
Why eyes are watering: negative factors provoking lachrymation

In healthy people, the tear is clear, 99% water and has a very weak alkaline reaction. Every day a person has 1 cubic meter. See a lacrimal fluid. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the eyeball. This fluid ensures the purity and smoothness of the cornea, moisturizes the very surface of the eye, cleans it of dirt and microbes. A tear contains a substance called lysozyme, which has a bactericidal effect.

There are people who have abundant lacrimation, this may be due to inflammatory processes, allergies, neuropsychiatric disorders and colds (acute respiratory disease, influenza, ARVI). Most people have slept eyes in windy weather and in bright light, but this is a normal reaction of the body. However, if the work of the tear duct is disrupted, the person's eyes are constantly on a "wet place".

Sometimes the cause can serve as a variety of diseases and eyeball injuries. Often in women of menopausal age, eyes are watered, this is due to insufficient secretion in the lacrimal glands. If the eyes are not moistened with tear fluid, the consequences are depressing: the probability of infection increases, because There is no mechanical removal of microbes and foreign particles from the eye, a constant dryness of the cornea will subsequently lead to a decrease in vision.

If the eyes are watering at any time of the day, this may indicate the development of a disease in the lacrimal system. When detecting severe lachrymation, especially in frost, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist.

At what eye diseases there is a lacrimation:

  • Dacryocystitis - symptoms: when pressing on the eye, purulent mucus is released from it, in addition, the patient notes a constant lacrimation. It is dangerous that, with the slightest damage to the cornea of the eye, the likelihood of a purulent ulcer is high, as a result, a thorny person or a person can completely lose sight.
  • Phlegmon is formed in the complication of chronic dacryocystitis, when pus passes to the fiber of the eye. In this case, the patient has swelling, high fever, redness, tenderness and denseness. As a result, the phlegmon bursts and a fistula appears in its place, through which pus constantly stands out.
  • Leaked eyes with acute and chronic conjunctivitis. Symptoms are pronounced: photophobia, pain, pus, rubbing, excessive lacrimation, rapid fatigue, heaviness.
  • The culprit of lacrimation can be entropion, and even nasal congestion. In this case, the person has watery eyes and runny nose.
  • Often intensified lacrimation arises against the background of some other diseases, and this in turn gives complications to the cornea of the eye.

For people wearing glasses or using lenses, copious lacrimation is sometimes associated with such factors as:

  • Incorrect diagnosis of visual acuity (additional clarification or correction is required from the oculist);
  • Inaccurately selected corrective agents that cause an allergic reaction;
  • Sensitivity of the cornea to lenses or cleansing preparations (change lenses or preparation for cleaning).

If lacrimation is associated with allergic origin, an integrated approach to this problem is needed to correct the situation:

  • To reveal the allergen;
  • To conduct detailed examinations, after which to be treated;
  • Include in the diet products rich in vitamins for the eyes, as well as strengthen the immune system;
  • In some cases, a change of job may be required (if this is due to harmful chemical agents).

If watery eyes can be tried folk remedies

Take the cumin fruit (10 g), boil them in 200 g of water for about half an hour. In an unbetted broth, put one teaspoonful each: the leaves of the plantain, the cornflower petals and the medicinal sphincter. Insist 12 hours, then boil again for 10 minutes and strain. Bury your eyes with this decoction.

For inflammatory eye diseases (for instillation and rinsing):

A decoction of leaves and birch buds helps a lot. It will take a teaspoon of dry buds or leaves - pour hot water and boil for about 15 minutes.

You can make compresses of juice and blueberries.

For washing and lotions use a honey solution (proportions: a teaspoon of honey and as much water).

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