Health, Medicine
Fractions of blood proteins by electrophoresis
The human body is a complex system in which different chemical processes occur every second: hormones, blood protein fractions, pigments, etc. are developed. Numerous studies have been made available to people to determine the level of such substances. Deviations from the norm may indicate the development of the disease or be a consequence of physiological factors.
general information
There are many conditions when individual fractions of the blood protein increase. A few people know what it is, as can be shown by such indicators.
These substances are an integral part of blood plasma and consist of complex amino acids.
Perform very important functions:
- Transport the necessary substances (these may be components of medications taken, lipids, vitamins, minerals, pigments, etc.).
- Responsible for coagulation.
- Maintain acid-base balance.
- Regulate the equilibrium of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.
- Affect the state of immunity.
The consistence of blood depends on their level. Dense and viscous fluid passes through the bloodstream worse, thus worsening the work of the entire cardiovascular system.
To determine the protein fraction, a special analysis is carried out-a proteinogram.
Blood chemistry
Such a laboratory study is one of the most informative and popular. He is appointed practically to all patients undergoing in-patient treatment.
It allows you to assess the overall condition of the body and the work of individual organs for various indicators.
Protein fractions in biochemical blood analysis are a very important part that is carried out by all individuals at risk for certain groups of diseases.
Who is displayed
Most often the study of protein fraction is prescribed for suspected of the following pathologies:
- Myeloma;
- Monoclonal gammopathy.
Conducting a proteinogram is indicated for patients with:
- Autoimmune processes (scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis);
- Chronic and acute infectious diseases (herpes, hepatitis of all types, Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus);
- Symptoms of malobsorption (chronic digestive disorders, manifested diarrhea, steatoria, which lead to impaired absorption of nutrients);
- Malnutrition (lack or increase in appetite, selective craving for certain foods).
Additionally, it can be prescribed for general examination of the body (screening for various diseases).
The decision on the need for the study should be made by the attending physician (therapist) on the basis of complaints, patient's medical history, test results, etc.
Features of the analysis
All patients who are assigned to study the fraction of proteins in the blood, you need to know:
- The procedure is performed on an empty stomach, early in the morning. Before the surrender, you should not eat for 8 hours.
- On the eve it is recommended to adhere to a strict diet (to exclude alcohol, fatty, smoked, fried, spicy, fast food, mayonnaise, ketchup and other harmful products). It is advisable to limit the use of protein.
- For 30-60 minutes. no smoking.
- Avoid instrumental research methods: fluorography, x-ray, ultrasound, etc., a few days before the analysis.
- On the eve you should not be nervous and engage in heavy physical exertion.
- Young children do not undergo a procedure for teething.
Violation of any item from the list above may distort the result, mislead the patient and the doctor. Therefore it is extremely important to adhere to the list of recommendations.
What else can cause a deviation in the results:
- Intravenous infusion of infusion solutions;
- Excessive sweating;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- Heavy loads;
- Bed rest;
- Abuse of protein foods.
Methods of detection
Fractions of proteins are a constituent of the total protein. The latter is determined by carrying out the above biochemical blood test. To further evaluate the equilibrium of its particles, other studies are needed.
The most informative and popular method is electrophoresis, which can be carried out using a special material:
- Chromatogram paper;
- Acetate cellulose film;
- Agar or starch gel.
It occurs by the action of an electric current on the blood proteins, which are placed on a special paper or gel. In the process of substance acquire a negative charge, where, under the influence of the laws of physics, they move to the anode and can be separated into 6 different fractions, namely:
- Albumins;
- Globulins (alpha-1 and alpha-2);
- Globulins (beta and gamma);
- Prealbumins.
In addition to determining the fraction of blood proteins by electrophoresis, other, less popular methods can be used as laboratory assistants:
- Gel filtration;
- Immunological;
- Precipitation;
- Sedimentary.
Norms and deviations
The analysis is carried out quickly enough, and the result can be obtained the next day.
Factors of protein fractions are influenced by many factors. On average, their normal amount in the blood should be (g / dL):
- Albumin - 3,5-5,00;
- A-1 - 0.1-0.3;
- A-2 0.6-1.00;
- Beta - 0.7-1.2;
- Gamma - 0.7-1.6.
The total protein ratio should be in the range of 6.4-8.3 g / dL.
As evidenced by the increase
Fractions of the blood protein in the norm should be in a certain ratio, which characterizes the general state of the human body.
Violation of this balance is allocated to a separate disease, called disproteinemia.
Depending on the shift of a certain fraction, we can talk about some pathologies that are latent or clearly occurring in the body. If the level is increased:
- Albumin - this may indicate liver and kidney disease; For example, with hepatitis, cirrhosis, carcinomas, pyelonephritis and others;
- Globulins alpha-1 (2) - may indicate the presence of inflammation, severe stress or a neglected stage of cancer with metastases;
- Beta - in the body there may be hyperlipoproteinemia (violation of lipid metabolism);
- Gamma - the growth of the indicator is characteristic for the penetration of infection (bacterial or viral).
If an abnormal monoclonal protein is detected on the test strip on a test strip, then in most cases this is the basis for suspecting myeloma - a cancer of the plasma cells. Therefore, when carrying out a test for this pathology, the proteinogram is considered to be one of the most valuable and informative methods.
Lowered values
Many patients can find in their results a decrease in the total protein and its individual fractions. This can be either a variant of the norm or a pathological deviation.
This condition is called hypoproteinemia. It can be provoked:
- Insufficient intake of protein with food;
- Long-term diets;
- Anemia;
- Menstruation;
- Postoperative period;
- Fevers;
- Infectious processes;
- Intoxication;
- Kidney disease;
- Hepatitis;
- Lack of sleep;
- The general decline of forces;
- Bleeding.
For physiological reasons (ie, not associated with the disease) a significant decrease in protein in the blood (below 50 g / l) is:
- Lactation;
- The last trimester of pregnancy;
- Hypodynamia, the consequence of prolonged stay in bed;
- Excessive physical activity.
What to do if the result is poor
If you receive unsatisfactory analysis results for protein fractions, do not panic immediately. It is necessary to consult a doctor and try to remember what could provoke such a condition.
On the basis of the collected history, the doctor will advise to repeat the analysis later or appoint an additional examination.
First of all, it will be necessary to pass:
- A common and expanded blood test;
- general urine analysis.
Instrumental methods will be assigned based on patient complaints. For example, if the abdomen is affected by a change in the level of albumin in the patient, then it will be necessary to perform an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs, an x-ray of this region, and so on.
As medical practice shows, an isolated increase in the total protein in the blood is more often a variant of the norm than with the shift of its fractions. Such conditions require a more thorough examination and study of the patient's medical history. If a person feels well, nothing hurts him and the rest of the tests are in order, with a high degree of probability one can say that he is healthy. In the more rare cases, early stages of severe illnesses such as oncology, cirrhosis, etc., on the background of apparent well-being cause changes in some protein fractions. Therefore, any deviation from the norm indicates the need to pay attention to one's health.
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