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Tatyana Agafonova: actress or chairman of the collective farm?

Mama-rabbit from the film "Red, Honest, Lover" and Natalia Soldatova from "Do not Go, Girls, Married", Katerina from "Moorings" and Verka-Moskvichka from "Interdevochka", "Countess" from "Brunette for 30 kopecks" and Beata (Kengurikha) from Pan or Disappeared. We can not ignore the role of servant Glasha, a kind, but not very smart girl from the series "Petersburg Secrets". These and many other roles were embodied on the screen by Russian actress of theater and cinema Tatyana Agafonova, who, in general, never had a special desire to play on stage and in front of cameras.

MCHAT or medical school?

The plump charm of Soviet cinema was born on October 8, 1963. About her childhood, almost nothing is known. How many Tatyana herself remembers, even though she was very young, she did not yield to the general adventure to prepare for entering theatrical. But one day just could not refuse a friend. So, for the company, she passed the exams at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio. Looking at the potential entrant, teachers were not delighted: she was provided with only a "troika". Sixteen-year-old Tatyana Agafonova was not upset at all, sending her feet towards the medical school, because it was her dream, and it was there she was going to do.

Absolutely not recalling the unsuccessful admission, Tanya for a couple of months carefully comprehended the knowledge of pharmacology. And suddenly from the Moscow Art Theater she receives a notice that she is enrolled in the first year. I must say that for her it was a small miracle, because the competition was 245 competitors for one place.

The first film role

On the stage of the theater and on the set was an obvious search with characteristic and whimsical beauties. But the actress with the usual appearance of the girl from our yard was not enough. But after all, it was necessary to invite someone to the role of toilers of the era of developed socialism, which include cooks and waitresses, weavers and guides, workers of factories and factories. That is why the image of a touchingly well-fed, charming girl was very much in demand.

Tatyana Agafonova tasted her first fame and recognition after she played the role of Lisa, such a delicious bun, filled with raisins, in the lyric comedy of 1983 "Lonely is the hostel." After this success came other roles: Bubnov in the "Dance Floor", Lidka in the "Fast Train", Valya in "Zine-Zinul", Mac in the "Alaska Kid". Virtually all of her heroines were both on the selection - very determined, strong physically and mentally, strong-willed; But at the same time very touching, tender, kind, though not always glowing with happiness.

Along with the films, Tatyana also had theatrical works: she appeared on the stage with Oleg Tabakov, who each new play was a huge event in the cultural life of the capital.

The end of the USSR

With the collapse of the Union, everything became confused and desolate. New pictures were not received in production, and roles were not offered. Tatyana Agafonova, photo Which often appeared on the pages of the periodicals of the Soviet Union, felt unnecessary. To somehow make ends meet, she was forced to appear in commercials. A little later, she was lucky to get a job on television, in the transfer of "Apteka" to "TV-6 Moscow". Thanks to this work, she was awarded the title of the magazine "TV Park" "The Healthiest TV presenter." Tatyana Agafonova, the filmography of which was replenished with a large number of works (it happened, she was shot in four scenes for a year) in the eighties, in a very friendly way, as the best friend, gave useful advice on how to diet scientifically, eat properly in an intestinal disorder , Put an enema and much, much more.

Finding the source of income

Unfortunately, after a while the transfer was closed. Tatiana had to gather all her strength and courage, try to break through in a new profession.

In business she had oh how hard it was. Tatyana Agafonova was the director of the company, tried to join the trade in spare parts for cars, worked as a legal adviser. She tried with great difficulty to unite business and art, becoming the head of one creative association. Something began to get on the sly, but 1998 came. The default has crossed out everything and has completed the beginning career of Tatyana-biznesvumen.

From "Mosfilm" calls were distributed less and less often, and then with incomprehensible and unacceptable suggestions for her to play tiny roles in films about bandits and policemen. All this did not suit her. The desire to hide or run away is strong.

Back to the origins

And I really wanted to escape to my mother. Or rather, to where my mother lived before she left her life.

Once, a long time ago, Tatyana's mother moved to the village from the capital, to the house that Grandfather had built. After his death, the house was turned into a dacha, although it was, rather, a manor. There is a warm bath, a huge garden, a good garden. Tatiana always loved this house. It was here, when Tanya was still very young, her parents brought her for the holidays. Everything here reminded of eternity: beautiful carved furniture of the beginning of the twentieth century, curtains on the windows that my grandmother sewed, dried meadow grass in the passage, the singing of the field birds, the creak of the gate ...

When my mother died, Tatyana disappeared the reason why she should come to the village. But in her next appearance, she looked at the ancestors' house with completely different eyes. It seemed to her that before her stood an old, frail man. And she realized that she would never, under any circumstances, sell her home. When spring came, actress Tatiana Agafonova, whose films are watched with great interest by a huge number of spectators so far, planted potatoes, beets, carrots, whitewashed trees, repaired the fence around the house. Many relatives who lived in the village next door helped her in this.

Tania Hollywood

A whole year has passed. On the collective farm it was necessary to decide the question connected with the change of leadership. Unanimously, all residents from a dozen villages stretching in the neighborhood, expressed great confidence to Tatyana, suggesting to become the head of the economy. Not expecting from herself, she agreed, deciding to herself: if in her life there was at least the slightest opportunity to learn something new, she must use it and try herself.

Now she spends most of her time here, in the village, taking only books and television from Moscow apartment. But also about the movie Tatiana does not forget, not so long ago starring with Sergei Zhigunov in the movie "Kill the evening."

In the village, she is respected by her first name and patronymic, and Tanya-Hollywood is named for her in the district.

Tatyana's work now has no end, for she headed a collective farm, which had a huge debt. And trying to fix it. Another chairman wants to grow flax on kolkhoz lands again, as it was before. He tries to find money for spare parts for tractors and harvesters, to fight drunkenness, to pay back wages.

Yes, that's how Tatyana Agafonova lives. Actress From it turned out not the generally accepted beauty, but such a sweet, homely, cozy aunt, but talented, with a huge soul and a loving heart. She also presides with great talent, with intelligence and ingenuity, trying to find a way out even from the most difficult and difficult situation.

Every morning she gets up at six. Tatiana loves this time, because you can wash with cold water, make a cup of strong tea, without hurrying, to smoke a cigarette. And sit for a few minutes at the window, not thinking about the difficulties, enjoying the sounds that the cat and the kitten are issuing, flapping milk from a saucer by the warm stove.

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