Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Exercises from cellulite on the pope and legs. The effect is only systematic!

Almost every woman during her life faced such a problem as the appearance of cellulite in certain places. This phenomenon is observed not only in ladies suffering from excess weight, but also in slender, and even in lean girls. The most problematic area is the buttocks and thighs. In this part of the body, getting rid of cellulite is most difficult.

Modern technologies do not stand still. Annually, various means are created from cellulite, which offer a quick and easy way to get rid of the "orange peel" effect. But the fact is that creams, masks and gels do not give a lasting effect. For a couple of months, perhaps you will get the result, but in the future the problem will appear again and again. All of the above mentioned drugs have almost no effect on the subcutaneous fat cells, which are just the cause of the appearance of cellulite. The only thing that is guaranteed to save you from the appearance of the "orange peel" - this is a special exercise from cellulite on the pope and legs. All that is required of you is to follow discipline and be persistent in order to get the maximum result.

The simplest squats

This exercise - one of the most effective in the fight against cellulite. Most coaches recommend exactly the various squats in order to get rid of the "orange peel".

This exercise really smoothes the skin on the buttocks and makes it more elastic. But for maximum efficiency it must be done correctly. Crouching you can at home, because for this you do not need any simulators. Practically all exercises from cellulite on the pope and legs do not require any auxiliary devices. If you decide to squat without weighting, try several approaches in front of the mirror to do everything correctly and achieve the maximum effect from the class. So you can see all your mistakes while you work.

Stand exactly, feet shoulder-width apart, and put your hands behind your head. It is very important to start squats with a flat back, so that the knees do not go beyond the line of socks. The deeper your squats will be, the more effective they will be for the buttocks and thighs. At the initial stage, you need to do three sets of 20 sit-ups and eventually increase the load. You can also complicate the exercise, using dumbbells or ordinary plastic bottles with water or sand.

Raise the pelvis

Such an exercise for the buttocks of cellulite is very effective. It lies in the fact that, lying on a hard surface with knees bent at the knees, you need to raise the pelvis. You can also work at home by placing a mat or blanket on the floor. Lie flat, hands along the trunk. Next, raise the pelvis as high as possible, and during the lowering do not touch the floor, so that the muscles are always in suspense. Exercise repeat at least 3-4 sets of 30 times. Raising the pelvis from the prone position allows you to actively work the gluteal muscle and the back of the thigh. Do this exercise rhythmically. To lift the pelvis up quickly, and to lower it down as slowly as possible. Exercises from cellulite on the pope and legs are quite complex, but effective.

Makhi feet

Exercise should be done on the floor, kneeling and forearms. The back from the neck to the coccyx should form a flat horizontal line. In this position, start the flies with your feet up. In this case, do not forget to strain the gluteal muscles. Exercise do 3-4 approaches 20-30 times.

The complicated version of it are the legs with special weighting, which are sold only in sports stores. To begin, take the weight to one kilogram, and then increase the load. The number of flies performed with a weighting agent is 8 to 15 times. The maximum possible to do three approaches. Exercises from cellulite on lyashkov require persistence and systematic.

Static mach swinging

In order for fat cells to decrease in size faster, you can and should add a static swing to the previous exercise. To execute this variant of movement, it is necessary to bring a leg upwards or sideways, holding it for 30 seconds. The muscle must be in a state of tension.

If you could not keep your foot so long, do not worry. With each time you will get better. These exercises from cellulite on the pope and legs perfectly complement each other.

Walking on the stairs

As trite as it may sound, walking up the stairs helps many get rid of cellulite. Everything is very simple. When you climb the stairs, the muscles experience twice the load as when walking, overcoming the force of attraction. If you live on the last floors of a multi-storey building, use this advantage with benefit. Instead of the elevator, walk a couple of times on foot, and in a month you will see the result. In fact, all the exercises for the buttocks of cellulite are based on increasing the load on these muscles.


If you do not have the opportunity to walk the stairs every day, you can replace them with attacks. This exercise is familiar to us all from school. The attacks are done in 3-5 sets of 20-30 times per foot.

If you want to achieve the desired result, it will take several months to systematically perform all the exercises described above. Do not forget to monitor food and drink enough water. If you follow all the recommendations, then soon on your skin there will be no trace of the opposite "orange peel". Many people are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of cellulite. Exercises, as practice shows, can safely be called the only reliable means.

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