BeautySkin care

Cosmetology. Mesotherapy - a modern method of rejuvenation

Currently, one of the methods of rejuvenation has gained immense popularity, the wide choice of which is offered by modern cosmetology - mesotherapy. It consists in the introduction into the subcutaneous tissue or dermis of microdoses of active preparations, such as various vitamins, enzymes, trace elements, hyaluronic acid , etc.

Most of the shortcomings of appearance can correct modern cosmetology. Mesotherapy can help to get rid of such problems as wrinkles, some vascular diseases (telangiectasia, veins), cellulitis, skin pigmentation , etc. There is also a kind of this technique that allows to correct the face oval - mesolifting.

The effectiveness of the procedure is achieved through the interaction of two factors: the effects of pharmacological substances and stimulation through the needle of acupuncture points located in the problem area. Thus, mesotherapy in cosmetology is a unique synthesis of drug and neural therapy. This distinguishes it from other injectable anti-aging techniques (the introduction of collagen or ozone-oxygen mixture, Botox injections, etc.). To date, this procedure has become one of the most revolutionary techniques that can offer cosmetology. Mesotherapy is a powerful weapon in the struggle to preserve beauty and youth.

Mesotherapy should be performed only by a doctor and in a specially equipped sterile room. Before the specialist must necessarily study the medical history of the patient (in the presence of such diseases as increased bleeding, the formation of keloid scars, cancer mesotherapy is contraindicated).

The injections are done either with a special mesotherapy gun or with a syringe to a depth of 4 to 6 mm.

At the moment there are several techniques for introducing mesopreparations:

- single injection in a small dose or mesopuncture (up to 0.02 ml);

- Frequent multiple microinjection (insertion depth - 1.5 mm);

- Mesoinfiltration. It is used to impregnate the dermis with stretch marks, age changes, scars;

- Mesoperfusion (in other words, slow injection).

Usually treatment is carried out by courses that depend on the complexity of the problem. For example, to get rid of cellulite, you need a course lasting about 10 sessions.

According to cosmetology, mesotherapy is well tolerated, and only 10% of people it seems quite painful. In rare cases, there is a burning sensation, itching, redness, tightness, subcutaneous hemorrhage. During the first day, you can not scratch and rub your skin, use cosmetics, and in the next two days after the procedure you can not use drugs that reduce blood clotting. It is better to avoid during this period of exposure to the skin of the sun's rays in order to prevent the formation of pigmented spots.

Immediately after the procedure, the skin, as a rule, literally changes, looks smooth and supple. If a mesotherapy session was conducted against cellulite, the skin becomes much smoother, and the orange peel is less noticeable. However, these impressive changes are due only to swelling of the tissues that appear after injections. Nevertheless, after the initial edema subsides, positive changes begin to occur in the skin - it becomes young and more elastic. It is worth noting that this result does not always depend only on the substances administered. Often the effect is due to the fact that the introduction of a needle under the skin causes a protective reaction, leading to stimulation of blood circulation, immunity, increased synthesis of collagen, acceleration of cellular renewal. The rest will depend on the drugs already administered.

Thus, one of the best modern injecting procedures for rejuvenation is mesotherapy. Cosmetology is by far the most actively developing branch of medicine, therefore qualified cosmetologists are able not only to eliminate various cosmetic defects, but also to prolong the youthfulness of the skin for many years.

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