Sports and FitnessAthletics

Strength gymnastics: a description, a set of exercises and recommendations

Power gymnastics in recent years has become popular all over the world, including in the Russian Federation. Basically it consists of strength exercises with external weights. For this, the rod is often used. Also, while exercising, simulators are often used. They are useful not only for professional athletes, but also for beginners.

The main stages of training in power gymnastics

Training in power gymnastics is divided into three main stages:

  • Warm-up;
  • Power section;
  • final part.

Stage warm-up in any case can not be missed. It warms up all the muscles and prepares the person for difficult physical activities. Those athletes who do not perform warm-up are more prone to injury. The warm-up itself can also be divided into two stages: light and special. Easy warm-up includes a small jog or exercise on the stationary bike. A special warm-up is aimed at the increased stretching of the muscles.

The power part of the training should be competently chosen by the personal trainer of the athlete. If the power part of the training was not chosen correctly, then the person will not be able to achieve the assigned tasks.

The final part is no less important. She should be given no more than 10 minutes of time. For 10 minutes the athlete must perform light, calming movements, for example, slow jogging, walking. Swimming is ideal.

Strength exercises in gymnastics and their list

Similar exercises in gymnastics are aimed at developing muscles in almost the entire body.

Strength Exercises

The muscle group to which they are directed

Raising the bar or dumbbell in the prone position or pushing on the bars Thoracic muscles, including upper, middle and lower
Draft of cargo to the chin Trapezius muscles
Pulling on the crossbar, pulling the load in a bent position (to the stomach) The widest back muscles
Straightening of the trunk in a lying position face down and deadlift The trunk straightening group
Lifting the trunk lying, raising the legs on an incline bench Abdominal muscles
Raising the bar or other weight to the chin or lifting above the head Deltoid muscles
Bending of hands with any load with or without emphasis Shoulder biceps
Pressing on uneven bars, French press Shoulder three-headed muscles
Bending of hands in the wrists with a load from top to bottom. Typically, a fingerboard Forearm
Squats with a load with a straight back Quadriceps femoris muscles
Deadlift. Legs are straight Two-headed hamstrings
Rise to socks with a load in hands Triceps femoris muscles

Force load in gymnastics must be distributed correctly, so that the athlete is not injured.

Rules that must be taken into account in training

It is worth noting that during training it is important to follow certain rules that will help keep the athlete's strength and be hardy.

So, there are only three rules. They are simple, but they are absolutely necessary.

  1. The first rule concerns breathing. When lifting the load (rod or bar), it is necessary to exhale, and when lowering it - inhale. It is forbidden for an athlete to hold his breath while straining his muscles.
  2. The second rule concerns the movement of cargo. The athlete is recommended to move, lift the load very smoothly. The amplitude of the movements should always be the same. This method is less traumatic.
  3. All exercises must be done cleanly. To achieve results, you can not help yourself with your legs and hands. It is necessary to try, that during repetition of exercise only one group of muscles worked.

Individual features of the body

Power gymnastics is a very useful sport. It does not harm any person, however, success in it can not achieve all. It is believed that it is not suitable for people with lean physique, but professionals will be able to become normostenics and hypersthenics.

It is also worth noting that not all exercises can have the same effect. For example, one person, training, will quickly gain muscle mass, and the other will not achieve the desired results. Therefore, it is necessary to individually select a complex of strength exercises. It is likely that the beginner will have to spend more time to achieve the first results.

The benefits of strength training

This sport has undeniable benefits for human health. He is able to save a person from external flaws, for example, from stoop, crooked posture, a hollow chest, etc. Power gymnastics will help to train the cardiovascular system.

A person who regularly attends training, becomes stronger and more enduring. It is noted that gymnasts-athletes in good condition are the nervous system. For women this kind of sport will help to achieve an almost ideal figure, and will also return the ability to quickly restore the body.

Recently, athletic gymnastics is increasingly practiced among young people. The fact is that active sports activities will help to distract the younger generation from bad habits. Frequent training makes a healthy lifestyle a habit, and a person - a disciplined one.

The main thing is not to overtrain!

In everything, a measure is needed, and strength training is no exception. The main symptoms of overtraining are:

  • Lack of strength;
  • Permanent muscular pain;
  • tachycardia;
  • high blood pressure;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of appetite;
  • Disease.

If the athlete has found at least a few symptoms, he should see the doctor sooner. If there has been overtraining, it is also necessary to adjust the training mode, without necessarily shortening their duration. Walking in the open air or observing the regime of the day will help.

If against the background of overtraining there are some diseases or injuries, it is recommended to consult a doctor after prescription for medicines. Usually, these are restorative complexes or multivitamins. Such drugs and supplements can restore strength and performance to a person, raise the mood and normalize sleep and appetite. After therapy, the practitioner will not want to give up this sport.

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