
Spirulina - health seaweed

The first information about the miracle of algae appeared in the 16th century. The annals mentioned plants that the Aztecs added to their food. At the same time Europeans, from whose words the chronicles were written, amazed the appearance of the old Aztecs, decrepit and feeble among them was not, as there were no toothless. The name of this mysterious plant is Spirulina. Algae was the discovery of the Belgian botanist Jean Leonard, who studied the flora and fauna of Africa. Quite by accident, the botanist discovered a tribe not affected by civilization. He drew attention to the fact that living in harsh conditions, there are no sick among the members of the tribe, and the long-livers look cheerful and smart, among them there are no toothless, and there are very few wrinkles on their faces. Leonard began to search for the secret of their youth and very soon discovered that instead of bread they eat green cakes, for the production of which dried lake dust is used. Taking a sample for research, the scientist discovered that this is spirulina. Algae after the publication of the results of the research began to be used as a seasoning and added to other products. Today this miracle-alga can be found in the composition of vitamin complexes, and also as an independent preparation in the form of capsules or tablets.

Spirulina is microalgae of blue or blue-green color of threadlike form. Spirulina platensis got its name thanks to a spiral shape. And the spiral is twisted more strongly in the summer, and when the temperature decreases, the threads straighten. It is the blue-green algae that is the oldest. Spirulina is easily assimilated, thanks to the mucopolysaccharides that make up the membrane. Spirulina is an alga that provides us with the assimilation of high-grade proteins, amino acids, so necessary for our body. The fat of spirulina contains only 5%, and that consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Spirulina, which contains almost all vitamins, is a source of vitamin B2. No other plant contains this important vitamin in such quantity. Another feature of this type of algae is the high content of antioxidants that strengthen our immune system.

Today's life, its crazy rhythm can not but affect our life, our health. Pay attention to the condition of your hair, nails. They leave much to be desired because of bad ecology, poorly purified water and many more reasons that are beyond our control. Exchange processes in the body are slowed, because the number of people suffering from obesity, diabetes mellifluously increases. But a person is able to protect himself by conducting simple preventive actions. Spirulina (algae can be taken as in tablets and capsules, and in a dried form) - the best way to prevent. The body lacks iodine? Take spirulina, and it will provide your body in iodine. Have you been ill? Spirulina contributes to the recovery processes, and hence the recovery will be rapid. Got too much weight? And then the seaweed will come to the rescue, as it is able to regulate metabolic processes. It also contributes to the elimination of toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals, which makes it simply irreplaceable in our lives. Spirulina-powder (and this form of release you can find in pharmacies) equally possesses all the listed qualities. Iron, this wonder alga contains 50 times more than the liver, and it is much easier to digest. As however, and calcium from spirulina, our body almost completely absorbs.

Taking spirulina, you will not give any chance to atherosclerosis, oncological diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, do not allow liver and kidney problems. The drug is completely natural, so do not worry about side effects. Spirulina is not toxic, which means it only benefits. Take spirulina, and life will play for you in new colors. Excess of energy, improvement of general state and mood is a partial list of what blue-green alga can bring to your life.

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