
Orchids Phalaenopsis. Care and breeding

You are fond of breeding indoor plants and have long dreamed of starting an exotic flower from the tropics, but you can not decide the choice? Then you definitely will approach the orchid Phalaenopsis. Care for her is simple, since the hybrid variety was bred specifically for domestic breeding.

Features of Phalaenopsis orchids

Orchid flowers 2 times a year, in rare cases - 3. Reproduction occurs due to the formation of shoots formed on the stems of plants. Coloring of flowers can be white, pink, dark purple, have different spots, dots and veins. The size of buds in diameter varies from 2 to 13 cm. And the amount directly depends on the state of Phalaenopsis. The departure of improper quality will lead to the fact that the plant will please the owner with only 2-3 flowers. If you want to enjoy the beauty of 30-40 tender buds, then it is necessary to observe the conditions of detention.

Orchids are light-loving plants, they should be placed on window sills. But for the summer for flowers is to find a cooler place, especially if the apartment windows face south. Because too bright a direct light can kill Phalaenopsis. Care of the flower implies compliance with another important condition - to ensure high humidity, it is sufficient to install a humidifier in the room. It is also necessary to maintain the surrounding temperature in the region of + 20 ° ... 25 ° C.

Planting, watering, feeding of orchids Phalaenopsis

By their nature, orchids are epiphytes, in nature they grow on trees or other plants. Therefore, they should be planted in a substratum, which can be purchased in special stores or made independently. This requires the bark of pine, which will need to be boiled and dried. Then repeat this procedure after 2 days. After bark cut into pieces 2 cm in size and mix with crushed moss. For planting, pots made of plastic or special boxes that have holes in the bottom are ideal.

Do not know how to transplant Phalaenopsis? First of all, remember that you do not need to do this more than once every 3 years. It is desirable to take a transparent pot, and its size should be oriented to the length of the rhizome of the orchid. Before planting, it is necessary to remove all old dry leaves and rotten roots, after disinfecting the sites of slices. Only after that, the flower can be placed in a pot and covered with a special substrate.

Immediately after planting it is forbidden to water the orchid Phalaenopsis. Care and watering should be resumed after a few days, otherwise the roots of the flower may begin to rot. In winter, orchids are watered only 1-2 times a week, in summer more often - every 2 or 3 days. For this, pre-set water is used at room temperature. However, watering orchids can also be distilled or boiled water to avoid the formation of a salt coating on the leaves.

What else is required for the normal growth of Phalaenopsis? Care, timely watering and top dressing. Fertilize orchids 2 times a month, using special means, you can do it during watering. If you comply with all conditions of detention, then in 2-3 years you will receive a full-fledged blossoming copy, capable of reproduction.

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