News and Society, Environment
Sasovsky explosion: causes and consequences
Mysterious explosions in Sasovo, which occurred in the distant nineties, shook their power and consequences throughout Russia. This story, never found any logical explanation, gradually became overgrown with conjectures, rumors and put forward versions. Subsequently, she became a real legend of this small regional center in the Ryazan region. All locals to this day can not understand what caused the formation of such huge funnels. In turn, scientists put forward a number of hypotheses about this. Let's look at the most popular ones.
Surprise on the holiday of cosmonauts
At night, at 01:32, the first Sasovo explosion occurred. April 12, 1991 - this is the day when the inhabitants of a small town felt the full power of this anomalous phenomenon.
Before the explosion, people heard the strongest growing rumble. Then the earth trembled, and the high-rise buildings began to stagger, so furniture fell in the apartments, chandeliers flickered and glass flew out. The Sasovo explosion caused an incredible pressure drop, after which a lot of pipes with water burst under the ground. When the whole roar ceased, the people who were taken aback again heard a rumble, but only a distant one.
The Ryazan regional executive committee then stated that the Sasovo explosion on April 12, 1991 did not lead to too serious consequences, and there were no casualties among the local population.
Continuation of abnormal phenomena
A year later (May 28), at 2 am, near the first funnel, the second Sasovo explosion burst. This time the shock wave was much weaker, and the locals said that the sound was like a strong clap.
Scientists reunited and debates and discussions began. But this time also failed to establish which ball caused the explosion in Sasovo. Experts parted, so nothing decided. After that, a lot of well-founded versions were put forward, but which one is true, to this day remains a mystery.
Previous phenomena and consequences
The physics of the Sasovo explosion was studied by many leading scientists and researchers. In the process, it was found that four hours before, huge and glowing white balls appeared in the area where the incident occurred. This was seen by workers of the railway station and a large number of passengers. And 60 minutes before the Sasovo explosion, there was an incomprehensible and strange glow. Immediately before the shock wave, which spread throughout the district center and its suburbs, residents saw bright flashes of blue, thanks to which the whole sky lit up.
After all this on the morning of the twelfth of April a huge funnel was found in Sasovo. The consequences of the explosion were found by representatives of authorities in the armhole of the river, located eight hundred meters from the tank farm.
The pit was in the shape of a circle, having a diameter of thirty meters and a depth of more than four meters. At the very bottom of the funnel, in its central part, there was a distinctive hillock that could not be created with an artificial explosion, since it had concave slopes. This place was visited by the sanitary and epidemiological station, after which its conclusions stated that the radiation did not exceed the permissible norms here.
Around the place of the explosion at a distance of two hundred meters, large blocks of chernozem were found, which also had a regular shape. Four directions of their falling out, something reminding an incorrect cross were clearly fixed. And what is most surprising - next to the funnel, no vegetation was harmed. All this, on the whole, looked little like an ordinary explosion.
Testimony of eyewitnesses
It is interesting that when this happened, the rumble was not heard in all areas, and the locals told later that the glass had been knocked out in the houses in some definite order, that is, through one.
At the moment when the explosion occurred, in some places of this district center, the townspeople caught a sound that was somewhat remotely similar to the roar of a jet plane, accompanied by claps. Many daredevils went to the place where the funnel was formed, and they tried to find out what the secret of the explosion in Sasovo was. After that, they told that the pit was lit for two consecutive nights, and the one who descended on it, suffered severe headaches and even a loss of consciousness after such a study for several days.
Residents tried to photograph this phenomenon, but the pictures were covered with some highlights when they appeared. Such an incomprehensible attack on the city could not but draw public attention. Therefore, the secret of the explosion in Sasovo attracted to this locality of independent researchers from all corners of Russia. There are many opinions on this matter, but which one to believe - everyone will decide for himself.
Version about the projectile
According to the stories of many townspeople, one can understand that where the Sasovo explosion took place, during the Great Patriotic War there was a military airfield. Therefore, one can not exclude the fact that since those distant years, old bombs could have remained underground, one of which was precisely detonated that very night.
According to experts, if the rupture of the projectile took place at too deep a depth, then it is quite understandable that there are no fires and such a small mound in the center of the funnel. The buzz after detonation is an echo that has swept the whole district.
But such a version can not explain the appearance of a cruciform outburst of chernozem, as well as the absence of debris from a ruptured shell. Therefore, this hypothesis has no clear evidence in its favor and does not fit the description of the explosion in Sasovo.
Napter is to blame
As shown in the investigation reports, this incident happened near a pile of bags with this fertilizer, as well as with carbamide. The next morning, only the remains of the packages were found. In favor of this hypothesis speak testimony of eyewitnesses who claim that in the night after the explosion they saw in the light of the lantern an incomprehensible luminous cloud floating from the scene of the incident. It is possible that it could be evaporated saltpetre, and for some time near the funnel was felt some sour smell. If we assume that the bags with this fertilizer were dumped in a round heap, then this form of the pit can be explained.
But still such a version was refuted by many scientists, since in the explosion in this case there should be a high temperature, and no one found anything scorched by the remains. And as it was later revealed, saltpetre was not far from the scene, and not in its center.
Any inhabitant of this settlement is aware that a certain "corridor" is flying over the city for flights of military supersonic aircraft. At the moment when the plane is flying over Sasovo, the windows are shaking in the houses, and people can hear a sound resembling thunder.
That night of 1991, aircraft could fly too low, thereby causing a powerful vibration of all residential buildings. This explains then the broken windows and many destruction. The explosion itself could be the consequence of something that fell from the side of the aircraft, for example, a vacuum bomb. Then it is clear the origin of such a funnel with a mound in the center.
But this version was completely refuted by the Moscow military district, and besides, not a single fragment from the bomb was found. Undoubtedly, it is important that none of the residents saw a low-flying plane before the shock wave.
Natural phenomena
A number of witnesses who were at the time of the incident on the street, notes the fact that before the explosion they felt a strong push to the feet, and then they heard a powerful roar.
In this case, we can assume that this phenomenon is a consequence of the seismic shock wave. Therefore, there were fluctuations in high-rises, and glass was knocked out. The explosion itself could provoke a tectonic fault at great depth.
This version is most plausible, because before the explosion, dogs and cats behaved badly, and, as everyone knows, it is animals that first feel the approach of an earthquake. In addition, after this incident, a variety of anomalous phenomena, mostly of an atmospheric nature, were observed for a while.
Some are inclined to the version that the explosion was a consequence of visiting the UFO Sasovo. They rely on such facts as the fact that at the railway station after the explosion all telephone communication stopped, and the engine had decayed from the maneuverable diesel locomotive. And also it is considered inexplicable that the funnel for several nights in a row glowed with some incomprehensible light. If you believe the words of eyewitnesses, they saw several UFOs flying over the field, and then a powerful roar was heard on the same side. An interesting fact is that at the same time similar incidents occurred in Aleshino and Frolovsky.
In addition to these, another version was put forward, why the Sasovo explosion occurred. Hydrogen, according to some scientists, was the reason, or more precisely, a jet consisting of water and a given substance.
Every year many hypotheses are put forward, but the reason for such a mysterious attack on the city is not clear until now. If someone wants to see with his own eyes the crater created by the Sasovsky explosion, the coordinates of its location are as follows: 54 ° 19'54 "N, 41 ° 55'36" E.
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