Self improvementPsychology

The ethical code of a psychologist

The ethical code of the psychologist does exist despite the doubts of many. He approves the main norms of morality, the rules of behavior that an expert must observe in the performance of his work. However, the paradox is that there are no sanctions for violation of this law in our country. If in the United States the ethical code of a psychologist must be strictly observed, since otherwise it is possible to pay not only reputation, but also to examine the circumstances of the case in court, then in Russia the highest penalty is the publicity of unworthy behavior.

So, the activity of the psychologist is based on the basic principles that provide for the protection of human rights, his personal life. The most important rule, the observance of which is necessary when consulting a psychiatrist or a psychologist, is considered confidential. This rule implies the absolute non-disclosure of information received from the client. The patient will be able to really open up, only knowing that two people will not spread his words further. If the specialist needs additional consultation with a colleague, he must inform the person about this need and ask about the possibility of holding it. Only with the consent of the client can information be disclosed. Many psychologists often write scientific works, based on personal experience, that is, examples from life. In this situation, the specification of names will be superfluous and illegal.

The ethical code of a psychologist includes the principle of competence, which implies full responsibility for the method of work he has chosen. In addition, he must clearly understand where the line of his qualification ends and in what matters he is not aware. Any advice of a psychologist can have a strong impact on the patient. That is why everything that a client does, based on the instructions of a specialist, remains on the conscience and responsibility of the latter. He must always remember that he is able to influence the fate of a person, and this is very serious. During the work and the reception, the specialist has no right to show a personal negative attitude towards the client or otherwise intentionally harm his state of health.

The ethical code of a psychologist is based on the principle of respect for the individual. If he encounters a situation in which moral norms are discordant with professional duties, it is necessary to weigh carefully the pros and cons and take a decision that maximally contributes to the client's well-being. That is, it is necessary to remember the commandment "not to harm the neighbor". The activity of a qualified psychologist should not be influenced by the religious, national or sexual affiliation of the counselor.

It is also worth remembering about professional cooperation, which implies respect for colleagues and their methods of work, regardless of one's own competence or opinion. The public articulation of a sharply negative response about the work of another specialist is considered a morally unjustified act.

And the main thing: at work with each client the psychologist is obliged with all responsibility and interest to approach its problems or illnesses. He must develop a plan, which clearly identifies the main problems, the methods for their solution and the expected final result. All this should be discussed with the client, because he should be fully informed about what they want to come to, should be in agreement with the goal. Then the process of understanding the cause of the problem and implementing measures to eliminate it will be much faster and more efficient.

In addition, do not force a person to speak on this or that topic, you can invite him to do it. In case of refusal it is necessary to wait for the moment when he himself will be ready to talk on a specific topic. And it does not matter how long it takes, because everyone has his own time. Thus, the psychologist in his activity relies on the principle of voluntariness and the desire of the client in carrying out any work with him.

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