Computers, Software
How to set up the torrent correctly? Instructions for the beginner
Downloading large files from the "World Wide Web" is always accompanied by great difficulties: instability of the connection, low speed, failure or disruption of the connection. In addition, this process can take several days, which, firstly, is very inconvenient, and secondly, it will not always succeed. Agree, it's not pleasant when after saving a long-awaited archive with a movie or a music album on the computer, the "Unconventional end of the archive" error and the like are found, which means that it is impossible to unzip the data, and, therefore, everything must be started again.
Torrent is a unique system for downloading large files from the Internet. If you properly configure the torrent, it will allow you to download movies, serials, music albums, programs and other resources from the network in just a few minutes. What explains such a high performance of this system? To begin with, a torrent is a kind of network of collective distributions and downloads of files, which means that the user downloads data not from one server (hosting), but from many owners of this file. This is the optimal scheme: the torrent algorithm is configured in such a way that downloading several files occurs simultaneously, in parallel and independently from each other. In fact, the torrent immediately performs many similar tasks, and due to this, you find a profit in time and quality of work. Of course, the more users are currently distributing files, the faster they are downloaded to your computer.
So, you really liked the algorithm of the system, and you want to start using it right now? There are no obstacles. First you need to download the program for downloading files using the "torrent" protocol, it is distributed free of charge. After that, you must install torrent as a standard resource in the directory you have chosen, you can add a shortcut to the desktop and to the taskbar. Now the question is quite reasonable: "How to set up the torrent client correctly?" First let's see what parameters are key for the torrent's work, what you should pay your attention first.
The client's top panel is the zone where the resources downloaded by the selected protocol are displayed. The first parameter, which is worth paying attention to, when answering the question, how to properly configure the torrent is "Status" and "Status". The status means what is happening with the file: "it is loading" - the download is in progress, "pause" is suspended, "it is heard" - the download was successful and complete. However, special attention should be paid to the message "in the queue": it means that the file can not be downloaded, and more often because the download limit is set.
How to properly configure the torrent, so that downloading occurs at any time? You need to go to the "Settings" menu, select "Program settings" and go to the "Scheduler" section. Now before you is the schedule of the torrent client and the available states: full, limit, stop, only distribution. Putting the status of the "full" in the schedule grid, you remove all the speed limits for downloading and uploading. Now the program will start downloading the selected file.
Many users are faced with the question of how to properly set up a torrent with a speed limit? This can easily be done by specifying the appropriate restrictions in the schedule of the scheduler. However, it is worth remembering that specifying zero in the appropriate fields does not cancel the download or distribution, but on the contrary - completely removes all restrictions on downloading files.
In conclusion, we note how to properly configure the torrent, so that when the download limit is set according to the schedule of the scheduler, the required file is downloaded. It is noteworthy that in such situations it is not necessary to change the program settings: just right-click on the selected file and choose "Forced" from the context menu .
So, setting up and using the torrent client is a simple procedure that is available to every fan to download files from the Internet quickly and without problems!
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