Self improvementPsychology

Psychological characteristics of man

The character of a person is formed from childhood and changes with age. The psychological characteristics of the individual depend on his Way of thinking, feelings and motivations, so Are closely related to social conditions and specific circumstances.

Personality characteristics that are repeated in typical situations are character traits. People differ among themselves by courage or cowardice in times of danger, closeness or sociability in relationships and the like. Scientists have developed many classifications that describe the psychological characteristics of the individual. The national school divides two directions of systematization of properties of character.

1. Mental processes form personality traits

The willed sphere is responsible for the level of persistence, determination, independence, organization, discipline, self-control.

Emotional internal processes make a person impressionable, responsive, inert, indifferent, quick-tempered and sharp.

The level of intellectual development determines intelligence, curiosity, resourcefulness, profundity.

2. The direction of personality forms character traits

In the system of character orientation, the category of properties is divided in relation to itself, to people, to the surrounding world and to activity.

For example, a person refers to the world around him, according to his own convictions or absolute unscrupulousness. At the core of the belief system is its own experience and upbringing.

Psychological features of character in relation to activities Are determined by vital goals. Character traits are manifested in priority interests. The instability of inclinations is visible against the background of the broken integrity of the individual and the lack of independence. On the contrary, people with constant attachments and interests are simultaneously characterized as single-minded and persistent.

Psychological characteristics of the character are different in two people with the same interests. After all, they can differ in their attitude towards themselves or others. Therefore, one is cheerful, and the other is sad, one is modest, and the other is obsessive, selfish or altruistic. Two persons with a coincidental orientation differently understand the ways of achieving the goal, choose different models of behavior, because they have different motivations. The need for success determines the psychological characteristics of actions aimed at either the desire to simply avoid failure, or to actively fight for victory. Therefore, someone takes the initiative, and someone deviates from the slightest responsibility.

In relation to people there is a lie or honesty, sociability, politeness, responsiveness.

Attitude to yourself is based on a healthy level of selfishness, while there may be an underestimated or inflated self-esteem.

Psychological features of perception

In man, visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, olfactory and taste receptors are developed to a varying degree , by means of which the process of perception is realized.

The perception of space is to determine the distance of the object from the observer, from the objects, its parameters and form. Visual analyzers, hearing, skin and motor receptors work. Perception of three-dimensional space provides a special organ for a person called the vestibular apparatus, it is located in the inner ear.

To perceive time a person has to use analyzers of internal organic sensations, except for auditory, visual and motor sensations. Some individuals wake up at the right time without an alarm. Such people are said to have developed a sense of time in the course of their lives.

Not all types of perception have been studied completely, scientists are actively exploring this area of the human psyche.

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