Education, Colleges and Universities
Student marks before the exam
The existence of all possible signs and superstitions in all nations has a variety of explanations. Most often these are man-made events, to which a certain prognostic value is attributed. As a rule, signs appear after some perfect actions that brought the desired result under certain conditions. It is interesting that a person is mostly able to remember the random coincidences of such actions with success, pushing out a reasonable analysis, which is usually able to prove just randomness. Nevertheless, people continue to believe in all prejudices, often explaining it to themselves by simple "but it will help".
A considerable niche among the cohort of superstitions is occupied by student signs before the exam. Studies in secondary or tertiary institutions tend to occur at an age when most people do not really want to think about classes. In the young body, energy is boiling, which you want to throw out, and sitting at the desk just restrains these impulses. But absolutely everyone wants to get education, so you have to take exams. Of course, a student who missed most of the lectures and practically did not look in the abstract, no signs before the exam will help, but, nevertheless, he does not cease to believe from them less. It is interesting that the exact opposite of similar students - honors pupils - also quite diligently perform all the superstitions before the exam. For example, that the learned material is well remembered and the donkey in the head, it is necessary, before going to bed, to kiss on both sides an abstract or textbook and put it under the pillow. In no case should you leave them in the open form, and you can sit down on them before you hand over them, in order to get a good assessment for sure.
Signs before the exam there are a variety and extraordinary. For example, according to one of them, a student should ask a friend to scold him at the time when he goes on the surrender, and, the worse the words addressed to him, the higher the grade the teacher will put.
There are also quite interesting signs before the exam, dedicated to clothing. If the last session was rather successful, then you should take the present one in the same clothes. If the first exam was not very successful, then you need to change your clothes, but if it is successful, you can not even wash it before the end of the examination period, dressing for each change.
You can predict the result of the exam with the help of people around you. If the first person encountered on the road is a guy, then this predicts a good result, and if the girl, then, respectively, is bad. Firefighters, policemen or homeless people promise bad things, but officers and pregnant women are excellent. Also, a woman in the position can be asked to say the number at random. It is considered that the one she will call will coincide with the ticket number.
On the eve of the exam, it is not recommended to clean up the house at home, since you can sweep out all the knowledge. Also, you can not get a haircut, shave and even wash your hair. Although there is a certain division: before the delivery of the humanities, one should not wash his head on the right, and when passing the exact ones, he should not be left. Perhaps this belief has the highest percentage of coincidences, since probably teachers somewhere after the second or third exam will put good marks out of pity, given the appearance of the student.
Probably, the most cheerful and beloved among the students we believe is the calling of "freebies" or "balls." To do this, before the exam at midnight, go to the open window, open the student's record book in the right place and stick it out, repeating three times "Freebie, come!" Or "Ball, come!". It is believed that after this you can absolutely pass the exam to "excellent".
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