Health, Medicine
What is the norm of sugar in the blood and why is the sugar content higher than normal.
Every person has sugar in their blood. It is a source of energy and therefore must be kept up all the time. In order to constantly maintain the sugar in the norm, in the first place you need to know in general, what is the norm of sugar in the blood. For people who are in good health, it should average 3.3-7.7 mmol / l. If too much sugar is supplied with food products, which does not have time to digest by the cells of the body, the sugar contained in the blood rises.
However, it must be said that sugar alone and its excess in blood does not lead to diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a disease that is hereditary and is caused by a decrease in the body's production of insulin and a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. There are two types of diabetes mellitus. The first type of this disease is insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. With it, the pancreas secretes insulin in very small amounts. As for type 2 diabetes, insulin is produced in sufficient quantities, but it is not digested and not processed, as it is necessary. As a result, the body cells do not get the energy they need, and the person feels a general weakness, fast fatigue, lethargy. To prevent this from happening, the body tries in every possible way to remove excess sugars from the blood: the kidneys begin to work intensively so that sugar goes out with the urine.
It must be said that people who have diabetes mellitus have a higher blood sugar level than a fully healthy person. Therefore, if they have sugar from 4 to 10 mmol / l, they will feel good. However, one should always strive for the norm of a healthy person. To do this, you must follow a diet when eating. It is much better to replace habitual sweets with fruits. They contain many minerals and vitamins and they do not harm health at all.
It is worth noting that it is very bad for a person if, over a long period, he has a higher sugar content than what the sugar should be. This is explained by the fact that a constant increased amount of sugar can lead to complications. So, for example, from an overabundance of glucose, blood can become thick, and this, in turn, interferes with its normal passage through small vessels. As a result, the whole body suffers.
Passing the analysis for the presence of sugar in the blood, pregnant women are included in a separate group. The norm of blood sugar in pregnant women should be much lower than that of non- pregnant women . It should not exceed 4.3 mmol / l. This can be argued by active fetal glucose consumption. During pregnancy, the load on the pancreas, which produces insulin, increases. In cases where the pancreas can not cope with the increased load, the pregnancy level increases glucose. That is why a woman who is carrying a baby needs to carefully think over her diet. Carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed (sweets, sugar, confectionery), do not need to eat. But there is no need to abandon slowly absorbed carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes, buckwheat). It should only reduce their number. In general, making a diet for a pregnant woman is a difficult task. In order to avoid any risk to the fetus, it is desirable that the specialist does this.
It is worth mentioning one more significant detail: a person who knows what the norm of blood sugar should be, should also know how to properly take tests, so that they are as accurate as possible. To do this, blood is given on an empty stomach and in the evening, the day before the test, do not eat any sweets. If these rules are not followed, the results of the tests may not be completely correct, and the level of sugar contained in the blood may be higher than the rate at which the blood sugar is considered acceptable. In this case, the analysis is best to try again.
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