
Stylistic devices

The great Russian literary critic, doctor of philological sciences, Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov , spoke of stylistics: "Stylistics is a kind of top of the study of language, the theoretical basis for the development of a national unique speech culture." Recently, we can observe a very interesting situation: due to the variety of methods for presenting information, a rapid branching of the stylistic sections occurs. This is the style of coding, and historical stylistics, and text style, and much more. However, it is commonly believed that stylistics as a science includes four main directions:

1. Stylistics of artistic speech is a style that explores the features of the speech of artistic creations, the specific character of the image of the literary trend and the author's own independent styles of writing poets.

2. Structural stylistics (it is also called stylistics of language) - describes, characterizes and explains the mutual relations of various systems of word forms, series of words and systems from within a single construction of a language, the so-called "system of systems". Explores the changing types or trends in the development of language styles that have a complex of unique features.

3. Functional stylistics (stylistics of varieties of language use) is a section of stylistics that studies functional styles.

4. Practical stylistics (applied) - studies the normative use of language tools and helps to prevent mistakes of various types in written and spoken language.

Language is a system consisting of levels, such as: vocabulary, phonetics-phonology, morphology, syntax and linguistic units (from smaller to larger, that is: sound, syllable, word, etc.)

Like the style of artistic speech, so rhetoric explores expressive means in oratory. Valuable moment of stylistics (and, therefore, rhetoric) is the doctrine of figures and trails of speech as methods of "decorating speech."

The figures of speech are expressive methods based on the comparison of specific units of text, that is: opposition, juxtaposition, rhyme, ellipsis, repetition, oxymoron, etc.

The path is a turn of speech, in which the expression is used in a figurative sense to achieve maximum poetic expressiveness.

All that is presented above is united in two words - stylistic devices.

Stylistic devices are an individual linguistic factor of text formation, showing a special method of textual production chosen by the author to more accurately reflect his own worldview and the situation being transmitted.

Due to the results of text research it was found that the following stylistic devices will be important phonetic-phonological level: paronomasia, assonance, anagram, palindrome, antonomasia, acrostic.

It is also necessary to realize that stylistic devices and expressive means of the language are two different things.

Let us examine the stylistic features of the famous writer's prose.

A vivid example is the humorous story of Anton Chekhov - The Avenger. The husband, insulted by his wife, stands in the gun shop and chooses a suitable revolver. He thinks only of one, three murders, including the murder of himself. Everything portends trouble, but in the end, after long meditations, he buys only a grid for catching quails. The plot here can not be called banal or predictable. Chekhov in this case used a stylistic device.

Stylistic devices in literature, both in Russian and in foreign, play a serious role in shaping the image of the work, that is, they give shape and "flash" the very content.

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