lotions.

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