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Recovery and rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Removal of a hernia is an extreme measure used to treat a disrupted intervertebral disc. After such an operation, the patient has significantly limited motor functions that depend on the spine, and in order to return the ability to lead a relatively active life, it is necessary to undergo a course of competent rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation Objective

After the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia, the treatment process can not be considered finished. Even in spite of the fact that surgical treatment is completed, the patient may have neurological and painful symptoms for a long time, as well as a sensitivity disorder. This is explained by the fact that a prolonged hernia pressure on the nerve endings led to the development of the tumor and irritation that remain after the removal of the damaged part of the intervertebral disc.

For this reason, it is necessary to carry out competent rehabilitation, which will have specific goals:

  • Stabilization of the patient's condition and subsequent elimination of domestic restrictions;
  • Restoration of the integrity of the body;
  • Elimination of restrictions on physical activity;
  • Neutralization of neurological symptoms and pain syndromes.

When choosing specific rehabilitation methods, the doctor takes into account various factors. Depending on the complexity of the operation, the rehabilitation period can last up to 12 months.

Recovery after surgery to remove the intervertebral hernia, As a rule, implies Physiotherapeutic Procedures, medication, curative gymnastics and a visit to the sanatorium.

Principles of Rehabilitation

If the recovery period is organized correctly, then the following principles should be implemented in it:

  • Procedures for a specific patient are selected competently, taking into account its individual characteristics;
  • Complex monitoring of the patient's condition should be carried out, implying the involvement of the surgeon who performed the operation, as well as the neurologist and rehabilitologist.

In fact, all rehabilitation measures have two main objectives: restoring a person's ability to work after surgery and preventing the formation of new hernias.

Rehabilitation after removal of the intervertebral hernia should be carried out taking into account the following factors affecting the recovery efficiency:

  • Age and concomitant diseases of the patient;
  • Duration of development and severity of the disease;
  • Type of operation that was carried out.

Stages of rehabilitation

The whole complex of restoration measures can be conditionally divided into several key stages:

  1. Early. Lasts up to 14 days. During this period, the prevention and removal of pain, as well as psychotherapeutic support, are carried out.
  2. Late. The duration of this stage can be 8 weeks. The key task of this part of rehabilitation is the professional adaptation of the patient to an independent life in conditions of everyday life.
  3. Deferred phase. Rehabilitation after removal of the intervertebral hernia in this case can last for life. This period begins, usually in the third month after surgery.

The main limitations that are relevant for the recovery period

The early recovery phase will be successful if the following actions and measures are observed:

  • Exercise without physical corset;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Conducting manual therapy and massage;
  • Cycling and participation in game sports;
  • Being in any sitting position;
  • Deep and twisting movements in the spine, as well as sharp movements to and from the sides.

There are prohibitions that are relevant for the late rehabilitation period:

  • Long trips in any vehicle;
  • Physical loads (any) without a qualitative preliminary warm-up;
  • Supercooling of the operated back area;
  • Long wearing of the corset;
  • Lifting objects weighing more than 8 kg;
  • Long-term presence in any forced posture.

The main principle in the case of limitations after surgery is to protect the spine and especially the place where the hernia was removed, from any loads and hypothermia.

Necessary actions immediately after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Rehabilitation in the postoperative period should contain the following items:

  • Inclusion in the program of the Russian Federation (referring to therapeutic physical training);
  • Recommendation regarding sanitation;
  • Use of electrophoresis, ultrasound or laser therapy for pain relief and improvement of blood circulation;

  • Hydroprocedures (necessary for mechanical unloading of the spine) and kinesitherapy;
  • Neutralization of the inflammatory process, restoration of bone tissue and anesthesia through the use of drug treatment techniques.

Physiotherapeutic treatment measures

Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia must necessarily include certain physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Mud packs. They have analgesic, resolving and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Electrostimulation (interstitial). Helps restore nerves that have been injured, and significantly improves the nutrition of bone and cartilaginous tissue.
  • Ultrasonic procedures. Their use contributes to the restoration, growth and stimulation of fast supply of tissue cells.
  • Magnetotherapy. With its help mobility is restored, the risk of edema, pain and inflammation is significantly reduced. This method of treatment also helps to activate metabolic processes.

  • Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia implies the use of extremely high-frequency therapy (EHF). This technique is used to restore the tone of ligaments and muscles, as well as improve blood circulation. EHF effectively removes inflammation and pain.
  • Ionophoresis. It is actual when it is necessary to ensure deep penetration of drugs through the skin. Effective to stimulate the restoration of the operated area and relieve pain.
  • Phonophoresis. This is the process of introducing medications into the body with the help of ultrasound. To neutralize edema and inflammation, a mechanical effect is applied.

Use of heat and cold

Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia can include those methods, which are based on the impact on the operated part of the back by means of temperature.

Influence on the spine with the help of heat is carried out, as a rule, through paraffin applications. Such procedures can significantly improve lymph circulation and blood flow, remove inflammation, restore conduction of nerve impulses and relieve muscle spasms. It is important to know that paraffin therapy is contraindicated in patients who have been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, hypertension, tuberculosis and various neoplasms.

As for the cold, then with a competent approach (medical consultation is necessary) is used immediately after removal of the herniated intervertebral disc. With the help of ice, you can reduce pain, relieve muscle spasms and reduce the degree of inflammation (this is due to the narrowing of blood vessels and, as a consequence, a decrease in blood flow).

Key exercises for recovery after surgery

Those patients who survived the removal of the intervertebral hernia, in the first days after transfer to the ward, it is recommended to perform simple exercises:

  • Flexion and extension of the legs in the knees;
  • Execution of circular movements with legs;
  • Raising and lowering the feet;
  • Pulling the knees to the stomach and then straightening the legs (you need to do it several times).

Such exercises after removal of the intervertebral hernia are very useful, but when performing them, it is worth to increase the load moderately (the spine should not be overloaded).

Exercises for every day

If we talk about the removal of a hernia in the lumbar region, it is worth noting that the recovery period after such an operation is extended for life. Therefore, it is extremely important that the patient learns to perform key daily exercises. We are talking about three main movements:

  1. Push ups. This is a fairly simple exercise, but it must be done correctly (with a straight back). The number of repetitions from 10 to 15. When doing push-ups, you need to inhale air during the lowering of the body and exhale, rising.
  2. Rehabilitation after removal of intervertebral hernia of lumbar region Includes the execution of the following exercise: in the supine position on the back, it is necessary to raise the legs above the floor and make rotational movements, like on a bicycle. It starts with 10-15 repetitions, increasing their number over time to 100-150. You can also change the load level during exercise by adjusting the height of the feet above the floor surface.
  3. Squats. To carry out this movement correctly, you need to imagine that you have to sit on a bench. Deep squats after surgery on the waist are categorically contraindicated. In this case, it is also necessary to perform 10-15 repetitions.

If you perform these exercises correctly and every day, the spine will be prepared for the stresses throughout the day. Do not forget about the prescription of the doctor.

Gymnastics after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Exercises to restore the spine should be a doctor, using an individual approach, which will take into account such factors as the operated department of the spine and the features of the disease. However, there are general recommendations for strengthening the spine after surgery and preparing it for household stress. This is a complex of tested exercises:

  • Lying on his back, bend his knees and spread his hands on the floor to the sides. After that, it is necessary to raise the pelvis above the floor and hold it in this position for 10-15 seconds. Subsequently, the retention time of the pelvis should be brought to 1 minute.
  • Lie on your back, arms cross over your chest, and your legs bend at the knees. The chin should be pressed to the chest. Using the tension of the muscles of the abdominal press, lift the torso forward and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. After you can take a starting position and relax the muscles. Perform the exercise need 10-15 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
  • Exercises after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia include another motion in the prone position: you need to slowly bend the legs in the knees, pressing them to the chest. This should feel the tension of the gluteal muscles. After it is necessary to relax the muscles of the buttocks and keep your legs bent for 40-45 seconds. Then you need to slowly straighten them.

  • Take the starting position on the knees bent at the knees and hands. Then it is necessary to simultaneously extend the right arm and left leg so that they occupy a horizontal position. Keep them in this position you need for 10-60 seconds. The same movement is repeated with the left hand and the right foot.
  • LFK after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia also implies this movement: lying on the stomach, bending the arms in the elbows near the head. Then you need to straighten your arms and raise the upper part of your body up, bending in the waist. But you do not need to tear your hips off the floor.
  • You need to lie on your stomach and place your hands under your chin. After this, it is not necessary to raise the straight leg slowly and slowly, and then slowly lower it (the motion is performed alternately). The pelvis should be immobile at the same time.

Healing baths

Another way to restore the spine after surgery is to use various baths that have a curative effect:

  • Radon baths. Are topical for improving blood circulation and neuromuscular conduction.

  • Turpentine. They are used for resorption of scars and adhesions, as well as activation of the restoration process.
  • Herbal baths can relieve tension in the muscles and reduce pain.
  • Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia will be more effective if hydrogen sulphide and sulphide baths are used, which contribute to resorption of inflammatory foci, improve blood circulation, normalize muscle contractions and stimulate tissue repair.

Water procedures

This type of procedure is part of the recovery process after surgery. Staying in the water has a relaxing effect. But it is important to take into account the fact that after a hernia is removed, prolonged exposure to water is contraindicated. The reception of the whirlpool, as well as the procedures in the pool, should not last more than 15-30 minutes.

With regard to cold water dousing, they are also useful because they have a beneficial effect on the recovery of nerve endings and stimulate muscle activity. The shortest douches are the most effective.

As a result, it can be noted that the process of recovery after removal of the intervertebral hernia is a constant and stubborn work primarily on the part of the patient. If you consistently and correctly perform the elements of therapeutic gymnastics and follow the prescriptions of the doctor, then there are all chances for a full and active lifestyle.

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