Health, Diseases and Conditions
Symptoms of sinusitis in a child: how to detect the disease in time?
At the preschool age, a child very often suffers from colds that are easy to treat. However, if the runny nose worries him for a long time, his state of health worsens, it can be symptoms of sinusitis. The child has a lack of appetite, there are complaints of a headache. If you have these symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. When you make a diagnosis, your child will be provided with professional help.
What are the symptoms of sinusitis are observed
The main signs of sinusitis are:
- Headaches, as well as pain syndrome in the area of ENT organs. With a sharp slope, such feelings appear in the bridge of the nose.
- Ear aches, hearing impairment.
- Presence of a cold even after the treatment.
- Nasal congestion.
- Temperature increase.
- Difficulty breathing, snoring during sleep.
Course of the disease
If you ignore the primary focus of the disease or transfer the disease without the necessary treatment, the disease passes to another stage - chronic sinusitis. Symptoms and treatment of this form differ from acute. To prevent this condition, pay attention to the following factors that increase its probability:
1. Frequent disease with infectious inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis).
2. Multiple occurrence of a cold with an increase in body temperature.
3. Poor appetite.
4. Problems with sleep.
5. When waking up, swelling of the eyelids is observed.
Diagnosis of sinusitis
1. Diaphanoscopy. Noticing the symptoms of sinusitis in a child, the doctor recommends that you examine him for a complete picture of the disease. Research by an X-ray machine is harmful to children due to radiation, therefore, diaphanoscopy is most often prescribed-the introduction into the mouth of a special bulb that shows through the sinuses of the nose. This method is used to identify the focus of inflammation.
2. In case of serious complications, specialists recommend to be examined by the method of computed tomography, which allows to see a picture of inflammation.
3. Ultrasound also confirms the symptoms of sinusitis in a child, helps to correctly diagnose and track the dynamics of the disease during treatment.
4. Occasionally, an appointment is made using an MRI. But it is used in case of suspicion of the spread of inflammatory processes on the facial tissue.
Having found out the symptoms of sinusitis in a child, the doctor to whom you turned, prescribes a treatment scheme depending on the causes of the occurrence - it can be viruses and bacteria, and the presence of fungi, and allergic reactions, and even trauma. For less complex therapies, try to identify the disease at the very beginning of its manifestation. The doctor selects antibiotics and procedures that help get rid of pus, relieve swelling, strengthen the immune system. To avoid sinus puncture, do not delay the visit to a specialist if you notice symptoms of sinusitis in a child.
Of the popular methods of treatment of sinusitis, inhalations from potatoes, as well as with the addition of propolis, which is infused with alcohol, are very popular.
But do not forget about the dangerous complications of this disease, before such procedures still consult a doctor!
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