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What are the consultations for parents in the middle group

Most often, parents come to a kindergarten to bring and take a child, as well as attend a parental meeting and holidays. But not all mums and dads know that they can attend group and individual consultations for parents in the Dow In any group. Consider this topic in more detail on the example of the average group, which children visit four to five years.

Unlike the first and second junior group, children in the middle group have already adapted to preschool educational institutions and actively participate in various competitions and festivals. This is the age of "why", so educators actively involve parents in the learning process and draw their attention to children's abilities and talents.

In what form are consultations conducted for parents in the middle group:

  • Information report;
  • Short recommendation on reading the literature;
  • Individual conversation in the form of answers to questions;
  • Group seminars;
  • Group trainings, games;
  • Report with demonstration material ;
  • Open lessons.

An information report is applied if the problem under consideration affects all parents. This can be a conversation on the rules of the road, on transporting children in the car, hardening and strengthening health in the seasons of colds. In the same form, the head or methodologist informs parents about the changes in the educational program, innovations in the educational process, about increasing the payment for the content, about the appearance of additional services and circles.

Brief recommendations on reading literature are often used by the educator in front of the parents' meeting. Individual consultations for parents (middle group) are usually carried out by narrow specialists (psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist) in order to conduct explanatory work to solve the problem in the development of a particular child. This form is also preferred by the teachers of additional circles (choreography, plastic arts, theater workshop, etc.) to draw attention of moms and dads to the abilities and talents of their child.

Seminars, trainings, business games

Consultations for parents in the middle group in the form of group seminars, trainings, games allow you to convey valuable information to parents in an entertaining form in the shortest possible time. First, the game form empowers the majority of those present, and secondly, the "teacher-parent" edges are erased, since the teacher only imperceptibly directs this process, giving an active role to moms and dads.

In this form, there can be talks about holding weekends with children, choosing educational toys and games, about the role of dads in the upbringing of children, about the children's inclination to aggression, anxiety, lies or theft.

Particularly interesting business games on the topic of child-parent relations, when one part of the parents acts as stubborn and disobedient children, and the other remains strict or liberal parents. In this case, moms and dads visually see errors in their behavior and words, and also in practice learn to change the situation.

Demonstration report, films, open lessons

Consultations for parents in the middle group in the form of a demonstration report are applied when it is necessary to view a scientific film on the upbringing and education of children. For example, to show an example of lessons on the development of speech, mathematical abilities, logic. Parents see examples of games, didactic material and tasks visually, and educators have the opportunity to stop recording and sharpen the attention of moms and dads on important points. This method is especially convenient in working with parents who have only one child and not enough experience in raising children.

Consultations for parents in the middle group in the form of open lessons are conducted by educators rarely. On the one hand, children are distracted by their parents, and secondly, some mothers and dads tear off their business by whispering, making phone calls or doing other things, since the teacher can not make them a remark when working with the kids.

But in what form to conduct conversations with parents, determine the staff of the DOW, depending on the nature of the problem. The exception is the individual requests of the parents themselves to educate their children to a particular teacher.

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