
"Spemann forte": reviews of doctors and patients

How effective is the drug "Spemann Forte"? Reviews of urologists about this tool will be presented at the end of the article. Also you will learn about the form in which this medication is made, what is its principle of action, whether it has side effects and analogues.

Description, form, composition, packaging

The drug "Spemann Forte" goes on sale in the form of biconvex and round tablets without shell. They are brown and interspersed.

The medicine is produced in plastic bottles, which are placed in cardboard boxes.

The active elements of this drug are:

  • Seeds of long-leaf astringant in powder form;
  • Powder from the tubers of the orchis masculine;
  • The fruits of the anchovies are creeping ;
  • Powder from the seeds of compass lettuce;
  • Stems netting;
  • Extract of the roots of arginia beautiful;
  • Powder from the seeds of velvety itchy beans;
  • Thallus parmelia pearl;
  • Suvarnavang powder,

Also as additional components in the composition of the drug include: magnesium stearate, aerosil, MCC, crospovidone and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose.


How does the drug "Spemane Forte" work? Experts say that this is a progestrophic drug. It stimulates spermatogenesis, improves microcirculation flow and has anti-inflammatory effect.

When taking the tablets, the dysuric disorders significantly decrease (including with hyperplasia of the prostate), the sperm motility increases, the viscosity of the sperm and the stagnant phenomena in the prostate gland decrease.

The effectiveness of this drug is due to the properties of medicinal herbs that make up its composition. Specially selected ingredients affect the nerve centers responsible for erection.

It should also be noted that against the background of taking the drug in question, the centers of sexual activity that are located in the spinal cord become much less excitable.

This drug reduces the excessive excitement caused by the syndrome of waiting, and also calms, not reducing the potency.

Tablets "Spemann Forte" acts through the neuroendocrine system, preventing accelerated ejaculation.

Properties of the preparation

What are the properties of the drug "Spemann Forte"? Reviews of the drug say that its therapeutic effectiveness is inextricably linked with the effect of medicinal herbs.

Orchis masculine has tonic, enveloping, anticonvulsant and haematopoietic properties. It is actively used with general weakness, nervous exhaustion and sexual impotence.

Long-leaved asternantum and compass soak well soothe the patient, and also have a sedative effect.

Beans velvety itchy and anchorites creeping help to reduce the severity of neurotic reactions. They normalize the sexual desire, increase the intensity, duration and frequency of the erection. These ingredients prevent premature ejaculation, increase the severity and brightness of sexual emotions, and increase the level of testosterone and LH to a physiological norm, without violating the hormonal balance.

Phytosteroids of these plants support the work of the reproductive system and stimulate spermatogenesis. What role do they play in the preparation of Spemann Forte? The doctors' comments say that due to this component, the viscosity of the sperm decreases and it becomes much more. The morphology of spermatozoa also improves, their mobility and concentration increase. At the same time, the number of pathologically altered forms is markedly reduced.

It should also be noted that these substances improve the nutrition of the sex cells and support their functions.

Pearly Parmelia and Arguirea are beautifully antioxidant, tonic, antistress, adaptogenic and immunomodulating. They are well manifested in asthenia, physical and mental fatigue, as well as various chronic diseases. In addition, these herbs contribute to the stimulation of nonspecific immunity.

Suvarnavang balances male sexual energy, prevents early ejaculation and nocturnal pollutions, and also helps to eliminate impotence.

Thanks to this component, the sexual act lengthens in time, and the sensations become more vivid and sharpened. It should also be noted that suvarnavang has an immunostimulating effect.

Chatter mesh in the "Spemann Forte" stimulates the production of spermatozoa. Also this plant increases the sexual desire, it normalizes metabolism and digestion. It can inhibit the involution of the body, both intellectually and physically.

As for reserpine and resscinamine, they have sedative and hypotensive effects, and serpagin and aymaline have adrenolytic effects.


This drug is prescribed for:

  • Age-related disorders of the genital area;
  • Hyperplasia of the prostate;
  • Male infertility as a result of oligospermia;
  • Decreased motility of spermatozoa;
  • Prostatitis in chronic and acute form;
  • Functional disorders of sexual function (for example, with premature ejaculation, short sexual intercourse, spontaneous spermatorrhea);
  • Complex treatment of prostate diseases.


When can I not use the drug Spemann Forte? Experts say that this drug is not allowed to be taken with hypersensitivity of the patient to any of the constituent substances.

How to take Spemann Forte tablets?

With premature ejaculation , the drug should be taken 1-2 tablets three times a day for 2-4 weeks.

With the spermatherapy, "Spemann Forte" is prescribed in the same amount and at the same frequency, but for 4-6 weeks. In the future, the course continues for a month, but already at maintenance dosages.

With age-related sexual disorders, the medication should be taken 1 tablet three times a day for 4-8 weeks.

Adverse events

On the background of taking this remedy, allergic reactions may occur. If, after taking the tablets (in the first hours or even days), you notice an itchy skin, redness, nausea, or other undesirable phenomena, then immediately consult a specialist.

Special Recommendations

The drug "Spemann Forte" with caution prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Severe cardiosclerosis;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

When this remedy is combined with vitamin E, the patient may develop nausea and other dyspepsia.

Cost and analogy

The average price of this drug is 160-170 rubles per 100 tablets.

As for the analogs, they include the following funds: Rovatinex, Afalah, Krasny Root, Vitaprost, Tsiston, Kanefron, Khimkolin, Lespeflan, Flaronin, Lespephryl "," Uroprost "," Prostagerb "," Testis compositum "," Prostanorm "," Tenteks forte "," Prostatilen "," Superlimf "," Ranel "," Solidoga compositum C "," Samprost ".

By the way, the combination of such drugs as "Spemann" and "Tentex Forte" improves the effectiveness of therapy, including with oligospermia.

Reviews about tablets

The doctors' comments on the drug under consideration indicate their ambiguous attitude toward taking this drug. Some experts say that this is a good medicine designed to treat a decreased potency, including against a background of prostatitis. This is explained by the fact that when taking "Spemann Forte" tablets, there is a marked decrease in stagnation in the prostate and an improvement in blood circulation.

Another part of doctors appoints this medication only as part of complex therapy as an auxiliary drug. By the way, some of them argue that you can do without it at all, since there is no sure evidence of the effectiveness of this medication.

As for men who have experience of using this remedy, they report that this medication effectively manifests itself in premature ejaculation, because it lengthens the time of sexual intercourse.

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