
Methods of organization management

Effective management of the organization becomes possible with the help of organizational tools and methods that are aimed at the coordination of personnel in general or for some individual employee, with the goal of achieving the results of the enterprise as a whole. The essence of this process is that methods alone will not give 100% efficiency. It is necessary to have an adequate impact on the workforce, motivate staff and focus on results. When these two positions are combined, an ideal combination is obtained, which is bound to lead to success.

The managers inevitably face a large list of tasks that need to be addressed. This list is quite extensive and includes tasks related to the long-term planning of development prospects, as well as the solution of momentary issues that need to be implemented in the shortest possible time. It is for this purpose that a large number of various methods have been invented, but they can all be combined depending on the tasks solved with their help.

Modern methods of managing an organization usually combine:

1. regulation of technical systems, is carried out with the help of automatic control systems;

2. Regulation of socio-economic systems, concerns the regulation of relations in the team. In turn, they also depend on the nature of the relations being formed and there are:

• economic;

• Administrative;

• Socio-psychological.

Let's take a closer look at each of the proposed methods. Economic methods of managing an organization is a system of ways by which it is possible to influence the performers using specific commensurate conditions. For example, the ratio of costs and results, that is, material incentives and penalties. The basis of this method is the salary, and the complement - bonuses or anticipated bonuses, which directly depend on the efforts and end results. The relationship between the results of the individual manager and the company as a whole is traced. These methods of managing the organization are very effective, because Rather flexibly affect people, affecting the immediate interests. Thus, influencing the personnel, the influence on the course of production is exercised. It turns out that workers stimulate the manifestation of initiative, the realization of creative, and with it, working potential, satisfying material needs. However, there is also a significant drawback, which consists in dissatisfaction with so-called non-material needs, which can also reduce motivation.

Administrative methods of managing an organization are a direct impact of a binding nature. For their implementation, managers are engaged in: organizational design, regulation, regulation. The basis is to establish binding rules that determine the order and discipline of employees in the organization, a kind of intra-firm standards. A powerful method of management aimed at solving a team of certain tasks. The main advantage is to ensure the will of management to achieve the goal, in addition, these methods do not require management of the organization of significant material costs. The disadvantages include the infringement of initiative and creativity.

Methods of managing the organization socio-psychological - are implemented through the influence of leadership on the social principles of the work of the team. With their help, the question of "staff turnover" is being solved. The basis is to improve and increase the level of competence of employees in particular and the team as a whole. To effectively achieve the goal, the leader raises the level of moral maturity of the team.

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