
The drug 'Efferalgan' (candles for children). Instructions

The drug "Efferalgan" (candles for children) describes the instruction as an analgesic-antipyretic. The drug has antipyretic and analgesic effects. The mechanism of action of the drug is based mainly on its effect on the centers of thermoregulation and pain. The drug has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

Candles "Efferalgan" for children (parents' reviews indicate this) are a fast-acting means. Suppositories, in addition, is a very convenient dosage form.

The drug "Efferalgan" (candles for children) recommends the instruction for ARVI, childhood infections, influenza, post-vaccination reactions. The medication is indicated for infectious-inflammatory pathologies, complicated by an increase in temperature. The drug "Efferalgan" (candles for children) is recommended for use with mild to moderate pain syndrome, including neuralgia, muscle pain, dental, headache. The drug is also prescribed to eliminate soreness in burns or injuries.

The medicine "Efferalgan" (candles for children) allows the instruction to be applied rectally only. The suppository is released from the package and injected into the rectum. It is advisable to use the medication after spontaneous emptying or cleansing enema.

Suppositories are used according to the age of the child. Thus, for children from one to five months, candles of 80 mg are recommended, for children from six months to 1.5 years - 150 mg, patients from four to ten years are prescribed candles of 300 mg.

As a rule, one suppository is administered no more than four times (the interval between doses is about four to six hours).

Treatment on average is carried out for three days with the use of the drug as an antipyretic drug and for five days when used as an analgesic.

Medication Effergalgan children (candles) instruction does not allow for use in severe dysfunction of kidney and liver, blood diseases, bleeding or inflammation in the rectum (recently transferred including). The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to paracetamol. The medicine is not used for diarrhea.

Carefully prescribe a medicine for Gilbert's syndrome, with disorders of kidney or liver activity in moderate or mild.

The "Efferalgan" supplement (candles for children) attached to the medication contains information that allergic reactions are likely to occur with its use. They include, in particular, Quincke's edema, hives, rashes.

The drug may also provoke vomiting or nausea. Prolonged use of the drug in high doses leads to hepatotoxic effects, irritation of the mucosa in the rectum.

In some cases, there may be leukopenia, anemia, nephrotoxic action, thrombocytopenia.

If the recommended doses are observed and the prescriptions of the doctor are followed, the drug is well tolerated. However, if there are negative symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

The use of more than five days is not recommended. If necessary, prolong treatment should consult a specialist. When using the medication for more than seven days (as prescribed by the doctor), a systematic assessment of the liver and peripheral blood function should be performed.

The paracetamol present in the drug is capable of distorting the levels of uric acid and glucose in the plasma.

When overdose is marked increased sweating, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, blanching of the skin. After a day or two, there are signs of lesions in the liver. Severe cases are characterized by hepatic insufficiency, coma, encephalopathy, hepatonecrosis.

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