Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Summer diet - easy gait in the summer

Summer is the best time to start losing weight. Judge for yourself: vegetables, fruits and greens at this time abound. The weather on the street is magnificent, so there is nothing to interfere with sports. In summer you can run, swim in the open water, ride a bicycle or roller ... finally, just walk.
Of course, for a long winter hibernation and during the spring avitaminosis, many gained extra pounds, and even cellulite appeared. Therefore, the program should be comprehensive: skin care, diet, sports. But you do not want to limit yourself too much to these wonderful days. After all, summer is a small life, and really want to spend it fun.

We can do without salt

Swelling is a problem for many girls and women, even those who do not suffer from excess weight. Especially acute it is felt on hot summer days. Agree, it is not pleasant in this situation. Legs do not fit into any sandals, calves like stone, in the waist and hips extra centimeters. And all the fault is the fluid that lingers in our body longer than it's supposed to. Getting rid of swelling can easily lose two to three pounds in a couple of days. According to dieticians, the best summer diet is the right diet with salt restriction. To the food does not seem fresh, abundantly savor it with herbs. It is especially recommended to lean on coriander, dill and parsley. They stimulate the kidneys, contributing to the additional elimination of fluid.

Observing this diet, you can eat everything you are accustomed to, but without going beyond the limits of the caloric intake (from 1200 kcal to 2500 kcal - depending on the weight). However, controlling the amount of salt, you will be forced to abandon the finished products (chips, crackers, nuts, crackers, canned food, smoked meat) and fast food (hamburgers, cheeseburgers). If you can not exclude the salt completely, try to limit its consumption to one teaspoon. Believe me, this is quite enough.

And the last tip - do not try to replace salt with soy sauce, as some magazines recommend. This product is the same salt, but in solution.

Where do calories hide?

Curious fact - many people complain that they do not gain extra pounds in winter, but in summer. It would seem that a person eats only salads, berries and fruits, but the weight is growing. Paradox? And here not. We mistakenly believe that a summer diet is a large quantity of fruits, vegetables and berries. Say, they almost do not contain calories, so you can eat them without counting. In addition, absorbing low-calorie food can be heartily savored by its sauces. Meanwhile, vegetable salad, if you add 100 g of mayonnaise, a piece of meat will be beaten by calories. Add to this a few slices of bread. As a result, there is a search for fat content.

Berries and fruits are also not so harmless. They contain a large amount of fructose, which in fact is little different from simple sugars. If you limit yourself to two portions of 100 grams, you will get only pleasure, but more will help you gain weight.

Please note that a well-designed summer diet regulates the consumption of fruits and berries. But vegetables and greens can actually be eaten before dumping, but without oil, salt and mayonnaise.

We all know perfectly well what extra calories are dangerous. And, of course, we control everything that we eat. But, unfortunately, we often forget that we drink. Meanwhile, a large glass of cola adds to our diet of almost 200 kcal, about the same amount will draw a glass of beer, juice from a packet or sweet mors. Will you quench your thirst for these drinks? It is doubtful. Therefore, if you are dreaming of losing weight or not getting better, forget about lemonades and reconstituted juices. Drink clean water and tea. By the way, freshly squeezed juice, for all its usefulness, also does not need to be consumed in liters. One glass a day is enough. Just do not forget to count his caloric content.

Diet summer for sweet tooth

Ice cream in summer heat is a favorite of consumer demand. He adores everything from small to large. But for some reason it is considered that this delicacy is strictly contraindicated to all who lose weight. However, a portion of ice cream contains not too many fats and "terrible" carbohydrates. Even in a seal, only 220 kcal per 100 g, the weight of portions is usually less. Nothing terrible will happen if you allow yourself ice cream as a lunch, instead of any other dairy products. Just choose a treat without chocolate glaze and fillers.
Do you think that the usual plombir is too greasy? Then choose sorbet - frozen juice, or make a homemade dainty from skim yogurt with berries.

Summer diet for health and harmony.

Americans are the most obese nation in the world, that's why their dieticians are tirelessly developing new and new diets that allow not only to lose weight, but also to lower the level of cholesterol and blood pressure.

Of course, the name "summer diet" here is very arbitrary. Adhere to this plan for eating all year round, however, in the season of vegetables and fruits make it much easier. So, the summer hit ...

Diet TLC (therapeutic lifestyle correction).

The program includes a nutrition plan and compulsory physical activity, at least 1.5 hours per day.

Caloric content of the diet, depending on the initial weight, from 1200 to 2500 kcal. Fats are limited to 25% of the total caloric intake. Meat and fish 150 - 200 g daily, both. Eggs - no more than 2 pieces per week. Dairy products - a minimum of 1 serving per day from 200 to 300 g. Greens, vegetables - without restrictions. Berries and fruit - 2 servings (150 - 250 g) per day. Salt is limited to 5 g (0.5 tsp) per day, excluding finished products.

Here's how the summer diet looks American, with minor adjustments.

At breakfast you can afford muesli (without sugar and salt) with milk - 250 grams, a small biscuit (50 g), a banana, 2 slices of melon, coffee.

Possible options: fruit salad, coffee with milk, oatmeal cookies 2 pieces. Overseas muesli is better to replace the usual Hercules, not so delicious, but it is clear what you eat.

At dinner on the table, we serve chicken breast cooked on the grill, a little rice, a cob of corn, a glass of berries (except grapes).
Rice can be replaced with any groats that you prefer. No grilling? Just boil the chicken. Corn in the cob we have a day without the fire, but do not replace it with a canned product. Use better fresh vegetables.

For dinner we cook a portion of fish in batter - 200 g, potatoes - 100 grams, a green salad with yoghurt dressing, a glass of berries or two fruits to choose from.

Compilers of the diet, not without reason, believe that due to this diet you will not just lose weight, but also get the right eating habits.

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