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Why pershit throat? Psychosomatics

Faced with a sore throat, few people think about psychosomatics. Ill go to the reception to the therapist, he writes out the prescription. They drank medicines on the list, and the disease receded. Hence, we are dealing with a viral or bacterial infection that attacked the body.

And it is quite another matter when soreness or perspiration in the throat becomes a habit. Here you can already talk about psychosomatics. It is necessary to treat a throat, of course, but the problem provoking the disease must be solved.

Psychosomatics - a new direction in medical science

Perhaps you will not find a person who has never heard of psychiatry and psychology. These two areas of medical science are engaged in the study of the inner world of man, the influence of external factors on his nervous system.

The emergence of a new direction in medical science - psychosomatics - is associated with the study of the ability of the human psyche to influence his state of health. It is she who can answer the question of why the throat hurts, and traditional methods of treatment do not help.

Diseases of the throat and psychosomatic

Diseases of the throat with which the person most often collides is tonsillitis (tonsillitis), laryngitis, pharyngitis. They are associated with such symptoms as perspiration or a feeling of "coma" in the throat.

All diseases caused by the penetration of infection in the form of viruses or bacteria into the body are called somatic. Thus, psychosomatics includes two components - medical and psychological.

That is, the science of psychosomatics studies the connection between the psychological state of a person and the diseases that he has. And the disease of the throat psychosomatic connects with unspoken resentments, suppressed emotions (anger, irritation).

Thoughts and diseases

There are special tables linking the wrong thoughts and illnesses. In them a separate section is dedicated to the throat. An example is the work of Louise Hay.

Sore throat: psychosomatic, causes
Angina (tonsillitis) Restraining rudeness in someone's address. Impossibility to show selfishness.
Glands Deterrence and suppression. Everything happens without the participation of the subject and contrary to his desire.
Pharyngitis Dependence on others, fear, unspoken anger, reluctance to change.
Cough (sore throat) The desire to attract the attention of others is to be seen or heard.
Lump in the throat Distrust, fear of living.
Laryngitis Fatigue from someone else's pressure, inability to speak because of anger and fear.
Nasopharyngeal discharge (mucus in the throat) Feeling yourself from the standpoint of the victim, unplaited baby crying.

If you ask the science of psychosomatics, why the throat hurts, the answer will be simple. He is provoked by unspoken emotions, fear of declaring himself to the whole world.

Psychosomatic angina (tonsillitis)

It appears as an infectious-allergic inflammation in the tissues of the tonsils. Somatically transmitted:

  • Through the air.
  • Through contact with the sick.

Subcooling, immunity parameters affect the time and severity of the disease.

The psychosomatic pain in the throat with angina is associated with a person's habit of remaining silent in response to the insult. His stereotype of behavior will be to "cry in the corner," but not to give the offender a worthy rebuff. Such people do not know how to pronounce the problem, preferring to suffer it.

Psychosomatics distinguishes such causes of inflammation of the throat:

  • Silencing insults.
  • Suppression of the negative.
  • Inability to defend oneself, your point of view.
  • Lack of self-expression.

Such people force themselves to remain silent. They constantly control their statements, afraid to injure another. The problem is that these others do not worry about it at all.

And the body, forced to keep silent all the time, reacts accordingly - the throat starts to ache, and the voice disappears. The children at risk of psychosomatic angina are children of power parents who are considered only with their opinion. Growing up, they often continue to hide in the shade and be afraid to voice their thoughts and feelings on the forehead.

Psychosomatic laryngitis

Laryngitis is a lesion of the mucous throat caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Most often, the disease manifests itself against the background of an acute respiratory disease, scarlet fever or a flu.

Symptomatic manifestations of laryngitis:

  1. The throat is as scratched.
  2. Attacks of dry cough.
  3. Osiplost or complete loss of voice.

In some cases, there is also a painful swallowing.

For this disease, a vivid manifestation of psychosomatics is characteristic. The throat reacts with painful manifestations in the form of coughing and scratching. People who constantly face the problem of laryngitis are often in co-dependency with others - relatives, spouses, friends or employees. Above them, as if the will of others. And the person can not or does not want to resolve the situation for some reason, although he can not accept this situation.

And then psychosomatics enters into its own rights. Throat pershit, then begins to "sit down" voice. At first the throat is shackled by fear. Then, unspoken in time anger and anger do not allow to say a word. The person becomes dumb. And all this is accompanied by painful sensations.

The very first manifestation of laryngitis - a sore throat - psychosomatics explains the habit of hushing up, not talking about what is bothering. The soul suffers, and the body reacts: the throat becomes inflamed and aching, the voice wheezes, and sometimes completely disappears.

Not released to freedom, negative energy accumulates inside the body and provokes the disease.

Psychosomatic pharyngitis

Pharyngitis - a disease associated with inflammation of the mucous throat - can occur in acute or chronic form. His somatic manifestations, as well as laryngitis, are associated with acute respiratory illness, influenza, etc.

The trigger for the development of pharyngitis can serve as hypothermia, stress, a long experience of the smoker.

An untreated acute phase of the disease often flows into a chronic form. The manifestation of pharyngitis is often described as symptomatic as "lump in the throat" or "mucus", as well as exhausting coughing attacks.

And if everything is clear with an acute infectious form of the disease, then the chronic manifestations can be explained with the help of psychosomatics. Sore throat arises from the fact that a person forces himself to remain silent, contrary to his own desires, emotions, and often contrary to common sense. Unconditioned problem will not be solved by itself, and another person is unlikely to be able to read your thoughts or correctly interpret the reason for the offense.

The psychosomatic "coma in the throat" was clear to our ancestors. It's not for nothing that folk folklore connects the phrase "a lump in the throat" with a feeling of grief or resentment, which you can not say and can not be tolerated. And there is. Continuous stress and a sense of doom, when a person can not control any life processes, puts the muscles of the larynx under attack - there is an increased allocation of mucus. Muscles of the larynx are reflexively reduced due to an overabundance of mucous secretions, there is a constant coughing.

So, gradually, we move on to the next symptom of the psychosomatics of the throat. Coughing is just a person's desire to be heard. Everyone paid attention to the fact that children are most often affected by colds. These diseases are often accompanied by a painful cough that persists for a long time after the child's recovery. From the point of view of psychosomatics, this is due to the lack of "children's voice" in children. Few adults worry themselves to inquire about the desires and needs of the child. Most parents see children as an integral part of themselves, with the same thoughts and needs. Constant bans on the part of parents lead to the fact that the child begins to get sick often.

But from the lack of rights in the family or in the service are not insured and many adults. And their main problem is that they do not consider themselves entitled to express this, protect their interests, defend their point of view. Often these people sacrifice even their "little joys", an example of which can come out freshly brewed coffee in the morning.

The throat muscles react to any nerve overexertion. They begin to shrink. And this, in turn, leads to a throat or coughing. The habit of coughing slightly becomes a chronic person and accompanies him all his life.

Psychosomatics goes to the rescue

The science of psychosomatics not only answers the question "why does the throat ache," but also offers solutions to the problem that has arisen. The algorithm for solving psychosomatic problems is very simple and involves the establishment of a causal relationship between the disease and its source. Consider it on the diagram:

  1. Identify the root cause of the disease: a virus or stress.
  2. If the fault is psychosomatic, determine the source of stress.
  3. We solve the psychosomatic problem, and the diseases of the throat disappear after it.

Of course, the stereotype of behavior that has evolved over the years will not disappear instantly. From awareness of the problem to its resolution is a long and complicated path. Still, everyone can pass this path. The only exception may be a child whose dependence on parents is too great. On the features of helping the kids, we'll stop later. To begin with, let's talk about adults.

We proceed to treatment

If the psychosomatics of throat diseases is associated with understatement, then "treatment" should be started from the opposite. The first thing you should learn is to understand that it's safe and natural to talk your feelings from joyously positive to irritable and negative ones! Someone may argue that this can lead to conflict. Of course, many really faced misunderstanding or even aggression to try to express their opinion or defend the decision. And after a few failures, I do not even want to start. Although others before your eyes always tell the truth in person, and they are not only not scolded for this, but, on the contrary, admire their openness and straightforwardness.

So, maybe the problem should be sought in yourself, in inability to convey what you feel or ask for what you want?

Expressing ourselves without offending others

All psychologists agree that the winner in conflicts is one who can bring the situation from his point of view, without blaming and not attacking the opponent. Analyze what you usually say in a situation that you do not like:

  1. Tell your loved one how bad, heartless, selfish, irresponsible, etc. Such behavior will cause back aggression, a conflict can provoke even a break in relations.
  2. Prefer to keep silent and "swallow" offense, sacrifice your interests in the name of "our relationship" or "saving the family." Then be ready in return to receive all possible throat diseases (psychosomatics is their cause).

But if both ways are wrong, what should I do? The answer is simple - try to replace the accusing words with " I-utterance". Do not try to blame another person, you are not a prosecutor. Tell me about yourself. What did you feel at this moment, how did the situation affect you, your state of health. This will allow you to express yourself without affecting the feelings of others.

Using the "I-statement" technique, two simple rules must be observed:

  • Make an emphasis on the pronoun "I".
  • Talk only about your emotions and feelings.

Having brought to the automatism the habit of expressing one's feelings through the " I-statement", you can not only keep an excellent relationship with your spouse, relatives, friends or co-workers, become a winner in the conflict, but also be able to convey in the correct form to the interlocutor that you Worried. It will no longer be necessary to ignore the problem, not to let out negative emotions and provoke a sore throat. Psychosomatics will help you conquer fear and love yourself.

Helping Children

The psychosomatics of throat diseases in children and adults is common. The main problem is that the hyper-caring mother decides for the baby what he wants, and the indifferent parent simply does not care about his desires and needs.

Observe the golden mean is difficult, but possible. Watch the child and you will notice what he really wants. For older children, a trusting home environment is necessary. A teenager should know that he is loved, appreciated and respected that he can talk with his parents on any topic, entrust them with their secrets.

It's no secret that at every age the child has his desires and needs. So:

  • A kid for one year needs most of all security. A loving mother can help him feel secure if he tries to spend as much time as possible with the baby in order to be able to calm down, take in hands or feed.
  • A child of 1-3 years knows the world without interruption. And non-stop "impossible", accompanied by a mother's shout or, worse, a slap, forms a feeling of powerlessness in the child, he becomes accustomed to suppress his desires in favor of his mother. Try to give the child an opportunity to learn the environment, especially since it is not so difficult to secure it now - there are special silicone corners and plugs for sockets.
  • The life of a 4-7 year old kid is a game. They want to be the loudest, the most nimble, the most gay. All this requires from the parents endurance and patience. Give it to the child, believe me - he deserves it.
  • Junior students want to do only what interests them. Do not impose your desires and unfulfilled dreams on your child. He does not have to realize your ambitions. Do not force him to do things that the soul does not lie to. If children do not feel entitled to choose, they can not avoid psychosomatic diseases of the throat.
  • In adolescence and older the need for self-realization becomes the main one. The child seeks to gain authority among peers. This time of self-expression with the help of unimaginable clothing and unquestionable opinion for all occasions. You just have to wait. It's not forever. But giving the child the right to decide for himself what hair color he will have today, you can bring up a complete personality, confident in your own abilities and clearly understand what he wants.

Change your habits and behavior stereotypes is difficult, for this you will need the desire, patience and faith in yourself. The main thing - remember: you do not have to love the whole world, and you do not have to love it. But, having learned to accept yourself and understand your desires, you will gain not only psychological comfort, but also somatic health.

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