EducationSecondary education and schools

Integrated training is what? Forms, technology and conditions of training

Integrated training is what? Every child has the right to support from his parents and society to grow, learn and develop from an early age. And having reached the school age, children should go to school and be normally perceived by both teachers and peers. When children, regardless of their differences, are educated together, everyone benefits - this is the cornerstone of inclusive education.

Integrated training is what?

The essence of this training is that students of different levels of development of mental and physical abilities learn side by side in the same class. They are happy to attend field and post-school activities, participate together in student's self-government, go to the same sports meetings, play games.

Integrated learning is a process in which the diversity and unique contribution of each student in the class is valued. In this inclusive situation, every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging to the group. Students and their parents participate in the definition of educational goals and decision-making, and school staff have sufficient qualifications, support, flexibility and resources to educate, promote and meet the needs of all students.

Why is it so important?

Integrated education provides better education for children and contributes to changing discriminatory attitudes. The school introduces the child to the world outside their families, helps develop social relations and interactions. Respect and understanding increase when students with different abilities and experiences play, communicate and learn together.

Integrated education of children does not exclude or share members of the collective, does not promote discrimination against traditionally marginalized groups. After all, individual special education does not guarantee success to children who need special attention. Schools that provide support and create appropriate conditions for integrated learning demonstrate much better results.

Basic elements of integrated learning

  • Attraction of assistants, teachers or specialists who will help teachers in meeting all the needs and needs of students, working with the whole group.
  • Adapted curriculum for children with special educational needs.
  • Participation of parents. Most schools seek a certain level of participation from parents, but often it is limited to meetings only once in a quarter.

For everyone and everyone

Integrated learning is the acceptance of all children in society, regardless of their physical, intellectual, social or linguistic development. The group often includes children from disadvantaged groups, as well as representatives of all races and cultures. In the class, gifted pupils and children with limited physical abilities coexist perfectly.

Integration, of course, does not happen instantly, it requires careful planning, a positive attitude, a certain pattern of behavior, the use of the necessary specialized support, in short, everything is necessary for children to feel themselves part of the school, actively participate in the education system, and then become full Members of society.

The main responsibility of school institutions is to cover the diverse and special needs of all students, to identify and minimize barriers to learning and communication, to create a tolerant and respectful atmosphere in which each person is perceived as a valuable person. Thus, all children should receive the support they need in order to succeed in the future and find themselves in the modern world and society.

Benefits of integrated learning

  • Development of individual abilities of each child.
  • Involving parents in the cultural, educational and educational activities of the school.
  • Formation of school culture, respect and ownership. Integrated training provides an opportunity to learn and accept individual differences, which will eliminate the risk of persecution and bullying in the team.
  • Development of friendly relations with a wide range of other children, understanding of their individual needs and abilities.

New system of functioning

Integrated training is not mandatory. First of all it is necessary to rely on the opinion of parents and the desire of the child. Roughly speaking, integration is the combination of individual components into one whole.

As for education, this process can not be called a purely mechanical union of healthy children and children with any deviations. This is a complex set of interactions between children, teachers, correction specialists. This is not something local, because you need a holistic system approach in organizing school activities in all areas.

Innovative technologies

Modernization of the education system involves the active use of innovative ideas and solutions. The technology of integrated learning is aimed at the development of cognitive and creative abilities. In practice, a holistic and deep understanding of the reality of the world around us is achieved. Training should be a harmonious combination of rules and creativity, science and art. Innovative technologies (explanatory-illustrated, personal-oriented and developing learning) play an important role here.

The following forms of integrated learning stand out:

  • Combined form, in which a child with the characteristics of psychophysical development is able to learn in the classroom along with absolutely healthy children, receiving the necessary regular support and assistance of specialists (teacher-defectologist, speech therapist, psychologist).
  • Partial integration, in which students with disabilities are not able to master the educational program on an equal basis with peers. Such children spend in general classes only a part of the time, all the rest of the time - in special classes or in individual classes.
  • Temporary, in which children from special classes and students of ordinary classes gather at least two a month for joint walks, celebrations, competitions and other educational activities.
  • Complete, in which one or two children with developmental disabilities are trained in the usual group. This form is more suitable for preschool and primary school children. Basically, these are children who, according to the level of psychophysical and speech development, correspond to the age norm and are psychologically ready for joint education with healthy peers. Correctional help they receive at the place of training, or this is done by parents under the supervision of professionals.

Integrated training and education is quite a common practice in foreign countries. At us inclusive classes and schools only begin to appear.

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