Self improvementPsychology

Dislike is an underdeveloped hatred

Dislike is an underdeveloped hatred . If hatred has a naked nerve, the antagonism of contradictions seethes and splashes out in opposition and struggle, then with dislike the temperature of the relationship does not reach boiling. Here, the "allergen" does not tolerate the spirit, it makes you sick, it's just not digested, does not want to see, it sits in the liver, they do not want to hear it, it has one headache, it is across the throat, it stifles offense from his tricks, from Conversation with him an unpleasant sludge, because of him a bouquet of illnesses and other troubles. However, before the direct collision it does not reach. In other words, dislike is an unfriendly, hostile attitude towards someone or something. It is worth "allergen" appear on the horizon, immediately turns on the button dislike. Why does this strong negative emotion turn on?

Dislike is an evil joke of the subconscious. This emotion is one of the most uncontrolled, flying out of their subconscious, like a devil out of a snuffbox. We see the world through the prism of our subconscious. In our internal computer are written programs and files, which we do not even suspect. When a look through this prism gives a signal about a sharp inconsistency of a person to our requirements, dislike arises. For example, you go to the elevator, and there is a decently dressed, handsome man, but you can write a poem about his sweat smell : his eyes are watering, like a week he was cleaning his onions. "What floor are you on?" - Smells from the mouth are killing on the spot. The subconscious mind, remembering how in the previous life was subjected to a gas attack under Ipom, gives an alarm: "Save yourself! Gases! "You jump out of the stunned view from the elevator on the nearest floor. The next time you meet this man you are guaranteed to give him an elevator.

Dislike, unlike hatred, is non-antagonistic in nature. What is characteristic, it can arise suddenly , as a reaction of the subconscious to the "allergen". This circumstance makes it difficult to control the hostility. But not everything is so hopeless. Knowing the reason for the appearance of dislike, it is possible to find an antidote against him.

It would seem that hostility appears as an automatic reaction of the subconscious mind to an irritant, as an unconditioned reflex to an "allergen". However, we do not dislike the iron, the electrical outlet or the boiling water, although everyone has a sad experience of wrong contact with them. Why do we include the mechanism of inexplicable hostility sometimes to an accidental person?

Any stranger is instantly scanned by our subconscious for discovering analogues in the past. If analogues of the past evoke positive emotions in us, we sympathize with it, although the person has not yet uttered a word. Well, when the analogue of the past "disappointed", if "his fingers lit up" in our file cabinet, the subconscious beats the alarm. Women, with respect to the scanning of others, are real masters. They are able to scan ten unfamiliar pairs in ten minutes and then accurately outline the nature of their relationship.

I remember the clip of Mikhail Shufutinsky's "The Night Guest". A ten-year-old boy is in love with a lone neighbor in a communal apartment. Trying to somehow arrange her own destiny, she meets with different men. The boy from the outside is jealous and jealous of the action. The image of the guests is forever imprinted in his subconscious. Being an adult, when meeting a similar person, his subconscious mind will instantly make a "fingerprint" of the appearance of the stranger and issue a verdict: "Bad!"

Evil jokes of the subconscious we can understand when the negative of the past situation is projected onto the "scapegoat". We were convicted as a child in an unseemly act, witnessed by our friend. After many years we met, but we do not experience joy, because the sediment remained. Approximately, as in an anecdote: "Rabinovich, you were visiting us yesterday?" - "Was!" - "So after your departure, silver spoons disappeared!" - "But I did not take them, I am a decent person!" - " But the spoons still disappeared! So do not come to visit us again! .. "Rabinovich, there were spoons!" - "So, can you come to visit?" - "No, there were spoons, but there was a sediment!" This sediment is like an evil joke Subconscious, will now project a dislike for Rabinovich.

Often, the reason for dislike is mirroring our negative qualities in a hostile person. We learn a particle of our negative self, it becomes unpleasant for us, dislike is born. Terry gossip, seeing in the case of his more talented rival, will feel dislike towards her. A tramp ham will react unkindly to his fellow man. A person with a painful pedantry refers to purity, but at every step he encounters "dirt". If you look into his soul, the next cleaning was at the time of King Pea. The "mud" of the world is only a reflection of its internal "dirt".

Therefore, if we have a dislike for our own reflection in the behavior of another person, we must change not reflection, but ourselves. For us, the rule is unconditional: we have the right to remain ourselves, others others. Let's say we celebrate greed and we do not like it. To curb the dislike of greedy people, we must not fight our greed, but try to become a kind person. When we make kindness by our dignity, greedy people will no longer cause dislike in us. We will look at their greed as a feature of behavior. A kind person, having met modern Plyushkin, Korobochek and Miserly knights, will only be surprised by the diversity of the world. "What a bizarre form of existence of matter," he exclaims. And no negative emotions. There is no reason for dislike.

Indeed, the world would be miserable if only our twins were in it. It never occurred to anyone to make a film in which all people would be the same. Where did not go, everywhere you are. I came home - I'm sitting there. Probably, such a film would be recognized as the best horror film of all time. Coming out of the cinema, you would be relieved to say: "It's great that we are all different! I now like all people, despite the appearance, smells and fancies of character. "

Dislike is afraid of laughter, like dirt bast. Funny is not dangerous. Draw the "allergen" in a hypertrophied, caricatured form. Try to make your drawing funny for you. Dislike will disappear. Or, on the contrary, mentally draw such a disgusting image of the "allergen" that his real incarnation will seem to you an angel.

In general, "eviction" of any negative emotion from the subconscious can be effectively carried out with the help of fear. The subconscious attentively listens to the horror stories. If we want to "evict" hostility from the subconscious, we must show the benefit of his absence and harm to our health from being present.

It's no secret that hostility is inherently an aggressive negative emotion aimed at the outside world. Reflecting, she brings such "gifts" as oncology, skin diseases, often psoriasis, alcoholism, drug addiction and stomach ulcer. Think about whether you need such "gifts"? The life of dislike does not spoil someone else, but you and only you.

I recommend taking a couple of positive statements and introducing them into your subconscious. "I decide that everyone has the right to be himself," "I decide that I'm interested in all people," "I decide that let all the flowers bloom."

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