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Social behavior regulators

The appearance, formation, perfection of the personality is characterized by certain factors, is carried out according to specific laws. Social regulators allow us to identify and explain the peculiarities of the existence of the individual in society.


As subjects of social behavior, consider small groups, society, the very personality.

It is included in a serious system of diverse social relations. These include: political, legal, industrial, ideological, moral, religious relations, social regulators control them.

Internal regulators

Let us analyze their main types, which allow to give a qualitative characteristic of the personality.

Social regulators of the society include:

  • Social production, opinion, relations, consciousness, socio-economic situation;
  • Style and way of life, traditions, social context, social attitudes, values, family, way of life;
  • Morality and ethics, culture, ideology, worldview.

External regulators

Social regulators can act as external factors:

  • Large-scale social groups (strata, classes, cohorts, professions, ethnos);
  • Small groups (organization, group);
  • Socio-psychological climate, group relations, the degree of organization of the collective.

Common phenomena

Such social behavior regulators include traditions, tastes, symbols, rumors, prejudices, stereotypes, and communications.

To characterize the individuality, the personal components of socio-psychological regulators are also used. Such social regulators are represented by an attitude, authority, position, social prestige, status. With their help, you can identify certain features of a particular person.

Social norms

They are a universal social regulator of social norms of behavior. Among such factors, we shall single out moral, legal, religious norms. Corporate standards include models, patterns of relationships and actions, traditions and customs, various rites and rituals. The same group includes contractual norms, business relations.

It is important to mention that the personality acts as an object of social regulation in the system of external social determination. In the process of social behavior, it is viewed not simply as a subject of internal behavior, but also from the point of view of external regulation.

Many psychologists consider the regulative function of the individual in mental behavior and functioning from the standpoint of mental processes, states, qualities.

Mental processes

Social regulators of public relations include the following processes:

  • Cognitive, which include schematization, causal attribution, categorization. They assume reception, processing, transformation, reproduction by the person of the received information without which the high-grade social behavior is impossible.
  • Oral and written speech, with their help the person finds a common language with other representatives of a social society.
  • Psychological specific phenomena. Among them we distinguish insight (mental comprehension), intuition (going beyond the limits of available experience by means of figurative generalization of unknown patterns), judgments, inferences, solving problems (foreseeing the course of events, analyzing the situation, seeking a way out of it).

The semantic subjective space in the cognitive block is a generalization of the internal regulators of the personality's behavior in society.

VF Petrenko identifies the following factors for the restructuring of semantic subjective spaces:

  • Evaluation;
  • activity;
  • Orderliness;
  • complexity;
  • Force;
  • Comfort.

The construction of a semantic space implies several stages. First, all the relationships between the objects under consideration are selected. Next, a matrix of similarity of the selected objects is built up, their proximity is estimated. Then the matrix is mathematically processed using factor analysis. And at the final stage, the interpretation of the factors under consideration is carried out.

Law as a social regulator is one of the internal regulators of personal behavior. It allows us to evaluate the emotional reaction of the individual to the impact of strong or short-term stimuli.

Among the internal regulators of the psychological state of particular interest is depression. It is associated with a negative emotional background and passivity of behavior.

To the same indicators, there are also various obsessive states, for example, instantaneous appearance of painful thoughts, inducement for harsh actions related to problems arising in the family, at work.

Due to psychological qualities, internal subjective regulation is provided, expressed in two forms:

  • In the form of personal properties, this can be seen as a person's propensity for active action, responsibility for the actions, transformations.

Due to personal qualities, a person establishes relationships with other people, finds ways of behavior in a social society. From these qualities, self-determination of a person, his behavior in problem situations, ability to self-development, self-knowledge, self-improvement directly depends.

Of particular interest is self-esteem, relating to the attitude to themselves, their abilities and abilities, moral qualities.

A person who has an overestimated self-esteem, considers himself intellectually superior to others, while in reality his abilities are very modest and inadequate to cope with uncomplicated situations.

  • Socio-psychological qualities of a person suggest a person's readiness to assess the current situation, the ability to establish emotional, approving relationships with other people.


It should be noted that the internal (subjective) and external (objective) regulators do not exist separately from each other, between them a dielectric relationship is assumed. Given the principle of determinism, which was formulated by SL Rubinstein, regulators can also be a source of external causes refracted through internal conditions.

External regulators appear in the role of external causes of social behavior of any person, thanks to internal regulators, the action of various external determinants occurs. The psychological process of development of moral qualities, consciousness, behavior, restructuring, motivation of the nervous system, ability to make important decisions is due to the dielectric interaction of internal and external regulators. The quality of their relationship determines the characteristics of the human psyche.

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