
Tantric massage for men

Mysterious, with eastern meaning, the word "tantra" in literal translation means "touch." Tantric massage, based on the principles of Indian yoga, is built on surprisingly harmonious erotic touches. It's more than just a massage, and some miracle-working action that is brought to perfection of art by the organic combination of elegant feminine and powerful male energies.

Some human organs are hypersensitive. These include: auricles, sacrum, feet, female breast, prostate.

With direct impact on these zones, a person receives a huge energy potential and, as a consequence, the effect of rejuvenation. At the same time, many very serious and sometimes fatal diseases are prevented.

Tantric massage for men is especially indicated, because in fact it is the prevention of such a disease as prostate cancer.

The male's prostate is massaged with light movements, excluding painful sensations. This procedure should cause only pleasant emotions. Special knowledge and mastery of massage techniques allow for a long time to save man's strength and, most importantly, precious health.

Tantric massage, whose technique is able to reward lovers with an unceasing flow of incredible sensations, excites sensuality and helps to open the veil of erotic secrets. The slowness and abundance of affectionate touches will inevitably lead to the full disclosure of the erotic beginning of both partners. Simply put, this is also a way to admit to love each other.

Tantric massage presupposes a higher degree of trust between lovers, it is the disclosure of the most priceless erogenous zone that is inside our consciousness, in the very depths of the human heart.

Light and gentle touches are only a prelude to the great mystery of the spiritual unity of man and woman. Tantric massage for beginners is an elementary massage for the feet of your loved one. But do not forget that massage and gentle, affectionate touch should be mutual, otherwise the love game will not be so bright.

In order for the massage to be successful, use fragrant sticks or candles, oriental sandalwood or spicy vanilla will be appropriate.

Tantric massage for men is, first of all, the touch of female palms, a relaxed state and inner harmony. Try to consider this technique - sit opposite each other on the floor, hug your partner in your arms, try to feel its energy as much as possible. Then you can start the massage.

Prepare butter for massage. Do not forget that you always use one hand to dial the oil, while the second hand gently continues the massage. Light, sliding strokes mass the muscles located along the spine, perform at least 5 times. Then we pass to the area of the coccygeal-sacral zone, here is the sexual energy of man. The following movements should continue from the neck to the tailbone.

Further leisurely we move up and down the leg of the beloved, down to the buttocks, stop on the coccyx and return back to the feet. Repeat 5 times.

We finish with a gentle massage of the toes, we must massage each finger, because in this complicated procedure there are no trifles.

Tantric massage consists in the fact that two unlimitedly and gently loving people take part in this action, who breathe and think in the same rhythm. It's worth remembering if you decide to make your sex life more conscious and bright.

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