HealthDiseases and Conditions

Tremor: what is it and how is it manifested?

One of the manifestations of an unhealthy nervous system is a tremor. What it is? This disease, characterized by rhythmic involuntary fluctuations in the functional parts of the body. Basically, the tremor of the hands and the tremor of the head region are diagnosed. In addition to lesions of the nervous system, this condition can indicate endocrine, somatic diseases, various intoxications of the body.

Types of the disease

Tremor is divided into physiological and pathological.

A physiological tremor is present in any healthy person. It can not be seen with the naked eye, since its amplitude is very small, and the frequency is 8-12 Hz. In the case where the frequency remains the same and the amplitude increases, an intensified physiological tremor is diagnosed. What it is? This is a condition that can arise due to various conditions, due to which excitation of peripheral adrenergic receptors (fear, excitement, intake of certain drugs) occurs. It is manifested by the rapid and easy trembling of fingers, eyelids, and heads.

Pathological tremor, what is it? This condition occurs due to various diseases. Such a tremor has a number of electrophysiological and clinical characteristics, which differ significantly from the tremor of the physiological. This type of disease can accompany such hyperkinesia as dystonia, athetosis, chorea, ballistic, tics, myoclonus.

You can also distinguish such types of tremor:

  • Drug. This condition can be triggered by the use of caffeine, euphyllin, neuroleptics, tricyclic antidepressants, psychostimulants. With mercury intoxication, tremor appears at rest, then increases with muscle movements and is manifested by the trembling of the muscles of the face and limbs.

  • Alcoholic. The tremor in this case is manifested by the trembling of the fingers, as well as the muscles of the face. It occurs with alcohol intoxication and alcoholism.

  • Hysterical. The state of tremor is observed in hysteria. It can have a permanent or paroxysmal character, with a changing rhythm and amplitude, amplified by the action of psychological factors.

On a special place is an essential tremor. What it is? This is a condition that can occur with activity, maintaining a position, maintaining a pose. In the state of tremor, the hands, the head, the lower jaw, the legs, the vocal cords may be involved. In half the cases, this condition is hereditary in nature, but cerebellar lesions are also possible.

Tremor: symptoms of disease

As mentioned above, the disease manifests itself in rhythmic fluctuations of parts of the body. The tremor begins with the trembling of one hand, which gradually covers the other. There may also be a trembling of the head, the tongue (this leads to speech disturbance), the chin, in rare cases - tremor of the legs and trunk. Such a state does not allow a person to draw, write, hold a spoon, a cup, other objects. Alcohol and excitement can increase the tension of the tremor. The patient's gait is not changed.

Treatment of tremors

If the tremor appears only with emotional stress, then treatment involves a single reception of funds that have a hypnotic and soothing effect.

In an essential type, therapy is aimed at reducing the tremor amplitude and may include the administration of beta-adrenergic antagonists, benzodiazepines, and anticonvulsants.

When cerebellum tremor is recommended taking hamkergic drugs, it is also practiced using a bracelet to weight the limb.

However, you should know that it is impossible to completely cure the tremor. You can only reduce the severity of the disease in order to optimize everyday life.


For prevention of tremors, it is recommended to avoid stress situations whenever possible. Monitor the patient's state of health and prevent overwork, as this can worsen the condition. Limit the use of foods and beverages that contain caffeine and abandon bad habits. Regular physical exercises also have a good preventive effect.

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