HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hectic fever: symptoms, diseases, treatment

What is hectic fever? Is this pathological condition dangerous and how to treat it? These and other questions will be answered in the article submitted.

Basic information about the pathological symptom

What is the characteristic of a hectic type of fever? Until recently, such a pathological condition people were referred to as a disease characterized by a significant increase in body temperature. However, modern medicine classifies it not as a separate disease, but as a kind of reaction to various stimuli, which are certain pyrogenic substances.

Thus, it can be safely noted that hectic fever is a pathological process that aims to protect and adapt the body. At the same time, it should be specially noted that without the supervision of doctors this condition carries a rather serious threat to the life of the patient.

Origin and list of diseases

Hectic fever is typical for many ailments. Before listing them, it is necessary to reveal why such a state generally arises.

As is known, hyperthermia is a polyethological secondary state. The process of restructuring in the work of the center of thermoregulation begins with the activity of certain pyrogenic substances in the body. The latter are divided into exogenous, or infectious, and non-infectious, that is, endogenous.

So why develop a hectic fever?

At what diseases does it occur? This pathological condition can develop for 2 different reasons. Let's consider them right now:

  • Infectious process, manifested in the form of inflammatory diseases. These include tuberculosis, influenza, sepsis of blood, as well as internal organs.
  • Non-infectious origin. Such a condition can cause tissue necrosis, oncology, allergies, blood transfusion and internal hemorrhages.

Main symptoms

Heck fever can manifest itself in different ways. Its symptoms are divided into general and private. Since there are common signs of fever? For this state are characteristic:

  • Increased body temperature ;
  • Lowering of blood pressure;
  • Increased respiration and increased heart rate;
  • Development of migraine attacks, aching muscles and joints;
  • Drying of the oral mucosa, a constant sense of thirst;
  • Decreased daily diuresis ;
  • loss of appetite.

With regard to particular symptoms, they depend on the rate of increase in body temperature. For its gradual recovery is characteristic:

  • Moderate chills;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • A feeling of heat and stuffiness;
  • Increased sweating.

At the same time, the rapid growth of temperature is accompanied by the following signs:

  • Short-term and severe attacks of chills;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Feeling cold;
  • Cyanosis of the nail plates.

Features of fever and their types

As stated above, the debilitating type of febrile hectic is characteristic of tuberculosis, influenza, sepsis, tissue necrosis, oncology, allergies, blood transfusion and internal hemorrhages. However, it should be noted that in addition to this type, experts identify and other forms of fever (depending on what temperature differences are observed during the day). They include a constant, laxative, intermittent, wavy, perverse, recurrent and incorrect.

Of all the above, hectic fever is the most severe and life-threatening patient. This is due to the fact that it is characterized by sharp temperature jumps of three degrees or more.


In official medicine, in addition to the causes of fever, it is common to identify several more criteria that allow us to classify this pathological phenomenon.

With a total length of fourteen days, the body's response to certain diseases is called acute, up to one and a half months - subacute, and what is above is chronic.

According to the parameters of body temperature, within which it falls or increases, the fever is classified as follows:

  • From 41 ° C and above - excessive fever;
  • In the range 39-40.9 ° C - high;
  • Up to 38-38,9 ° C - febrile;
  • In the range 37-37,9 ° C - subfebrile.


Hemetic debilitating fever develops in many diseases. For their treatment, it is sufficient to accurately diagnose the pathological process and its origin. It should be especially noted that the symptoms of this phenomenon may be similar to other feverish conditions, as well as solar or thermal shock.

Thus, to diagnose debilitating fever and the disease that caused it, the patient takes urine and blood samples for a general analysis. In addition, they take pictures of the chest with an X-ray machine and conduct an ECG.

If these methods of research are not enough to make an accurate diagnosis, then resort to more complex methods. These include a computerized tomography or a biopsy of some body fluids and tissues.


According to the experts, therapy for hectic fever must fulfill two goals:

  • Maintain the normal operation of internal organs, including respiratory, excretory and cardiac;
  • To fight hyperthermia.

For such treatment, doctors use not only medicines, but also physical influence on the sick organism. The patient is released from all clothing and laid in bed, slightly lifting his head.

To cool the patient's body, compresses are applied to his wrists and forehead in the form of moistened bandages or ice packs. Also, the patient is wiped with a 3% vinegar solution. In addition, air conditioning or a fan can be used to blow a person's body.

In a hospital, the patient is treated with water enemas and gastric lavage. All infusion solutions intended for intravenous use are pre-cooled.

When hectic fever is very important to monitor the temperature of the patient's body, so it is measured every hour.

Of drugs, the patient is prescribed antiallergic and antipyretic agents in the form of intramuscular injections. These medications include "Ibrufen", as well as its analogs, acetylsalicylic acid and solutions of "Analgin" with "Suprastin" or "Dimedrolum".

With increased excitability, the patient is prescribed lytic mixtures or "Aminazine". In the event of cardiac arrest or respiratory failure, specialists carry out resuscitation measures.

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