EducationSecondary education and schools

The composition on the subject "The Master's case is afraid." Why is it so important to be a master?

The essay on the subject "The Master's case is afraid" is a task, on the one hand, easy, and on the other hand, heavy. It is difficult, because the characterization of the "master" is deeply subjective, because for each case the level of skills is different. And on the other hand, the master is immediately visible. We will discuss this topic today.

Phrase Value

It is not difficult to unravel the meaning of the sentence: in the able hands, the matter is argued. In general, the theme of fear in this stable phrase is deep. If a person is well prepared, then he is not afraid of business, but, on the contrary, feels trembling, excitement, impatience of the heart and hands before him. The general meaning of this state is "to get down to work sooner".

When a person is not confident in himself, the business suppresses him and makes him nervous. The recipe for overcoming such a stand alone is to grind your skills, to become an increasingly high-class specialist, and fear will recede. When a student wants to write a good essay on "The Master's Case is Afraid," he needs to understand the meaning of the proverb.

Why is it so important today to be a master of your craft?

Today there is a stable myth among the people: during the Soviet era, everyone was equal and everything was the same, including salaries. This is not entirely true, but let's imagine that it was so. Now is another time. Practically all but the civil servants, salaries now depend on the work done. In other words, the level of the master's fear before the business determines how rich the table and wardrobe of the professional will be and whether he has any food or clothes at all. Harsh times have come, but, strictly speaking, it has always been so. But at the same time, money should not determine a person's life. There are a lot of professions that do not have wealth (ordinary teachers and doctors, not luminaries), but this is not a reason to stop teaching and healing and all rush to the stage or a football field. We must do our work, no matter what. The real master is one who is engaged in his work of persuasion and does it well. When you write an essay on the subject "The Master's case is afraid," the line of moral dilemma between money and work can be developed for as long as you like, but here we put a point.

Bulgakovsky Master as an image of the virtues and weaknesses of the creator

"Master and Margarita" is a deep book, and it gives inexhaustible possibilities for interpretation. Today we turn to the portrait of the Master. What are the advantages of the life of a true master of his craft (this applies to everyone - from the builder to the writer)?

  • He does his favorite work and enjoys life.
  • He is loved by women.
  • God loves him.

The disadvantages are also palpable:

  • Psychological overloads that loosen the nervous system and lead to insanity.
  • Impossibility to create a full-fledged family because of a lack of work in the specialty.
  • Obscurity and poverty.

Unfortunately, there is no way of life, dotted with roses, but in order not to fall into despair, we must remember that the Bulgakov Master is a concentrated image of the creator, but in life everything depends on the person himself: how he will manage his life, so it will be formed eventually. Although Woland insists that man - a toy in the hands of fate.

I want to believe that the composition-reasoning on "The Master's Case is Afraid" was a success for you. We believe that our article will help the reader to find his aspect in this inexhaustible question, if suddenly he had a need to try on the role of the creator. Let the matter and concerns only for the school assignment, for not the gods of the pots burned.

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