EducationSecondary education and schools

A school essay on "What is beauty?"

One of the most popular types of work that are written in schools on the subject of the Russian language or literature is an essay on "What is beauty?" It is good in that it allows the student to think about this definition, to understand it and to give him an explanation. In general, this is primarily a creative work, and this is the key feature of this work.

Features of the genre

It is best not to write an essay on "What is beauty?", But an essay. It allows the author to express his thoughts freely, without limiting them. But here one must be able to express one's own judgment about this topic.

The main feature of the essay is that it is written in the form of clearly reasoned and reasoned reasoning. Also in this work should be clearly traced author's position in relation to the given topic. The difference between an essay and an essay is that it can be written in the form of reasoning, narrative, description, or a simple artistic text. This work is easier to write, since there are no clearly expressed genre features.

The goals of writing are also different. If an essay on "What is beauty?" Is written mainly to ensure that the student has improved the skills of his written and oral speech and the ability to formulate thoughts, then in addition, it is also important to be able to prove your opinion and, since this is a journalistic genre, try to convince the reader of his rightness. The difference is small, but it is.

What millions of people admire

Beauty is something that inspires almost all people. The only thing is that each of us has different tastes. Some people like the intimidating scenery of abandoned houses, the other is picturesque mountains, high skies and rustling trees. Some like brown-eyed and dark-haired, others - blue-eyed blondes. Everyone has his own concept of beauty. But for all, it is a standard and inspiration.

That's the first thing you can write about. On the difference in views, about tastes, that beauty has thousands of images and faces, that for each it manifests itself in something special. To develop this topic is easy, the main thing is not to go overboard with "water" (ie with unnecessary words). It is necessary to remember about the specifics. Of course, you can not do without artistic expressions and beautiful words. The reader, having studied the text, must understand what beauty is.

Composition-reasoning, by the way, is most suitable for this topic. Since it is really possible to talk about this for a long time, to think and to rant. The most important thing is not to miss the arguments and facts underlying the text. It is worth remembering that any text, in whatever genre and style it was written, has an actual and reasoned basis.

Stepwise reasoning

What is beauty? Composition-reasoning must first of all answer this question to the author himself. He may know the answer, but he will not necessarily be clearly formulated in his mind. It is important to gather thoughts into a single whole and put them on paper clearly, specifically and, most importantly, understandable. It is necessary to write so that even a person who has never thought about this topic will understand.

Composition-reasoning on "Beauty" is best to start with questions. Because they, usually, and provoke thoughts and meditations. In addition, questions attract the attention of the reader. Many authors resort to this method. You can start like this: "Who ever thought about beauty, did you notice that for everyone it means something of its own? Why do some people like one thing and the other like the opposite? Why is it so? And from what? Depends? " Everything, we can assume that a short introduction (and it should not be voluminous) is ready. But in the main part, we will not only have to answer the questions asked, but also to disclose them fully, to consider what is called, from all sides and to justify and prove our statement.

About what to write?

Well, if the structure is more or less clear, then now it's worth talking about an equally important topic. Composition-reasoning on "Beauty" - how should it be in terms of content? Here - complete freedom of creativity. The author is given the opportunity to write about what in his understanding is beauty.

You can talk about the spiritual world, about appearance. Or even about the beauty of nature. It is possible to refute the generally accepted provisions (for example, to say that 90-60-90 is not a standard at all, but simply an established stereotype, and prove it). In general, anything. The way the essay on the theme "What is beauty?" Depends only on the author and his thoughts.


Beauty is still something visualized. In any case, in most situations. Landscapes, looks, pictures, objects - in order to convey their superiority on paper, it is necessary to study in as much detail as possible how they look.

What is an example of this? In fact - any. You can see that this guy is handsome. Understand this, and even feel. But why? What is so attractive about him? This is already a topic for reflection and description. It is necessary to cast aside sensations and to look at it in a new way, from an objective point of view. By the way - it's about anything, whether it's a person or a natural phenomenon.

Let's go back to the example with the guy. It is necessary, first of all, to reveal the most striking features of it, the features of its appearance. What makes him beautiful. And describe it. As accurate and clear as possible. So much so that a person who then will read the composition, this image arose in his subconscious. And such as the author saw this person.

Natural beauty

Someone is inspired by beautiful personalities, and some - by nature. This can also be written. True, there is one nuance about which it was mentioned above. Persuasion is what we are talking about. Tell that the Italian coast is beautiful, it will not be difficult. The vast majority of people agree with this without hesitation. But to convince them that the dark, dense forest with mysterious sounds, published by incomprehensible creatures, without signs of civilization - is an ideal, it will be difficult. The author should so set forth his thoughts and understanding of what he saw to be believed. And you can do this only if you can justify the words on the paper with your sensation.

Writing examples

For the sake of completeness, it is worthwhile to give an example of such a specific text: "The road ended a few kilometers ago, you do not even know where this forest begins." Abandoned, mysterious, there is a chilling silence here. "Despite all his horror, he is incredibly beautiful, Real, natural.There is no civilization and no signs of any life, nature has made it, this extreme naturalness, one can even say - sincerity, it bewitches.When you are inside of it, you become one with it. and and artificiality. It's all for real, as it should be. Is not it a beauty? "

Such a specific composition of the OGE "What is beauty?" Clearly shows how to use the syllable in order to convey your feelings. As a description, of course, this passage does not fit completely - there are no details in it. However, as a justification for his claim about what beauty is - quite.


The composition on the theme "Beauty of the World" is a work that allows the pupil to express himself. Freedom of thought, self-expression, evidence and reasoning - all this takes place in this work. It allows you to put on a maximum. That's why, even at the exams, they ask an essay on "Beauty". OGE, EGE, and even entrance examinations (for example, to the Faculty of Journalism) - this work is quite suitable as assessing the knowledge and skills of the student in the program of the Russian language and literature.

However, do not forget about some rules of writing. It is necessary to follow the structure - the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. Also it is necessary to avoid jargon, slang and overly specific expressions. In terms of content, the text should be comprehended and built logically. And of course, it is necessary to observe grammar and spelling. Then you can be sure that it turned out to write really literate and, importantly, an interesting composition.

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