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Incense - what is it? The meaning of the phraseology "smoking incense"
The course of time is inexorable. Therefore, people forget the meanings of words that are no longer so actively used. But sometimes, for example, in the lessons of the Russian language, it is required that the student explain the meanings of certain words that are obsolete by the ear of modern man. Today we will answer the question, what is the meaning of the word "incense". What kind of substance is this? Also inevitably, the meaning of the phraseology "smoking incense" is drawn into the orbit of the article.
Incense and its smoking
Naturally, experienced smokers will say that there is no such brand of tobacco as "incense". And right, because it's an incense. The incense comes from burning incense. But do not think that smoking incense is a church prerogative. If you do not appeal to the metaphorical meaning of the word combination, then it practically turns out: everyone can now enjoy in his apartment his own sense of smell with incenses, for aromatic sticks are not only popular, but their assortment is presented widely. In addition, the tradition of using incense is associated not only with Christianity, but with pagan gods, as well as with rulers and kings, before whom, as usual, they waste not only the smells of incense, but also praise. About professional sneakers we'll talk in more detail and find out how the incense (this incense) is connected with flattery.
"To smoke incense"
This phrase means "to waste unfair or excessive praise to a person who most often does not deserve it." Let us recall history: they smoked incense to rulers and kings. And in those days, people knew little about democratic values, so you could easily lose your head. Praise for the ruler is a form of self-preservation. Now the phraseology "to smoke incense", torn from the soil on which it arose, is interpreted unequivocally: it is undeserved flattery for a person. Now we, modern people, can easily despise those who smoke incense, because we are brought up in a different society.
Moral aspect of the problem. Vertical relations "subordinate - chief"
From the foregoing it is clear: colleagues at work can hardly be lavished praise. Incense is a "product" intended for the boss. If to speak abstractly, then, of course, it is necessary to praise, but it's not worth it to crumble in compliments, and most people support this point of view. But everything changes when it comes to dealing with the boss at work.
Someone from people almost to physical nausea does not tolerate flattery, and if the leader of such - this is a great success and a guarantee that all will be in fairness.
There is another type of boss who understands: compliments say, rather, his status than his personality, but he does not care. The reasons for this behavior of the leader can be said for a long time, but this is not the case, so we leave the complexes of the higher ones aside.
The third type of leader does not understand that smoking incense in his honor (the meaning of the word we have already disassembled) is a fake.
Of course, the ideal of the manager is the first type of boss who does not tolerate flattery and decides everything in fairness, but are such people often found in the natural conditions of the office? This is a big question. More often you can see leaders who love praise, even undeserved, and gladly accept the compliments of subordinates. It's not so important, sincerely or not, the employee compliments the boss, the main thing is that praise is a form of man's domination over man, and if the subordinate is dependent, then it can be controlled.
But, if you leave the psychological thickets of human relationships, you can say with confidence: smoking incense is extremely useful for a career.
Modern reality exudes incense
People ask themselves what the meaning of the word "incense" is, because they intuitively feel that reality is watered, impregnated with undeserved, ostentatious praise. And it's not just bosses and all sorts of leaders. Today people basically surrounded themselves with idols - screen stars, sportsmen and even things. The man is now in a terrible and ambiguous state: on the one hand, he is very tired of the whole noisy cycle of things and people, and on the other hand, he is forced to praise the external reality, because everyone does this. This is such a bad infinity and takes away freedom from man. In fragrant smoke, the personality loses itself.
However, we are distracted. The main thing is that we disassembled the meaning of the word "incense" and clarified the meaning of the phraseology "to smoke incense". The rest is to hope for the best: one day a person will wake up, the wind will change and the values will become different.
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