
Shamelessly - it's like? Meaning and synonyms

When someone pushes a person in public transport without any apology, he, in turn, asks a legitimate question: "And shamelessly - it's like? So, what did you do to me just now? ". Yes exactly. Today we will consider the meaning of the adverb and its synonyms.

Origin and meaning

The word "shamelessly" is a bizarre hybrid of French and Russian. "Pardon" is "forgiveness" in French, and "demon" is a prefix that, when attached to a word, adds value to the absence of any feature or quality. The reader can easily verify this by recalling the relevant examples. We will not dwell on this specifically. Therefore, the meaning of the adverb "shamelessly" can be easily interpreted as "doing something without any apologies".

The dictionary meaning is directly related to the adjective "dysfunctional". There are two meanings.

  1. So they say about a man who behaves in an extremely improper way.
  2. They also characterize an act or action that expresses utmost contempt for someone or anything.

People jostle in the subway or bus. Comrades climb without waiting to snatch a piece of meat fatter. In some cases, when a person is without invitation or without a gift for a holiday, he behaves shamelessly. Now, to consolidate the success of understanding, consider the options for replacing the word.


We do not know whether we will open America or not, but when the word "shamelessly" is used, this is a rather crude characteristic, so it often needs to be replaced. How can you smooth the corners when necessary? Synonyms of the word:

  • Unceremonious.
  • Tactless.
  • Unscrupulous.
  • Insolent, impudent.
  • Rude.

In order not to lack, we brought more synonyms than necessary, and only a few will be suitable for a tactful replacement of the word "bespardon". Should we say to the reader that adjectives turn into adverbs "with an easy gesture of the hand"? We think that even a schoolboy will cope with such a task, which, of course, studies well.

So, we now know the meaning, the origin of the word "shameless", synonyms for it are also attached.

Politeness is not only a form of socially approved hypocrisy

The title is not without reason so sharp. It is no exaggeration to say that such an opinion exists. He, for example, expressed the authors of the work "England and the British". The case concerned various kinds of social rituals and institutions adopted in English society. And the anthropologist agreed with critics, saying that politeness also has a protective function, as, for example, the law. But it seems that politeness is not only an empty form of social ritual that people must observe in order to live in peace and harmony. Politeness has also a grain of good, respect and even love for one's neighbor. In other words, when a person behaves shamelessly, it gives rise to a little more evil in the world and kills some more good. And make your own conclusions.

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