
Tariff "Vsyechhechka" (Beeline): reviews, connectivity, features and services

Today, your attention will be paid to the tariff "Vsyechhechka" (Beeline). Feedback about the offer, its capabilities, ways of connecting and disconnecting - all this we have to study. Only after you can decide on how much the tariff plan suits you. Maybe it's a really good offer. Or maybe to shun him? About all this further.

Short description

Communication is an important part of the life of modern man. Now many communicate by means of a mobile phone. With its help you can always stay in touch. Without extra expenses, the "Beeline" tariff "Vsheshechka" will help you.

This proposal was invented especially for those who are accustomed to unlimited communication. You are given free minutes of conversation, as well as some Internet traffic. Even with other operators in your home region, you can communicate absolutely for free, albeit with limited time. Here is such a profitable tariff ("Beeline"). "" Vseushechka for 100 "reviews are mostly positive. It is noted that this is the most advantageous offer from the entire line of" ALL! "From the mobile operator.

It's not difficult to guess that the subscription fee for the tariff plan is 100 rubles a month. This is approximately 3-4 rubles per day. For such a meager price you get free communication.

Cost and conditions

A huge role is played by the cost of services. Especially when all the limits offered by the operator are exhausted. The tariff "Vseushechka" ("Beeline") reviews earns in this area ambiguous. Someone says that the cost of communication is not too high, some assure otherwise.

Please note that, according to the terms of use, you receive 50 minutes of free calls per month with other cellular operators and even 100 MB of Internet traffic per month. And all calls to the "Beeline" numbers inside your home region and region are absolutely free.

Not too positive reviews are left by clients that "Vseushechka" does not provide its subscribers with free SMS messages. They will be charged. One SMS costs 1.5 rubles in your region, 2.95 throughout the country, letters to international numbers - 7, and MMS costs 6.5 rubles. After 50 free minutes to talk with the numbers of other cellular operators will be exhausted, the "Beeline" "Vsyechochka" tariff will require you only 1 ruble per minute of conversation.

the Internet

The Internet has become an integral part of the life of modern man. Therefore, he is given special attention when choosing a tariff plan for the phone. As practice shows, the "Vseushechka" ("Beeline") tariffs receive positive reviews in this area.

100 MB of Internet traffic is enough for easy communication in social networks. Exchange of text information, reading letters by e-mail, searching for any data - these are all the possibilities that will be given to you by this tariff plan from the operator "Beeline".

Nevertheless, most customers indicate that 100 MB of traffic is not enough for an active user. Therefore, it is not always worthwhile to acquire this offer. If you actively upload photos and see pictures on the Internet, choose some other tariff plan. "Vshechka" from "Beeline" is intended for unlimited communication, but without the active use of the World Wide Web.

If you have already chosen this offer, prepare for the fact that for Internet traffic over 100 MB you will have to pay 25 rubles for every 25 MB of information. The free Internet extends to the home region. Outside of it, it is recommended to use additional mobile network packages.

Doubtful benefit

What else gets the "Vseushechka" ("Beeline") tariff from their customers? This proposal, as already mentioned, is really beneficial. But it is not suitable for everyone. This is often celebrated by subscribers.

As we have already explained, only 50 minutes per month are allocated for calls with numbers of third-party cellular operators. Next have to pay for every minute of conversation. The fee is not too big, but with active communication even this very ruble can drive you into huge debts. It is recommended to connect "Vsheshechki" to those who communicate primarily with "Beeline". In this case, communication does not have to be spent at all.

That's not all. After all, the tariff plan "Vsheshechka" is also not recommended for active Internet users. You are given only 100 MB of traffic, and for the remaining volumes you will have to pay. It's not too profitable. This is how most of the clients of "Beeline" assure. True, you can always connect yourself an additional package of mobile Internet and communicate without much expense.

Subscriber fee is one more point that does not cause enthusiasm among customers. It is noted that automatic debiting of funds from the account can drive you into a big minus. Seldom to whom from "Билайна" the notifications with requests to replenish the account come. "Vseushechka" is not recommended for those who are not used to keeping track of the balance of their account. Also, you should not make a connection when there is no frequent use of the number. Perhaps, you can always choose a more advantageous tariff plan. For example, without a monthly fee.


How do I switch to the "Vsheshechka" tariff? Beeline offers several simple options for the development of events. You can choose the connection method, which seems to be the easiest for you.

A personal visit to the office of "Beeline" is the first option. Take your passport and money with you. You can buy a new SIM card with "Vseushechka", or you can ask employees in the salons to help you with the transition (for Beeline subscribers).

You can also make a connection by using phone numbers. Dial on the cellular 0674001111, then wait until the operation is finished.

The call to the operator is also suitable for connecting "Vsheshechki." 0611 will help here. Do not forget to tell us which tariff plan you need.


What conclusions can we draw from all of the above? "Vseushechka" from "Beeline" is an advantageous proposal, which many are satisfied with. It requires only 100 rubles per month, it allows you to communicate with other Beeline subscribers without restrictions.

Should I connect to this feature? If you do not plan to actively use the Internet and SMS-messages, then connect. Otherwise, choose some other tariff plan from "Beeline" from the line "ALL!"

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