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The art museum named after Vrubel, located in Omsk - so the phrase "Vrubel, Museum, Omsk" is deciphered

An incomprehensible set of words without case and preposition "Vrubel, museum, Omsk" suggests that the author heard something about their possible combination, but what exactly, he does not know himself. Whether Vrubel was born in Omsk, whether his paintings are in the local museum, or he himself created it ... Let's put all the points over and.

The Place of Omsk in Russian History

Mikhail Yurevich Vrubel was really born in Omsk in 1856. It is therefore quite natural that the city museum is named after him, although it happened 14 years after the death of the artist, in 1910.

Each of the parts of the phrase "Vrubel, Museum, Omsk" deserves a separate worthy story, but the article is devoted to the museum, which is the largest in Western Siberia, and fully corresponds to the significance of the city that was once the capital of White Russia. In tsarist times, Omsk was the only city beyond the Urals, which was allowed to raise the flag and fireworks on especially solemn occasions. Such a right in the territory of the entire huge Russian Empire was only St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw and Tiflis.

History of the museum

The Governor's Palace fully corresponded to the rank of the city, the capital of the Siberian Cossack Army. In it, thanks to the efforts of the remarkable director VF Melekhin, the art department was first created, and later the museum, the receipts of paintings began in 1924. That is, the words "Vrubel", "museum", "Omsk" are interpreted as follows: in the large West Siberian regional center of the Russian Federation there is a large remarkable museum of fine arts named in honor of the native of the city - the great artist Mikhail Yuryevich Vrubel, unique and unique, Which is recognized at a glance.

In Siberia, there should be more museums

In the European part of Russia there are churches (the Vladimir Cathedral), the walls of which painted this artist. There are museums with world names, where his paintings are on display. This is not in Siberia. It is worth mentioning that there is Internet, and if you want you can see all the works of the master. But a real visit to the museum is something else, it's a direct involvement with the author. Museums are necessary, and they will always exist.

The investigated phrase "Vrubel, museum, Omsk" can and should be considered as the address of the only place beyond the Urals in which the works of the brilliant artist are located. The museum has a triptych "Flowers" consisting of monumental and decorative panels - "Yellow Rose", "Chrysanthemums" (central part) and "Roses and Lilies".

Decent collection - a decent room

Under the protection of the state, as a monument of architecture, there is a building in which the museum named after Vrubel was originally located. Omsk can not boast at least one more of the same. Built according to a special project of the architect F. Wagner in 1862, it was preserved in its original form to the present day. When the art department of the West Siberian Regional Museum, located in the building of the former governor-general, separated into an independent unit, he was given the building of the City Trade Building, which is also an architectural monument, but already at the beginning of the 20th century. Thus, a serious and extensive collection of paintings, sculptures and graphics is in a worthy place. Museum specimens represent all directions and schools of world painting. Thanks to the efforts of the first museum director FV Melekhin, the exposition was replenished from private and best collections of museums in Russia. There are genuine masterpieces of both domestic and foreign artists. The famous portrait of writer Leonid Andreev in the red shirt of the work of Ilya Repin is located at: Vrubel Museum, Omsk. Exhibitions held here regularly deserve separate words. Only a list of recently held vernissages speaks for itself: "Spring Awakening", "Crystal Palace", "Ivan Shishkin".

A wonderful familiarization campaign

The action "Night of Museums" was first held in Berlin in 1997. Its meaning is to acquaint as many people as possible with the world's masterpieces. The opportunity to visit the museum for free was the first bait; Now the wonderful shows accompanying the action are able to make profit by themselves, because the number of visitors increases year by year. The joy of communication itself can be fun. This holiday is expected - in 2009, 2,300 museums around the world opened their doors to visitors. On the night of May 17, the beautiful art-mystery "Emerald City" was held by the Vrubel Museum in Omsk.

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