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Stretch ceiling
Modern stretch ceilings - one of the excellent options for interior design of your house. Their advantages are excellent water resistance, lightness and strength of the blade.
Stretch ceilings are conditionally divided into fabric seamless and PVC ceilings. Both types meet all modern requirements for ceiling structures. However, each group has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, buyers often face the problem of choice. Below, we give a small comparative analysis that will help you make your choice.
Temperature criterion. The fabric of the seamless fabric ceiling can withstand temperatures from -50 ° C to + 80 ° C, while PVC stretch ceilings can be installed at temperatures between + 10 ° C and + 50 ° C. This fact should be taken into account if you are going to install the ceiling on open verandas, balconies or in a sauna or a bathhouse.
The width of the canvas. A seamless ceiling on this parameter is an absolute leader. It can be installed in rooms with a large enough area and with a different number of pipes. The width of the panel of such a ceiling reaches 5.1 m, while the width of the PVC liner does not exceed 3.0 m.
Water resistant. Stretch ceiling made of PVC is able to keep completely water from roof leaks or flooding by neighbors. At the same time, a bubble is formed on the ceiling, which specialists will easily remove. And after drying, the ceiling will look new. Fabric seamless ceiling keeps water from 48 to 72 hours. Therefore, in case of flooding, it is very important to remove water as soon as possible and to dry such a ceiling.
Method of installation. PVC ceilings are always installed using a heat gun, at least 3 cm from the main ceiling. The use of a heat gun does not affect the condition of furniture and objects of the surrounding interior, however, for some time after installation, the smell in the room may remain. This is due to the fact that the panel is treated with fire-fighting composition. When installing seamless fabric ceilings, a special baguette attachment is used with a clip. The minimum distance from the main ceiling is 1 cm.
The installation of a stretch ceiling can not be classified as super complicated, but it is better to entrust them to professionals.
Installation of stretch ceiling
- height measurement with a level. First, mark the lowest point, and postponing from it 4 cm, determine the level of the ceiling,
- marking the built-in elements. Under each of the elements, mount the holder. Then, according to the technical features and access to the power supply, the future lighting, ventilation and other items are placed.
- installation of PVC baguette and holders. Under the anchor use dowels or screws. The posts are screwed, in accordance with the markings, to the base of the ceiling. Electric wiring is an important component, whose high-quality wiring will become the key to successful operation. After stretching the material, there will be no access to it, take care of proper wiring and connections in advance.
- stretching. It should be carried out as evenly as possible, avoiding constrictions, excessive sagging.
- Edge of the ceiling - design, which is carried out with the help of molding (plastic insert) or decorative skirting.
- installation of lighting fixtures (fixtures, chandeliers), checking the quality of their work.
Repair of stretch ceilings . Whatever the advantages of the suspended ceilings, sometimes they are damaged. Let's consider some of them:
- Section of the ceiling. What people can throw at the ceiling and why they do it is not known, but sometimes it happens. Repair of the ceiling is possible with the help of professionals.
- Water entering the PVC ceiling. In almost all cases, after draining excess water, the suspended ceilings restore the old look. Exceptions can only be fabric types of stretch ceilings. Even impregnating fabric can pass water, which means that dark stains can remain on the surface.
- Baguette separation. This happens if the installation of a stretch ceiling was made poor. Repairs are made by unfastening the fabric from the profile and installing the defect in the spacer.
- The sagging of the canvas. The uniformity of the tension affects the quality of work. The medicine from such a sagging will be the constriction of the canvas.
- Gap on the seam. The reason may be poor-quality material or welding, over-tension, etc. In this case, unfortunately, you can not do without changing the fabric.
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