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Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin: Biography and Creativity

Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin, whose biography is presented below, is a poet, translator, playwright and ... governor. Years of his life - 1743-1816. After reading this article, you will learn about all these aspects of the activities of such a versatile gifted person as Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. His biography will be supplemented by many other interesting facts.


Gabriel Romanovich was born near Kazan in 1743. Here, in the village of Karmachi, was the family estate of his family. It was the childhood of the future poet. The family of Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich was a poor, noble family. Gavriil Romanovich early lost his father, Roman Nikolayevich, who served as a major. His mother was Fyokla Andreevna (maiden name - Kozlova). It is interesting that Derzhavin is a descendant of Bagrima, a Tatar murza that was evicted from the Great Horde in the 15th century.

Training in the gymnasium, service in the regiment

In 1757, entered the Kazan Gymnasium Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin. At that time his biography was marked by zeal and desire for knowledge. He studied well, but he could not complete his studies. The fact is that in February 1762 the future poet was summoned to Petersburg. He was identified in the Preobrazhensky regiment. Derzhavin began to serve as an ordinary soldier. He spent 10 years in his regiment, and in 1772 served as an officer. It is known that Derzhavin in 1773-74. Took part in the suppression of the Pugachev uprising, as well as in the palace coup, as a result of which Catherine II ascended the throne.

Public and literary fame

Public and literary fame for Gabriel Romanovich came in 1782. It was then that his famous "Felitsa" ode appeared, praising the empress. Derzhavin, hot from nature, often because of his incontinence had difficulties in life. In addition, he was impatient and zealous for work, not always welcomed.

Derzhavin becomes governor of Olonets province

By decree of the Empress in 1773 the Olonets province was established. It consisted of one district and two counties. In 1776 the Novgorod governorship was formed, which included two regions - Olonets and Novgorod. The first governor of Olonetsky was Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin. His biography for many years will be associated with the administrative activities in this responsible post. On it according to the law a very extensive circle of duties was assigned. Gabriel Romanovich was to observe how the laws are being implemented and how the other officials behave. For Derzhavin, however, this did not present great difficulties. He believed that only from the conscientious attitude of each to his work and the compliance of officials with legislation depends on bringing order to the court and local government.

The subordinate institutions, a month after the founding of the province, were aware that all persons serving in the state and violating the law would be severely punished, including deprivation of rank or place. He steadily tried to restore order in his province Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich. At that time his years of life were marked by the fight against corruption. However, this only led to conflicts and disagreements with the elite.

Governorship in Tambov Gubernia

Catherine II in December 1785 issued a decree on the appointment of Derzhavin to the post of governor of the now Tambov province. He arrived there on March 4, 1786.

In Tambov, Gavriil Romanovich found the province in complete frustration. Four chapters have been replaced in six years of its existence. In the affairs of disorder, the boundaries of the province were not defined. Enormous amounts have reached arrears. There was an acute lack of education for society as a whole, and especially of the nobility.

Gavriil Romanovich discovered classes of arithmetic, grammar, geometry, vocals and dances for young people. Theological seminary and garrison school gave very poor knowledge. Gabriel Derzhavin decided to open in the house of Iona Borodin, a local merchant, a people's school. Theatrical performances were given in the governor's house, and soon they began to build a theater. Very much for Tambov province did Derzhavin, we will not enumerate all this. His activities laid the foundation for the development of this region.

Senators Naryshkin and Vorontsov came to inspect cases in Tambov province. So obvious was the improvement that Derzhavin in September 1787 was awarded an honorary award - the Order of Vladimir third degree.

How Derzhavin was removed from office

However, the progressive activities of Gavriil Romanovich in this post collided with the interests of local nobles and landlords. In addition, I.V. Gudovich, the governor-general, became in all conflicts on the side of the proxies, who, in turn, covered local scammers and thieves.

Derzhavin made an attempt to punish Dulov, the landowner, who ordered a shepherd's beast to be beaten for a petty crime. However, this attempt failed, and hostility to the governor from the side of the provincial landlords strengthened. In vain were the actions of Gabriel Romanovich to stop the theft of the local merchant Borodin, who deceived the treasury, supplying bricks for construction, and then got a wine-rent on unfavorable conditions for the state.

The flow of slander, complaints, reports to Derzhavin increased steadily. In January 1789, he was removed from his post. The province benefited greatly from its short-lived activities.

Return to the capital, administrative activities

In the same year Derzhavin returned to the capital. He held various administrative positions here. At the same time, Gavriil Romanovich continued to study literature, creating ode (more on his work we'll talk about later).

Derzhavin was appointed state treasurer under Paul I. However, he did not get along with this ruler, because of the habit that was formed in him, Gavriil Romanovich in his reports often swore and rude. Alexander I, who succeeded Paul, also did not leave Derzhavin without attention, making him the Minister of Justice. However, a year later the poet was dismissed, because he served "too zealously." In 1809, Gavriil Romanovich was removed from all administrative posts already definitively.

Creativity Derzhavin

Russian poetry before Gabriel Romanovich was rather conditional. Derzhavin greatly expanded its themes. Now in poetry appeared a variety of works, from a solemn ode to a simple song. Also for the first time in the domestic lyrics there was an image of the author, that is, the personality of the poet himself. Derzhavin believed that the basis of art must be a high truth. Only a poet can explain it. At the same time, art can be imitation of nature only when it is possible to approach the comprehension of the world, to correct the morals of people and to study them. Derzhavin is a continuer of the traditions of Sumarokov and Lomonosov. He developed in his work the traditions of Russian classicism.

The poet's purpose for Derzhavin is to blame evil deeds and glorify the great. For example, in the dress "Felitsa" Gavriil Romanovich glorifies an enlightened monarchy in the person of Catherine II. A fair, intelligent empress is contrasted in this work with self-serving and greedy court nobles.

Derzhavin looked at his talent and poetry as a tool given to the poet from above for victory in political battles. Gavriil Romanovich even composed a "key" to his works - a detailed commentary, which says what events led to the emergence of one or the other of them.

The Manor of Zvanka and the First Volume of Works

Derzhavin bought the estate of Zvanka in 1797 and spent several months there every year. The following year, the first volume of the works of Gavriil Romanovich appeared. It included poems that immortalized his name: "On the death of Prince Meshchersky," "On the Birth of a Porphyry Youth," Odes "On the Taking of Ishmael, " "God," "Waterfall," "The Grandee," "Bullfinch."

Derzhavin dramaturgy, participation in a literary circle

After retiring, Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich devoted his life to drama almost entirely. His work in this direction is associated with the creation of several libretto operas, as well as the following tragedies: "Dark", "Eupraxia", "Herod and Mariamne." Since 1807, the poet took an active part in the activities of the literary circle, from which later formed a society that received great fame. It was called "Talk of lovers of the Russian word". Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich summarized his literary experience in his work "Discourse on lyrical poetry or about clothes". His work greatly influenced the development of artistic literature in our country. Many poets were guided by him.

Death of Derzhavin and the fate of his remains

So, we told you about such a great man as Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. Biography, interesting facts about him, creative heritage - all this was covered in this article. It remains only to tell about the death of Derzhavin and the further fate of his remains, which was not easy. Only then can we assume that the biography of the complete Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich was submitted, although briefly stated.

Derzhavin died in his estate Zvanka in 1816. The coffin with his body was sent to the Volkhov by barge. The poet found his last refuge in the Transfiguration Cathedral near Veliky Novgorod. This cathedral was located on the territory of the Varlaamo-Khutyn monastery. The wife of Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich, Darya Alekseevna, was also buried here.

The monastery was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The grave of Derzhavin also suffered. The reburial of the remains of Gavriil Romanovich and Darya Alexeevna took place in 1959. They were transferred to the Novgorod Detynets. In connection with the 250th anniversary of Derzhavin in 1993, the remains of the poet were returned to the Varlaamo Khutyn monastery.

In schools it is no coincidence that to this day there are such a poet as Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich. Biography and creativity of it are important not only from the artistic, but also from the educational point of view. After all, the truths that Derzhavin preached are eternal.

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