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Talented child: what is he like?

When it comes to talented children, the question immediately arises: "A talented child - what is he like, how does he differ from other children?" Many, when talking about such a child, imply his high intellectual level. But with the help of tests on IQ it is impossible to measure musical and artistic abilities, that is why talented or talented children are considered to be those who, according to the experts, show high achievements due to their features. Such children need specially designed training programs. Of course, one talented child is very different from the other, but, nevertheless, there are several areas of giftedness that cover the abilities of most children.

Intellectual giftedness

Such children are distinguished by high cognitive activity, curiosity. They often apply the acquired knowledge in practice, successfully and easily learn, are able to correctly and logically express their thoughts, have a great memory.

Scope of Academic Achievements

Natural science: a talented child perfectly performs classification operations, is interested in the origin and functions of objects, likes to experiment and find out everything by experience. He has well developed abstract thinking, and for the rest of his species, he is significantly ahead of his peers.

Mathematics: the child easily performs both elementary and more complex arithmetic operations, he is interested in various calculations, he is well versed in time concepts (day, year, month), often uses mathematical skills in classes that are not related to the account and figures.

Reading: a talented child reads well, his vocabulary is diverse with words and lexical constructions, he is able to keep the memory read for a long time, he is interested in various signs (letters, symbols).

Creativity and the sphere of artistic activity

A gifted child often does everything in his own way, as he sees fit, he is practically not subject to conformism, inventive, capable of differently approaching the solution of the problem situation, offering several options for its elimination. In productive activity, he displays ingenuity and perseverance. Can spend a lot of modeling, applique, creating well thought out pictures with a pronounced storyline.

Music: the child feels good tact and rhythm, reacts to changes in the mood of the music and its character, is able to distinguish between low and high notes.

Communication and Leadership

Interacting with both adults and peers, the child easily finds a common language, acts as a kind of generator of ideas. Playing for a child is one of the ways of self-realization, where he acts as a leader, coordinator, assuming responsibility beyond his age.

Motor sphere

The child is able to control his body, coordinate movements, is well oriented in space, he is physically strong and enduring.

Support for talented children is carried out everywhere - at home, in kindergartens and schools, in institutions of additional education. Developing a gifted child, helping him achieve success in a certain area, you can achieve high results.

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