HomelinessDo it yourself

How to make water with your own hands?

Many people settle down reservoirs with their own hands today. To start such work is necessary with the choice of the style of the pond, in addition, it is necessary to choose a place for bookmarking this element of the exterior. Only after you can proceed to the technical part.

Selecting a style solution

It is important not only to properly equip the pond, but also to make it harmonious in the garden. It is necessary to build on the architectural design of the main building and the layout of the garden. If there is a desire to make the pond even more picturesque, then it can be supplemented with a decorative stream, some masters even arrange small waterfalls. It is necessary to take care of the design of the coastline. In addition, it is necessary to work on the paving of the tracks, which implies the need to comply with one key stylistic solution with the concept of a garden plot landscape.

By equipping the reservoirs with their own hands, it is necessary to emphasize the smoothness and availability of plants. The design is in some cases executed in the Japanese style, then it assumes the presence of boulders, which can have different dimensions. You can apply and hvoyniki, but from multi-color motley grass is preferable in this case to refuse. If you prefer the splendor and brightness of flowers, then you should choose a pond in Chinese style. In doing so, emphasis is placed on the variegated foliage. You can bring a curved bridge to the exterior. Pond can be made in the style of "nature garden", which involves the use of exclusively local plants that grow in a certain region, while you have to abandon the exotic vegetation.

Selecting a form

The reservoirs with their own hands can be made in different forms. So, the most concise of all is a strict rectangular. Such configurations will look great next to the building, emphasizing its outlines. The perfectly rectangular pond looks in the space of the patio, which particularly applies to the nearby beds of regular shapes. If you want to get an unusual color, it is preferable to add an artificial pond to the path that will cross the water surface. It can be a bridge. It is recommended to lay out an artificial path, using stones for this. Quite often the paths are laid using a terrace board.

Before you make a pond in the dacha with your own hands, it is worth considering that the pond may not be one. If you use a whole cascade of oversized ponds, it is best to use the flow of water from one bowl to another. If you wish to place a pond in the front zone of the site, it is recommended to use round ponds for this part of the territory. Well, they will look even in the case when there is a group of spreading trees nearby. The round ponds are the easiest to implement, for this you only need to use ready-made reinforced concrete rings that are perfectly capable of replacing wooden tubs, if this is the case, then it is recommended to use plastic containers, and a budget option will allow to use automobile tires in the process of creation.

Choosing the right place for a pond

Before you make a pond in the dacha with your own hands, you need to think about its location. There are several factors that need to be guided here. First of all, the place should not be exposed to the constant influence of the sun, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the seasonal "flowering". Some period of the day the pond should be located in the shade, this will prevent excessive reproduction of algae. But do not be zealous when choosing a shady place, because in this case the plants around the reservoir will develop not as required. It is important to take into account that the water should be exposed to the sun for about five hours a day, in addition, the reservoir should be opened from the south-west. Do not choose a place under the crowns of trees, because in autumn the foliage will cause clogging of the water surface.

Doing the ponds with your own hands, remember that the surface area is also important. Thus, the pond should not be larger than 3% of the total land area. In favor of a smaller version, it can also be said that a smaller amount of materials will be used for the arrangement, in addition, the labor costs will not be so impressive.

Features of underwater arrangement

It should be noted that the depth of the body of water should be divided into three stages, the first - a zone for planting coastal plants, the second will act as a shallow area for the nymphaea. This plant is a water lily. As for the third zone, it will be buried, this is necessary for wintering fish if they are supposed to be planted. It is not necessary to make the pond excessively deep, it will only be necessary to prepare a pit, the depth of which is approximately 150-180 cm, which will overcome the freezing line of the soil. Thus, it will occupy about 1/5 of the area of the reservoir.

Choice of materials

Before you begin to equip a pond on the site with your own hands, you need to think about the choice of materials. They should allow the construction to be done simply and in a short time. If you want the reservoir to last a long time, then it is worth choosing as the material that will form the basis, concrete. However, this technology will be the most expensive. In this case, it is necessary not only to prepare the reinforcing cage, but also to install the formwork. The pond turns out not so expensive, if you use the plastic capacity purchased in the store. In order to circulate water, a pump is installed at the bottom of the structure, from which the liquid flows to the purification filter and flows back.

The reservoir on the site with their own hands is most often equipped with a dense film. This option will allow you to work with the lowest possible cost.

Preparatory procedures before pond arrangement

Starting work is with the creation of a plan. It is also important to think about what will act as an accent in the composition of the lake, its role may play any unusual stone, sculpture and even a tree. Further it is necessary to transfer the contours of the reservoir to the surface of the soil in the territory where it is supposed to produce work. Sand is recommended for this. It is necessary to check whether the shores of the lake are on the same level. After that, you can start the land works, which involves careful preparation of the excavation, which is digged out according to the outline of the future structure. In the process, it is necessary to measure the level of the banks from time to time. Use for this is a long level, but if this is not in the arsenal of the master, then you should take a long board, putting on it a fifty-centimeter level.

Carrying out excavation works

If you decide to equip a reservoir in the dacha with your own hands, step by step it is necessary to think over which stages are to be overcome. So, at the next stage it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit, breaking it to the depth of the coastal stage. The next step will be marking, which will allow to determine the place of pond penetration to the next mark. As soon as the master succeeds in forming the second tier, one can proceed to laying the line for digging the buried part of the pond. Only then can you get rid of the necessary space from the last portion of the earth. It is very difficult to produce such works, therefore it is preferable to use the services of specialists working on a mini excavator.

If you yourself decided to excavate the foundation pit, you must be prepared for the fact that water will accumulate on its bottom. You can fight this by using a pump. After it was possible to prepare a pit, with the help of a fishing line it is possible to measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth to which the allowances on the sides of the bowl, equal to fifty centimeters, should be added. This will be necessary in order to determine the size of the film for purchase.

Lining the bowl of a pond

If you intend to equip a reservoir in the dacha with your own hands, step by step it is necessary to think over what works should be done. The next step is to prepare the bottom of the bowl, for this it is covered with a film. In order that the main film is not damaged by the roots of plants, as well as stones, before laying it is necessary to lay a layer of geotextile. To do this, you can use the old linoleum, and some use ruberoid. The preparation can also include the filling of sand, which is then thoroughly trampled.

The film will become more elastic if it is laid in a bright sun.


When you make a pond with your own hands, the photo of which is presented in the article, you will have to work on the edge. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare an auxiliary trench along the perimeter, this will allow you to first tilt and then fix the film. After the edges of the film are laid in a trench, they need to be strewed with rubble. The edge is securely fixed by stone blocks, you can use pipes that are nailed to pegs. Further the edge is decorated with stone and boulders. Now you can place the plants in containers and install them on the curtains. The bottom must be lined with stones and rubble.

Pouring water

By making small ponds with your own hands, the next step is to think about pouring water. In order to avoid stagnation of the fluid, it is preferable to use a stream. For what the source of the stream should be raised above the water level, and water will be fed from the bowl by using a submersible pump.

Pump connection

Before you make a pond with your own hands, you need to think about the choice of equipment. After the pump is installed on the bottom, it is necessary to stretch the pipes to the source of the stream so that it can be connected to the filter. The cleaning filter must be pressurized.


By equipping a pond in the garden with your own hands (photo examples are presented in the article), it is important to remember that during the operation the lake will need to be prevented. Special agents will help prevent the emergence and further spread of algae. Before the onset of winter, it is necessary to take plants to a cool place at home. It is not necessary to use at registration of coasts of pellets which possess identical diameter as it becomes the reason of a dull kind of lake. Large stones should be stacked with small ones.

Before making a pond with your own hands, a photo of which should be considered before the beginning of the work, it must be taken into account that if the pond is very deep, then the walls must be made steep. It is not recommended to make the pond unduly deep, if it is not supposed to breed fish in it, as it will be more expensive, but will not affect the appearance in any way. If you decide to do work on the lake on your site, then do not immediately begin to build a large pond. Preferably first make a mini pond. This will eliminate some errors. The pond and the pond with their own hands can be made without assistance, but it will be difficult to do. Well, if the budget will be funded for the use of special heavy equipment, it will greatly facilitate the work of the home master.

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