
Shrubs. Rosa Belvedere

Rose is the queen of flowers. It has fantastic beauty and variety. Over the years, roses have not lost their popularity. Every year, there are new modern and sophisticated varieties that impress with unsurpassed beauty, variety of shades and refinement of aroma. Breeders around the world are working on their creation. A hundred-year experience in the cultivation of roses has a German company Rosen Tantau. During this time, many original and amazing specimens of the royal flower were brought out. The assortment of the largest company has many unsurpassed samples. These plants are suitable for garden decor as well as for cutting. Especially beautiful are the strong unpretentious bush roses - shrabs.

Rose Belvedere, bred in 2001 by breeders of Rosen Tantau, is a popular representative of this group.

Shrubs - Shrubs

Universal plants, hardy and unpretentious, amaze with their beauty. This group combines bush roses. The enchanting fragrant flowers of plants of this group can be simple or terry. They differ in a variety of forms. They are grown in large and small areas. During the summer season they will enjoy a second flowering. Shrubs, in addition to a fantastically attractive species, are resistant to diseases and good winter hardiness. In winter, for such plants will require an easy shelter. The main qualities inherent in this group are Rose Belvedere.


The plant has a spectacular view. Bright apricot-orange flowers reach in diameter from 10 to 12 cm. The nostalgic, ancient form of the flower does not spoil it. On the contrary, the Belvedere Rose is magnificent. Gustomakhrovye flowers have a bright saturated color, which does not burn out in the sun. Droplets of rain do not spoil the appearance of tender petals. A nice addition is a slightly tart aroma. Large flowers combined with bright dark green glossy foliage give the bush a special charm and attraction. The bush rose grows intensively, reaching a height of 100 to 120 cm. The width of the plant is 100 cm. At the same time, intensive growth does not harm the appearance. The bush remains compact. The bright colors of the rose-shrab Belvedere will please the owners. Three-time flowering will fill the beauty of the garden for the whole season. The first flowers are larger. The bushes are covered with a lot of bright buds, which, when opened, do not fade for a long time. The second and third waves of flowering are less intense.

Decoration of any site will be given by bushes. It is possible to note an excellent combination of excellent external data with unpretentiousness of a plant. Good resistance to diseases and relatively frost-resistant qualities greatly simplify the care and cultivation of this variety.

Bright orange beauty in the garden

For planting in small groups, a Belvedere rose is suitable. The photo of the location of the bushes on the garden plot perfectly demonstrates its decorative qualities. The spectacular beauty harmoniously fits into the general plan of the site. It goes well with other plants. The highlight of any composition is a rose Belvedere. Comments of gardeners growing this plant, confirm this statement. This is the foreground bush. Remaining in sight, it does not interfere with other plants. But when planting in the background, the bushes do not lose their attractiveness.

The Belvedere rose also looks spectacular in a single planting. Bright flowers combined with a green lawn - a beautiful composition. Roses of this variety can be planted anywhere. Even a beginning gardener who does not know the skills of landscape design, can easily determine the place for planting. Rose will not be superfluous in any part of the garden or the local area.

Cultivation and care

Most often apply combined planting of bushes. Growing rose Belvedere in small groups. One square meter is planted on 3 or 4 plants at a distance of sixty centimeters from each other. Caring for the bushes is pretty simple. It will require timely watering, fertilization and forming pruning. The soil around the bushes is constantly loosened and the weed is removed. In the dry period, good watering is necessary. In this case, in the morning or evening, each bucket will require at least a bucket of water. For the normal development of plants, the addition of phosphorus and calcium is superfluous. Annually prune the bush. In this case, remove dry and damaged shoots. The sprouting branches are shortened by one third of the length. Every five years they rejuvenate the bush. This is the procedure for removing old shoots.

Preparing for winter

Rose Belvedere is a relatively winter-hardy plant. She needs an easy hiding place. Before him, remove the leaves on the bushes. The branches are shortened by one third of the length. Bushes hill. Fallen foliage carefully collected and burned. As a covering material, lapnik or nonwoven materials are used.


Rose rose worms in several ways. The first of them is cuttings. The material for reproduction will be enough. The bushes of this group are powerful, with well-developed stems. There will be no shortage of planting material. After the rooting of the cuttings root-plants with characteristic varietal characters are obtained. The second method of reproduction is the inoculation of cuttings on the dog-rose. As a result, they receive shrubs with good winter hardiness qualities. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of a wild shoot. It must be permanently removed so that the seedling does not degenerate into a dogrose.

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