
Planting watermelons and melons: the secrets of growing them

Who has the desire to eat sweet and juicy melons and watermelons? These fruits will become even more delicious if they are grown with their own hands. But not all lovers, let alone beginners, can achieve glorious harvests. Often they are unhappy with damaged and thinned shoots. To avoid many mistakes, it is worth to listen to the advice of experienced farmers.

Secrets of cultivation of melons and melons : planting watermelons and melons

In Ukraine and southern Russia planting watermelons and melons usually begins by the end of April and ends by the first May decade. Usually by this time, dry winds start to blow, and the upper layers of the soil have already dried up well. Let's pay attention to the features of planting these crops. The most common and simple way is manual. This is a very interesting process.

Planting watermelons and melons

Before digging the hole, it is necessary to rake the upper dry layer of soil and deepen the blade of the sap under a certain angle in the moistened soil. The hole is made so that one of its edges goes deeper by 10 cm, and the second is on the same level with the soil surface. The bottom of the hole along the length should be no more than 30 cm, width - from 5 to 8 cm. From the excavated soil it is necessary to make a mound from the northern side of the hole and store it until the next weeding, in order to get a better warming of the soil.

A handful of complex fertilizers or mixed simple ones are poured into the prepared well. Fertilizers are mixed with the soil. After this, evenly, from the shallow to the deep edge, 7 to 10 seeds are placed, it is possible and more. Next, the seeds are covered with a layer of moistened soil (two or three centimeters) and stomped with a foot or tamped with the palm. Over six to seven centimeters of moistened soil are poured over the trampled layer, and after ground completely level. It should not be too tightly trampled, this will make germs more difficult. Planting watermelon in the open ground occurs by the same method.

Planting watermelons in the Urals

Such a seasonal culture as a watermelon is grown in different parts of Russia, and the Urals is no exception. It should pay attention to the fact that watermelons are very fond of heat and grow best in southern sunny places.

To begin with, we take into account the fact that not all grades are suitable for the Urals climate , but only those that are ripe, because there are not many warm days there, and hot even less. In such varieties as "Ogonek", "Sugar Toddler" and "Skorik", the maturation time is no more than 70 days. For such a time, even in the Urals climate, watermelons manage to grow and keep up.

Before planting the seeds must be warmed. Envelopes with seeds should be placed in a sufficiently warm place for up to a week. The most suitable period for disembarkation occurs in the last days of April.

Planting watermelons and melons best justifies themselves in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. The sequence is the same as under normal conditions. You should make holes and plant several seeds in each. Depth, on which the seeds are lowered - from 1 to 1.5 centimeters. After planting, the hole must be watered. As weeds appear, they should be removed.

Good harvest!

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