Self improvementPsychology

Self-concept of personality

There is a concept of "man" in psychology, the meaning of which is that a person is a living being, who has the ability to speak articulately, create something and use the results of his work. A person has consciousness, and consciousness directed towards himself is the self-concept of personality. It is a mobile system for evaluating in oneself its intellectual, physical and other qualities, that is, self-esteem under the influence of certain factors during life. The personality of a person is subject to internal fluctuations and affects all life manifestations from early childhood to extreme old age.

Today, the Rogers theory of personality is taken as the basis in the examination of the personality self-assessment system. The essence of this theory can be considered as a mechanism of consciousness, reflexively working under the influence of culture, one's own and others' behavior. That is, more simply, a person evaluates this or that situation, other people and themselves. Evaluation of himself encourages him to a certain behavior and forms the self-concept.

One of the central concepts in psychology is the self-concept of personality, although there is still no single terminology and definition. Sam Carl Ransom Rogers believed that his method is effective in dealing with a variety of psychotypes and is suitable for working with people of different cultures, professions, religions. Rogers formed his point of view on the basis of his own experience with his clients who have any emotional problems.

I-concept of personality is a kind of structure, the top of which is the Global Self , which represents a sense of continuity of self and awareness of one's own uniqueness. Parallel to the Global I is the Image of Self , which is divided into modalities:

  1. The real I is the realization by man of what it really is, that is, understanding its psychological features, status, role.
  2. Mirror Self is a person's realization of what others see him.
  3. The ideal self is a person's idea of what he would like to be.

Such a structure is applicable only in theory, in practice it is all much more complicated, because all components are intertwined. In fact, the self-concept of personality is a mobile self-adjustment system, which, in turn, has its own structure:

  1. Cognitive - cognitive processes of human consciousness.
  2. Affective - a short-term emotional process, which has an intense character and is manifested physically.
  3. Activity is any meaningful activity of a person.

Cognitive and affective attitudes absorb three modalities, such as realizing oneself, realizing oneself desirable and understanding oneself through the eyes of others, and each of these three modalities encompasses the mental, emotional, social, and physical components.

Development of the self-concept is developed on the basis of the personal characteristics of the individual, as well as under the influence of communication with other individuals. In fact, the I-concept plays a role in achieving internal coherence of the individual, interprets experience and is a factor of expectations. The functional of this structure is the self-consciousness of a person.

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